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TRUTH that Hosea teaches ACTION that Hosea invites
1. Steps toward knowing GOD
Hosea, perhaps more than any other prophet, reveals GOD's loving heart to us. GOD desires to bless, not punish his people. The LORD gives great importance to his relations with us.
Remember that GOD's heart wants the complete restoration of his people. Understand that the LORD calls us to insist on knowing him better so that we can receive his blessings.

Don't forget that GOD values our relationship with Him more than the services that we can offer him.

2. Instructions for growing in piety
Paul captured the essence of piety when he wrote, "Be, therefore, imitators of GOD like beloved children" (Eph. 5:1). Just as GOD called on Hosea to reflect in his life the unequaled and eternal love that He feels for his people, asking him to marry an unfaithful woman, he calls us today to give testimony of his Word and character with our way of living.
Remember that a person's life is the most powerful sermon that he can preach. Understand that GOD calls us to give testimony of his Word with our lives.

Know that Hosea made a representation of the forgiveness that GOD gives his people out of love. Imitate GOD's mercy toward his people by forgiving others.

Call on the LORD and implore that it will be His hands that chooses the leadership of the church.

Be prudent, wise and just. Choose the follow the ways of the LORD.

3. Steps toward holiness
Holiness demands nothing less of us than giving ourselves totally to GOD and depending on His provision.
Depend on the LORD in all things. Reject the deceptive fruit of evil, and the lie of the self-sufficiency of our own efforts and wisdom.
4. Keys for a wise life
The pursuit of spiritual knowledge and understanding should occupy a top place in our priorities.
Remember that that which you ignore can do you harm.
Persevere in the pursuit of true spiritual knowledge. Don't relegate the Word of GOD to a secondary place.

Persevere and value spiritual understanding. Seek to cling to it. Remember that comprehension will save you from spiritual ruin.

5. Steps toward confronting sin
Don't allow any place for sin in your life. An empty heart is fertile ground for sin to grow. Decisively and promptly confront sin each time that you stumble on it. Don't allow yourself to be dragged down by those who say that GOD doesn't demand obedience. He protects those who obey his Word and rewards them for their conduct.
Remember that GOD sometimes permits calamity to affect people so that they will sincerely seek Him. Admit your guilt for your sins quickly. Don't deny that you are a sinner. Confess them, repent and be restored by GOD.

Put this in your heart: GOD rejects those who continually disobey him.

Beware of hardheartedness. Seek the established remedy for a neglectful spiritual life. Believe that the LORD will honor and visit those who seek Him wholeheartedly.