Biological Chemistry Quizzes  

Glycolysis - Glucose to Fructose Quiz 1

1- What is false about hexokinase
phosphorylates glucose
transfers a terminal phosphoryl group from ATP  
catalyses the formation of fructose 6-phosphate
catalyses an irreversible reaction

2- What is false about glucose 6-phospate isomerase?
converts an aldose into a ketose
has a Km of about 1x10-6 to 1x10-4
catalyses a reversible reaction
yields fructose 6-phosphate

3- Has a Km of about 1x10-2 for binding glucose.
Hexokinase I
Hexokinase II
Glucose 6-phosphate isomerase

4- Identify this molecule

glucose 6-phosphate
fructose 6-phosphate

5- Consumes glucose MOSTLY for energy
both liver and muscle
neither liver nor muscle

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1- What is false about hexokinase
Answer:  catalyses the formation of fructose 6-phosphate

2- What is false about glucose 6-phospate isomerase?
Answer:  has a Km of about 1x10-6 to 1x10-4

3- Has a Km of about 1x10-2 for binding glucose.
Answer:  Glucokinase

4- Identify this molecule

Answer:  glucose 6-phosphate

5- Consumes glucose MOSTLY for energy
Answer:  muscle