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TRUTH that I Samuel teaches ACTION that I Samuel invites
1. Instructions for growing in piety
As parents, we have much to see to in the destiny of our children. We must dedicate them to GOD's purpose and educate them to bear fruit in their Christian life.
Raise children to grow in holiness.

Understand that making a mistake can lead to great evils.

Dedicate your children to the LORD. Remember that they are the LORD's inheritance and gift.

2. Steps toward holiness
Holiness is saying, "No!" to the world and its temptations and "Yes!" to GOD.
Rest in the wisdom, strength and purity of GOD, and not in that of human beings.
3. Key lessons in faith
Faith is translated into obedience. That which we do puts our faith into manifestation. Faith isn't merely a declaration of principles, but determines action, produces obedience and, when it overcomes, produces fruits.
Hurry to do what GOD demands of you. Know that GOD only continues speaking to those who obey Him.

Understand that obeying half-way is the same as disobeying. Obey the LORD in everything and don't separate yourself from Him.

Don't substitute obedience to the Word of GOD with formal religiosity. Know that GOD repudiates disobedience and rebellion. Understand that hearing the Word of GOD and not practicing it (obeying it) is rejecting it.

Don't fear opposition, even when it seems strong and you can't rely on better support. Don't forget that GOD can use your limited resources, when they are accompanied by great faith, to overcome the obstacles that you face.

4. Keys for a wise life
Wisdom signifies, in great measure, understanding the principles through which GOD governs the universe. Acquiring wisdom is learning to thing like GOD, esteem the things that He loves and rejecting the things that He despises. Achieving wisdom is putting things into perspective that results in adopting GOD's values as our own and rejecting the values represented by the world.
Don't doubt that if you persist in living with GOD, or if you pray with wisdom, GOD can discipline you in ways that you don't expect.

Don't overestimate that magnitude of difficulties. Remember that GOD achieves great things with little resources.

Know that GOD looks at the heart, not at the exterior appearance. Don't judge based exclusively on what you see.

Don't despise the little opportunities. Understand that they prepare us for the great battles.

5. Keys for relating with those who have authority
Learning to relate appropriately with the authorities established by GOD is an important part of spiritual maturity. As our nature is sinful - rebelling against GOD - we don't automatically know how to relate appropriately with authority. It is something in which we must be educated and in which we need to be guided by the firm hand of the LORD.
Accept the authority designated by GOD, but don't honor it above Him or above His Word. Know that doing so is idolatry.

Practice loyalty to the leaders chosen by GOD in order to make their work more effective.

24:6-22; 26:9-25
Don't speak evil or conspire against the leaders ordained by GOD, even when you think they are mistaken. Leave judgment to the LORD and intercede for them. Each one of us must account to GOD for his own actions.

6. Lessons for leaders
Spiritual leadership differs radically from the ideas held by the world on how to lead others. Secular leaders must be conscious that they represent GOD in the functions that they fulfill, because He is the one who has invested them with authority. To honor GOD, his servants must be as faithful to the LORD as to their people.
Leaders, pray for those whom you direct. To not do so is to sin against GOD.

Leaders, don't act presumptuously. Obedience will strengthen authority.

Leaders, don't despise anything which the LORD puts before you. GOD is able to lift up even the smallest through his direction.

Leaders, honor all the ministries equally. Those who sustain others are equally important to GOD.

7. Steps toward confronting sin
Sin must be confronted or you run the risk of it making you fall.
Understand that GOD considers us responsible for those sins that we know and don't confront to the measure that we are able.
8. How to control the tongue
Controlling the tongue means that you must communicate to GOD what you mustn't say to other people.
Lift up your complaints only to the LORD. Remember that only GOD restores us.