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TRUTH that Lamentations teaches ACTION that Lamentations invites
1. Steps toward knowing GOD and his ways
Lamentations emphasizes the faithfulness and equity of GOD's judgment. No judgment, punishment or reprimand is due to divine caprice. They are always fruit of GOD's righteous response to sin and rebellion. GOD loves us and allows calamity only as a final resort to restore justice.
Remember that the LORD is always just in his judgments. Know that judgment is a consequence of sin and rebellion.

Remember that the LORD is always faithful to his Word. Hope in the LORD and await the daily expressions of his mercy.

Take confidence in the fact that judgment is often followed by compassion and restoration because of the love of GOD. Understand that GOD doesn't utilize judgment as a disciplinary means with pleasure, although it is sometimes necessary.

2. Instructions for growing in piety
The believer responds to divine judgment with prayer and intercession, recognizing that only the repentant of his people can bring healing to the nation (see II Chron. 7:14).
Allow imminent judgment to lead you to intercede for GOD's people. Implore GOD to pour out his spirit of repentance and to show mercy.

Seek the LORD, and expect Him to bring good things to you. Wait tranquilly on the LORD, so that he may show you his salvation in difficult times.

3. A key path to dynamic devotion
People often wait too long to develop good devotional habits. It's vitally important that we prepare our youth in seeking GOD.
Remember that it's never too early to begin to grow spiritually. Encourage youths to seriously and fruitfully seek GOD. Challenge and inspire those who would otherwise leave the pursuit of holiness for later.
4. Keys for a wise life
The wise person doesn't complain about adversity, knowing that it can contribute to our holiness. He responds according to the Word of GOD and repenting, when it's necessary, will bring restoration.
Don't complain about adversity in your life. Accept GOD's discipline as an expression of his love, to help us renounce rebellion and disobedience.
5. Lessons for leaders
The greatest (or older) prophets attributed much of the responsibility for the sins of Israel and Judah on their leaders: priests, prophets and kings. This should serve as a warning to those who lead the Church of GOD today. When GOD's people are judged because of the sins of their leaders, this causes distrust of even the legitimate leadership, and the faithful leaders often lost the influence that they have acquired.
Leaders, remember that when you don't confront sin, GOD considers you responsible for the judgment that inevitably comes.

Leaders, walk in obedience, remembering that your sins can cause the fall of GOD's people, bringing judgment upon a group of churches or an association of churches.