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TRUTH that II Kings teaches ACTION that II Kings invites
1. Steps toward holiness
Holiness among GOD's people honors the LORD. The absence of holiness dishonors him. Holiness has two equally important dimensions. We are separated from the world and set apart for GOD. In the same way that the LORD can't be glorified by those who don't completely belong to Him, neither can it be done by those who belong to the world. Therefore, we must live in the world, but not as if we belong to the world. We must take care that an ambiguous conception of standards of social conduct doesn't keep us from understanding the true nature of sin and lead us to fall into the arms of the world.
Don't seek repayment for your ministry in the world. Avoid that becoming an occasion for sin and judgment for you.

Know that true repentance implies pulling away from everything that separates you from GOD. Eliminate every trace of idolatry from your life.

Understand that GOD judges his people severely when they persist in following the ways and norms of the world. Reject all those aspects of your life in which the values of the world prevail.

Don't practice abortion! Reject and separate yourself from occultism!

2. Steps toward a dynamic devotion
Pay attention again to the recurrent theme of how GOD wants our hearts to be entirely dedicated to Him. Not even religious zeal, that isn't born from a devoted heart, pleases him.
Put all your zeal in the things of GOD. Dedicate your life to the LORD and his purposes.
3. Key lessons in faith
Faith is, in essence, receiving the Word of GOD with the highest value. GOD has unlimited resources to help those who trust in Him and obey him. Fearing that we won't have enough in times of need insults the GOD who has revealed himself as "Jehovah-jireh", the LORD our provider.
Believe that GOD is able to supply your needs, even when you don't know how he will do it. Know that GOD promises to sustain his children in famine. This applies to the spiritual also; that spiritual resources that GOD places at your disposal are unlimited, even in times of moral crisis.

Believe that you will always receive the resources necessary to do GOD's will.

4. Keys for a wise life
The LORD, who is our wisdom and offers it to those who trust in Him, will lovingly guide us in his ways. He who is wise will never separate himself from the wisdom of GOD.
Know the source of all deception that you receive or offer to others. Examine all doctrine in light of the Word of GOD.

Follow the LORD and He will give you the spiritual victory.

5. Keys for relating with those who have authority
Establishing correct relations with those to whom GOD has delegated authority is one of the keys for spiritual advancement.
Be faithful to all those whom the LORD places in your care. Understand that the LORD will reward you for your faithfulness.

Avoid laughing at or criticizing those whom GOD has chosen for leadership and the ministry.

6. Lessons for leaders
GOD holds the leaders whom he has raised up among his people in highest esteem and wants their ministry to be fruitful. Effective leadership flows from those whom GOD has anointed. This also applies to those who serve under their direction. Leaders shouldn't take credit for what GOD has done through their ministry.
Leaders, trust that GOD has reserved greater blessings in your ministry. Don't be satisfied with mediocre results.

Leaders, trust the Holy Spirit to work in those who minister alongside you.

Leaders, reject praise and honor GOD for the fruits of your ministry. Teach those who serve at your side to do the same.