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TRUTH that I Kings teaches ACTION that I Kings invites
1. Instructions for growing in piety
The pious person trusts in GOD to build his character, his faith and his integrity, and to reward those who are faithful.
Remember and fulfill the vows and promises that you make. Be assured that the LORD has heard you and will allow you to realize them.

Remember that the LORD makes those who walk in his ways prosper and guarantees their success.

2. Steps toward holiness
Holiness implies living apart from the world. To enter, even just a little, into worldly things, compromises us.
Avoid making even small concessions in holiness, purity and devotion. Understand that even the smallest deviations from what you know is correct can lead you into greater transgressions.
3. Steps toward cultivating humility
Humility doesn't allow us to promote or exalt ourselves, but makes us hope in the LORD. It consequently recognizes the hand of the LORD when no one perceives it, knowing that everything comes from Him.
Avoid promoting yourself. Rest in the LORD so that He will do so. Remember: He who exalts himself will be humbled (see Matt. 23:12).

Understand that your life is only a conduct or reflection of the life of GOD. Know that even the most extraordinary achievement will only be a small manifestation of the glory of GOD.

4. Keys for a wise life
GOD is the only source of true wisdom, and He promises to give it to anyone who asks for it. Wisdom begins with the fear of GOD and is manifested in love toward others.
Don't presume to know how to realize what GOD has called you to carry out. Cling to the LORD. Lean on His wisdom.

Decide to believe that GOD will give wisdom to all those who implore it (see James 1:5).

Don't doubt that only GOD knows the human heart; we aren't capable of it. Allow this to make you reverence the LORD.

5. Steps toward a dynamic devotion
Don't equivocate: GOD offers special recognition to those whose hearts belong completely to Him. Those who believe that occasional devotion will receive the same blessings as profound and permanent devotion are deceived.
Remember that GOD's promises are for those whose hearts are completely handed over to Him and who walk in his ways.
Examine yourself in search of any sin of indifference that you need to confess.

Be very careful that you don't allow those for whom you profess affection to separate you from the profound devotion that unites you to the LORD.

6. Lessons for leaders
The leaders of the church serve GOD on behalf of the believers, not the reverse. Confusion about this point has caused innumerable problems among GOD's people. Kings who seek to please people ahead of GOD open the door to sin and end up being rejected.What an important lesson in an age when popularity becomes an idol to such people! GOD's leaders have been called to be guided by his Word and to be careful when listening to the counsels of others.
Leaders, be wise and seek counsel from other mature and consecrated leaders. Avoid asking counsel from leaders who haven't yet been proved and have born little fruit.

12:28; 13:34; 22:14-28
Leaders, be faithful to the Word of GOD. That which you say may not always be popular, but must fit the highest standards of Scripture. Otherwise, your ministry will promote idolatry.

Leaders, follow those who have received GOD's approval and be guided strictly by his Word. Avoid adopting patterns of conduct that, even when they are successful in the world, contradict the Word of GOD.

7. Steps toward confronting sin
Deception begins when we forget that we are all inclined to sin.
Don't forget that there isn't anyone who hasn't sinned. Allow GOD to examine your heart every day to guard you from the sin whose presence you can't notice.
8. Key lessons in faith
Believe that where the LORD leads us He will look after us. Wherever he leads us, will find his provision. Faith doesn't allow the threat of privations to alter the future course determined by GOD.
Don't allow the worst danger to make you renounce GOD's direction in your life. Believe that the LORD knows how to care for his servants.