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Visual Studio is Shit

Visual Studio .NET is SHIT ! - Visual Studio .NET is slow, sluggish and unresponsive. It routinely disappears for 2 to 20 seconds at a time. This typically happens when editing or debugging. - Visual Studio .NET has set a new low for Microsoft for buggy code. This is saying something. I dont know about you, but when I debug, I want to debug my code, not the development tools. Visual Studio .NET has caused us to spend hours tracking down problems in the IDE (the compiler is okay). The last time we spent so much time debugging our development tools was when we were trying to get Visual Source Safe going (also buggy as all shit - but at least we know about the bugs now). As a professional software engineer who uses a compiler all day every day, I want features, but above all I want a tool which is fast and responsive, and which at the very least can keep up with the speed I can type. Visual Studio .NET is not such a tool. If you primarily use C++, take my recommendation and use VC6.

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