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We are interested in your opinion on Earth's origins. Please take our poll and let us know your beliefs.

The different theories are explained below.

     There are several theories out there of the origins of the universe and the beginnings of life on earth. These theories range in timespan from several billion years to six thousand years. We present the following so that you will have an understanding of the different views and can decide for yourself. There are several very good websites out there, more than any of us have time to fully explore. We give you the best of the sites that we’ve found so far, and don’t necessarily endorse any particular one. Please, if you have the time, visit some of these because there is a great deal of debate going on about this subject, and there only way to make a fully informed decision is to understand the point of view of each group.


There is so much emotion involved with these issues, but regardless of your beliefs, it’s important to understand this theory in order to understand those who oppose it.

Evolutionists believe that the universe began several billion years ago when a pinpoint singularity (an infinitesimally small black hole) exploded outward with all the mass needed to form the countless stars in the universe. About 6 billion years ago, our solar system was formed.

Life began on this planet with blue-green algae and became more complex until modern life as we know it evolved.

The following sites are written in layman’s terms and easily understood:

'Talk Origins' gives a basic explanation of Evolutionary Theory.

'Evolution: Theory and Science' gives a basic understanding of Evolutionary Theory and how it affects different scientific disciplines.

'Cosmic Journeys' is NASA’s site, which is mostly concerned with cosmological beginnings.

INTELLIGENT DESIGN (Creation through Evolution)

This view incorporates scientific and biblical views. It attempts to bridge the gap between two diametrically opposed beliefs, stating that God created the universe and the life in it through evolution. William A. Dembski in “The Intelligent Design Movement” states, “Intelligent Design begins with the observation that intelligent causes can do things which undirected natural causes cannot. Undirected natural causes can place scrabble pieces on a board, but cannot arrange the pieces as meaningful words or sentences. To obtain a meaningful arrangement requires an intelligent cause.” Visit his website

Another easily understood site is 'The Idea Club' This is a forum for people of all views to meet, discuss, and debate this subject.

The coolest site that we’ve found is 'The Creationist Zone'


The Gap Theory is another attempt to blend standard scientific thought with the book of Genesis in the Bible. It states that there was an unknown period of time between, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.” Gen.1:1 and verse two, which actually says, “and the earth became without form and void.” This gap in time could encompass years of the rise and fall of numerous species, including the dinosaurs.

We were surprised that we couldn’t find many websites supporting this view. If you find others, please E-mail them to us

The most easily understand site on the Gap Theory that we found is 'Christian Geology Ministry'


Creationism believes in a very young earth and universe, which were created within a six-day period. Every animal that ever existed on earth was created at this time. Please visit these sites, even if you don’t agree with these people. I used to think they were all idiots until I read “Answers in Genesis” by Ken Hamm, which was intelligently written. I may not agree with everything found on these sites, but they are presented so that scientists and laymen can understand and enjoy them. Much of the science presented is revolutionary, but the history of science has been full of radicals who were later proven to be correct. An open mind is imperative in order for scientific knowledge to progress.

'Answers in Genesis' is a great site for the layman. It is easily understood, even for children.

'Reasons to Believe' and “Wonders of Science” are also easy to understand.

For those who want a meatier site with more scientific content, our favorite site is 'Center for Scientific Creation' This site gives us access to a complete book on the subject and is continually being updated.

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