Medical Pharmacology Topics   

Cardiac Electrophysiology

The key electrophysiologic properties of cardiac tissue are automaticity, excitability, refractoriness and conduction. Antiarrhythmic drugs may act by altrering any of these properties.

Automaticity is the ability to generate action potentials sontaneously. Cardiac cells that are normally automatic include the sinuatrial (SA) node cells (80-120 beats/min), atrioventricular (AV) node cells (40-60 beats/min), and Purkinje fibers (20-40 beats/min). In a normal heart, SA node cells beat faster than other automatic cells, therefore they will initiate the action potential that propagates throughout the myocardium with each beat. When the SA node cells are damage and can no longer achive the initial action potential, the AV node can initiate the action potential.

Excitability is the ability to respond to stimulus by generating an action potential. Each cell has a threshold potential, and stmuli below the threshold will be insufficient to trigger the action potential.

Refractoriness refers to a period following initiation of the action potential during which the cell is unable to generate another action potential in response to a threshold stimulus. Refractoriness is due to the temporary inactivation of voltage-gated channels.

Conduction is the spread of cardiac impulses from cell to cell. Speed and efficiency of conduction is directly related to the initial phase of the action potential (phase 0). The faster the rate of increase (Vmax), the more rapidly the cell will reach threshold. Conversely, depresion of the rate of increase will lead to slower conduction, and in extreme cases conduction block. Since Vmax is a function of the available fast Na channels, a Na channel locker will slow conduction.

Arhythmias are abnormalities in the rate, regularity or site of origin of the cardiac impulse, or in the conduction of thet impulse such that the nermal sequence of activation of the atria and ventricles is altered. They are caused by conditions like acute myocardial ischemia, infarction, cardiomyopathy, congenital or vascular heart isease, electrolyte imbalance, hypoxia, trauma, septicemia or drugs.

The physiological mechanisms that lead to arhythmias can be categorized as either abnormalities of impulse formation or abnormalities of impulse conduction.

Resting Potential

The resting membrane potential of cardiac cells is a consequence of the distribution an selective permeability of the three main ions: K, Na and Ca.

The equilibrium potential for an ion represents the membrane potential at which no net movement ofthe ion occurs, i.e. the diffusional forces pushing the ion in one direction are offset by the electrical potential. SInce we already know the resting membrane potential is mostly determined by the K equilibrium potential, we can use the Nerst equation to determine the resting potential of most cardiac cells, which have a cytoplasmic K concentration of 140 mM and 4 mM outside:

EK+   =   RT  ln [K]o   =   -61.5  log 140   =   -95 mV
              zF      [K]i                            4

It is important to note that, since [K] is the determinant factor in the membrane potential of cardiac cells, changes in extracellular [K] ( [K]o) can profoundly influence cardiac function. An increase in [K]o will hyperpolarize the cell, while a decrease in [K]o will depolarize the cell.

Different types of cardiac cells will exhibit either fast response action potentials or slow response action potentials. Fast action potentials more closely resemble the conditions just described above regarding the contributions of K, Na and Ca to the resting membrane potential, while conditions in cells with slow response action potentials are somewhat different.

Fast Action Potentials and Contractility

Fast response action potentials are normal in atrial muscle, ventricular muscle and Purkinje fibers. All of these have a resting membrane potential around -90 mV. Purkinje fibers are responsible for conducting the action potential from the rigth atrium down to the ventricles.

resting potential resting potential threshold depolarization Na+ influx Ca2+ influx and small K+ outflow K+ outflow The fast response action potential occurs in 5 phases (pass mouse over the different colors in figure to see labels):

During phases 1-2 no stimulus will evoke an action potential. This is known as the absolute refractory period. During phase 3, a stimulus can evoke an action potential, although a stronger stimulus is required than at the resting membrane potential, and the action potential is abnormal. This is known as the relative refractory period.

The fast response action potential is responsible for muscle contraction. The electrial activity leads to the mechanical response after a short lag time. As [Ca] increases, Ca binds troponin, allowing actin and myosin filaments to slide pass one another and develp tension (contraction).

Slow Action Potentials and Automaticity

Slow action potentials are normal in he sinoatrial (SA) node and the atrioventricular (V) node. Normally, cardiac excitation beguins automatically in the SA node, located in the right atrial wall. Each action potential propagates from the SA node through both atria via gap junctions, including the AV node. After reaching the AV node, the action potential is propagated to the ventricles through Purkinje fibers. SA node and AV node cells have normal resting potentials around -65 mV.

Ca2+ influx K+ outflow slow Na+ and Ca2+ influx slow Na+ and Ca2+ influx The slow response action potential occurs in three phases (analogous to some of the phases of the fast action potential):

In addition to nodal cells, Purkinje fibers also exhibit spontaneous depolarization during phase 4, also known as diastolic depolarization. Therefore there are two different mechanisms for diastolic depolarization. In nodal "slow response" tissue, diastolic depolariation is due to decreased K conductance (eflux) at the same time there is an increase in
Na and Ca conductance (influx). In "fast response" Purkinje cells, diastolic depoolarization is due to a decrease in K conductance at the same time there is an increase in Na conductance.

Abnormalities of Impulse Formation

Abnormalities of impulse formation may be due to alteration of automaticity (enhanced or depressed), development of abnormal automaticity (ectopic pacemakers), or triggere activity (early or delayed after-depolarizations). Automaticity can be modulated by changing one of three factors:

Abnormal automaticity develops when damage or ischemic myocardioal cells, which are not usually automaticv, become depolarized and develop automaticity. Since more of the fast Na channels are inactivated as the resting potential becomes more depolarized, the appearance and character of the resulting action potential becomes like that of a slow action potential.

Early after-depolarizations (EAD) are interruptions of phase 3 repolarization (relative refractory period) that may appear when the cardiac action potential is markedly prolonged (?). The EAD may then trigger one or more bizarre action potentials whose exact origin is not clear. This type of triggered activity is most commenly seen under conditions of very slow heart rate, low extracellular K+ and treatment with drugs (often anti-arhythmics) that prolong the duration of the action potential.

EADs are throught to be responsible for Torsade de Pointe, an arhythmia caused by many antiarythmic drugs. Torsade de Pointe is usually self-limiting, resulting in brief runs of ventricular tachycardia (and syncope) that spontaneously revert to sinus rhythm. However, in some cases may progress to ventricular fibrilation.

Delayed after-depolarizations (DAD) ae oscillations in ionic conductance and membrane potential that occur shortly after return to resting membrane potential following a cardiac action potential. They may be sufficient to bring the cell to threshold and trigger an action potential, or a succession of action potentials. DADs are sometims seen under conditions of intracellular Ca overload in sick or damaged cardiac tisue, or in normal myocardium exposed to drugs like digitalis, or under high sympathetic tone, particularly when heart rate is very high.

Abnormalities of Impulse conduction

Abnormalities of impulse conduction may be due to conduction delay or block, or to reentry. The same factors that provide for physiological slowing of the cardiac impulse in the AV node makes it a common site for pathological delay or complete block of the cardiac impulse. Slowed down conduction - and in extreme cases unidirectional or bidirectional block - is commonly seen in sick or damaged myocardium.

Reentry refers to a case where a single cardiac impulse reenters a portion of the myocardium that the impulse has already passed through and exited at least once. This is thought to require unidirectional block and slowed conduction through a portion of the normal conduction path for the cardiac impulse. Under normal conditions, an impulse that spreads in two or more directions will eventually encounter itself or another impulse traveling towards it. Then the two impulses will cancel each other and allow a refractory period for the tissue to repolarize and start over. If there is a block impeading the passage of the initial impulse in one direction but not the others, the impulse will propagate only in one direction and eventually travel back to the place it was initiated, without being cancelled by another impulse branch. This condition is known as reentry because the tissue where the impulse already passed had time to repolarize and as the impulse reenters the same tissue it will continue uninpeeded.

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