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and start KICKIN'

. Welcome | Benefits of TaeKwonDo | Types of Classes | Class Schedule | TaeKwonDo History | ITA History
Tenets of TaeKwonDo | Belt/Rank System | Partners in Learning | Our Instructors | Contact Us

Welcome to Charles Newton's TaeKwonDo Plus
9577 Two Notch Road, Columbia, SC 29223

We are a proud member school of the
International TaeKwonDo Alliance.

The International Taekwondo Alliance, is an international organization that certifies instructors and establishes guidelines for Taekwondo member centers in instructor standards/certification, teaching curriculum, and event services.

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art practiced around the world. You can read more about Taekwondo here. We offer a flexible schedule with afternoon classes as well as evening ones. You can attend as many classes per week as you like. Don't be concerned if you are out of shape or think the techniques look too difficult. You will be in a class with other beginners just like yourself! Children and adults are in separate classes.

Beginning students are not placed in a contact situation for several months, until they possess the control and knowledge necessary to avoid injuries.

Taekwondo Plus offers a challenging, disciplined atmosphere. Each new accomplishment will give you a sense of pride and build your self confidence.

WARNING: DO NOT try any TaeKwonDo techniques, or any other martial arts, you see on this Web site without proper taining and instruction. Doing so could cause serious injury.


. Welcome | Benefits of TaeKwonDo | Types of Classes | Class Schedule | TaeKwonDo History | ITA History
Tenets of TaeKwonDo | Belt/Rank System | Partners in Learning | Our Instructors | Contact Us

TaeKwonDo Develops: Self Esteem, Character, Artistic Skill, Self Defense, Positive Work and Academic Values, and Educational Attitude

Dispelling myths and misunderstandings is generally the right place to begin when you first start inquiring about the Martial Arts.

TaeKwonDo Plus teaches what is called "TaeKwonDo", or more popularly "Super Karate". While we can't comment on other martial arts, we can give you an in depth look at TaeKwonDo.

Translated, TaeKwonDo means "Art of the hand and foot" and originally comes from Korea, TaeKwonDo is the world's largest martial art and has roots based on techniques tested for thousands of years. TaeKwondo Plus offers classes geared toward adults, juniors, and children.

How Can Someone Benefit From TaeKwonDo Training?

TaeKwonDo is unique in athletics, not just in being a "self defense" form, but because it is a Total Learning style activity. To get a better idea of what we mean by Total Learning activity, let's compare baseball and TaeKwonDo.

While baseball is known for developing competitiveness, most beginning programs must by necessity assume the new players already possess the basic physical skills for the game. The ability to run, throw a ball, and other simple, hand-eye coordination skills are taken for granted, Many people however, are underdeveloped in these skills, which prevents them from really taking part in the game and they end up as "bench warmers". Only the "naturals" end up receiving the full enjoyment of the sport.

You learn by practicing the basic skills that are the foundation of the sport. These skills, which help build coordination and balance, let the you become active in the sport as you progress, instead of just sitting on the bench. These fundamentals are the building blocks of all athletic skills and allow everyone to progress, no matter what abilities he/she first brings to class.

Self Discipline and Self Confidence

When you first visit TaeKwonDoPlus, much of what you see may be new to you. One of the more subtle things you'll notice is the air of dignity and discipline in a class.

These traditions are not only a part of the history of TaeKwonDo, but also help to make it a special activity that retains its excitement for years. The bowing you see in class, for example, may not have much meaning on its own, but this traditional Oriental greeting adds a very special air of dignity.

The discipline you see in our class often turns into self discipline outside of the class. Usually, when children first start TaeKwonDo, it's the parents who love the discipline and the child who is drawn to the fun and challenge of the art.

Later, after one has acquired respect for others - and most importantly, him/herself they will develop a sense of personal commitment. This commitment and discipline can often reflect in the things they do in their everyday life. A lot of parents, for example, notice subtle changes in their children's school work and in their self control and patience with other children.

Another benefit associated with our style of training is improved self confidence. Anyone can do TaeKwonDo - all various levels of proficiency - and everyone can progress and feel a sense of accomplishment. This allows a person to gain confidence in his/her own abilities, while learning to deal effectively with peers and others.

Learning the Techniques

TaeKwonDo incorporates a variety of self defense techniques such as kicking, blocking, striking and punching. Many of the techniques, such as the spinning and jumping kicks, have no counterpart in other martial arts and are unique to TaeKwonDo. After watching a class, it's easy to see why TaeKwonDo is often referred to as the most athletic of the martial arts.

Athletic ability increases the longer a person takes lessons. As it does, the person's overall coordination continues to grow as does the ability to defend him/herself. What begins as an odd assortment of uncoordinated movements, soon turns into a knowledge of self defense that can last a lifetime.

Getting Started

New beginners are starting everyday. Each new student starts slowly and progresses at his own rate of speed. Most people should begin by attending twice a week. Each class lasts about an hour.

Don't be concerned if you are a little nervous or think the techniques look too difficult: you will be in class with other beginners just like yourself. The instructor will do everything possible to make sure this nervousness disappears as quickly as possible. Thanks again for your interest and we hope you decide to make TaeKwonDo Plus a part of your learning and recreational activities.



. Welcome | Benefits of TaeKwonDo | Types of Classes | Class Schedule | TaeKwonDo History | ITA History
Tenets of TaeKwonDo | Belt/Rank System | Partners in Learning | Our Instructors | Contact Us

Types of Classes

Karate Cubs

This is a FUN-FILLED course for girls and boys, ages 4 to 6 years old... Introducing the benefits of TaeKwonDo! Children will develop discipline, fitness, motor skills, balance, social skills and have a GREAT time as they learn the basics of our proven Martial Arts curriculum.

The ITA TaeKwonDo Plus® pre-junior Karate Cubs® Program is designed for children who are four to six years old, intended to be introductory and preparatory for children in this age group who are not yet capable of developing the abilities, social skills and emotional maturity to be successful in a regular junior TaeKwonDo class but desire to be involved in TaeKwonDo Plus®; therefore, the ITA TaeKwonDo Plus® Karate Cubs® program has been developed.

The main emphasis of instruction in the Karate Cubs® program is to provide the Physical maturation, Coordination, Mental readiness, Attention span, Social skills, Safety awareness, Self-awareness, Self-concept and Self-discipline to the point that they meet the requirements for graduation into the regular Junior TaeKwonDo Plus® Program.


At TaeKwonDo Plus, We Specialize In Teaching Children! A TaeKwonDo Plus class offers children an excellent opportunity to learn effective self-defense skills and learn important basic life skills such as courtesy, integrity, perseverance and other positive traits that they will need to develop in order to be effective and successful as adults in the future.

Our classes are taught in a very safe, professional manner by instructors who not only know the art of TaeKwonDo, but who also know how to motivate children of all ages. Motivation is positive and upbeat and the children soon realize that by paying attention, trying hard, and focusing of the drills given by the instructor, they can be very successful in TaeKwonDo. This type of training can also have a tremendous impact on the child’s ability to excel in other areas of interest. School work, abilities in sports, and skills at interacting with other children are just some of the areas that can be positively impacted by participation in the structured program provided by TaeKwonDo Plus.

In our junior classes, the children will learn effective self defense skills that will enable them to defend themselves against a full grown attacker. But more important, they will learn how to prevent themselves from being in an assault situation to begin with. Other drills and exercises will develop their coordination and balance with the left and right sides of the body. By teaching the students how to set goals and how to achieve them as well, they will develop an "I can do it" attitude. With repetition, this will improve their self esteem. But most of all, the classes are FUN!


If you have always wanted the confidence to defend yourself in a bad situation, here is your chance. In addition to learning a highly formidable means of self-defense, you will also get yourself in incredible physical shape. You will improve your strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination all in a fun and exciting format designed just for adult students of TaeKwonDo with no little kids in class with you.

Adults are divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced classes so no matter what shape you are in now, we have a class that you will feel comfortable in. As a means of achieving total physical fitness, controlling weight, or just adding an exciting new dimension to your life, training at TaeKwonDo plus can give you a safe, professional environment for achieving your goals.


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Tenets of TaeKwonDo | Belt/Rank System | Partners in Learning | Our Instructors | Contact Us

Class Schedule

5:00 Jr.
6:00 Jr.
7:00 Mixed Adults
12:00 Mixed Adults
5:00 Jr. Red/
6:00 Jr. Green/
7:00 Super Juniors
8:00 Mixed Adults
5:00 Jr. White/
6:00 Jr. Red/
7:00 Super Juniors
8:00 White -
12:00 Mixed
5:00 Jr. Green/
6:00 Jr. Red/
7:00 Super Juniors
8:00 Green and
5:00 Jr. Red/
6:00 Jr.
7:00 Jr.
9 am Jr. White/
10 am Jr. Purple/
11 am Super Jrs./
Mixed Adults
12 pm Super

PERSONAL TRAINING. Cross training and individual sessions are encouraged.
Students must test to earn new rank. Testings are held the first or second saturday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
TESTING CYCLE There are six 8 week training cycles each year. Students are required to meet minimum class attendance guidelines to be eligible to test. Class totals start over at the beginning of each cycle. No rank skips are allowed. Minimum class attendance does not guarantee advancement. These are minimums. Ideal attendance is 3 times weekly resulting in 24 classes per cycle. Refer to your Student Manual for further details. Attendance should be at least 2 classes per week.
EARLY/LATE TESTINGS. Late testings are only for White belt through Senior Blue belt students that have "pre-registered" and missed the formal testing for unforeseen emergency. Refer to your Student Manual for further details.
ONE-ON-ONE PRIVATE LESSONS. Schedule a technique tune-up or catch-up session with your instructor today.


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The History of TaeKwonDo

TaeKwonDo is an unequalled method of self defense. The techniques of TaeKwonDo have evolved for centuries in order to reach their present development that will generate greater speed and power than the original technique.

Approximately 1,300 years ago, during the 6th century A.D., the Korean peninsula was divided into three kingdoms: Silla, Koguryo and Baek Je. Silla, the smallest of these three kingdoms, was constantly under invasion and harassment by its two more powerful northern and western neighbors. During the reign of Chin Heung, twenty-fourth king of Silla, the young aristocrats and warrior class formed an elite officer corps called Hwa Rang-Do. This warrior corps, in addition to the ordinary training in spear, bow, sword and hook, also trained themselves by practicing mental and physical discipline, in various forms of hand and foot fighting (Soo Bak and Tae Kyon). To harden their bodies, they climbed rugged mountains, swam the turbulent rivers in the coldest months, and drove themselves unmercifully to prepare for the task of defending their homeland.

To guide themselves and give purpose to their knighthood, they incorporated a five point code of conduct set forth by their countries greatest monk and scholar, Wan Kany: 1) be loyal to your king; 2) be obedient to your parents; 3) be honorable to your friends; 4) never retreat in battle; and 5) make a just kill. The Hwa Rang-Do became known for their courage and skill in battle, gaining respect from even their bitterest foes. The strength derived from their observance of their code and enabled them to attain feats of valor that became legendary. Many of these brave, young warriors died on fields of battle in the threshold of their youth. Through their feats, they inspired the people of Silla to rise and unite, and from their victories, the Korean Peninsula became united for the first time in history.

During the period of Hwa Rang-Do, the original primitive art of foot fighting called Soo Bak was popular among the common people. The warriors of Hwa Rang-Do added a new dimension to this national art of foot fighting by gearing it to a combative art and infusing the principles of the Hwa Rang-Do. The new mental concept, as well as physical, elevated foot fighting to an art and became Soo Bak-Gi. The Koguryo dynasty marked a flowering of the martial arts. But during the civil enlightenment, the following dynasties acquired an anti-military posture, and anything military was debased. By the end of the Yi dynasty, the martial arts appeared to have ceased existing. The final blow came with the Japanese occupation (1909-1945) when it was forbidden to practice any of the martial arts. Tae Kyon was secretly practiced and passed on to a handful of students.

With the liberation of Korea in 1945, the new Republic of Korea Armed Forces was organized. At this time, Choi Hi, an officer in this army, began teaching his martial art to some of his soldiers, and within a few years it became one of the cornerstones of training. In April 1955, TaeKwonDo was chosen as the new name of the national martial art by a board of instructors, historians and other prominent persons. The name was selected for its apt description of the art: Tae (foot), Kwon (fist), Do (art). Not only did this new name bear a close similarity to the ancient name of Tae Kyon, but the name gave a new sense of nationalism to the art.

After 1,300 years, a Korean martial art has reached full maturity, and has spread from a small band of aristocratic warriors to practitioners in more than sixty countries with millions of students. The combination of the old classical techniques and new modifications has resulted in a form of self-defense and mental conditioning unrivaled in the modern world.


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The History of the International TaeKwonDo Alliance (ITA)

The ancient art of TaeKwonDo continues to evolve, taking on the identity, values and images of its present-day guardians, the Senior Executive Directors and Founders of the United States TaeKwonDo Alliance and the International TaeKwonDo Alliance. Mr. Craig Kollars and Mr. Bert Kollars are brothers who were raised on a Nebraska farm and began their TaeKwonDo training in Nebraska along with Mr. Don Swift, a medical doctor, who also grew up in Nebraska. Mr. Art Monroe and Mr. Rick Hoadley trained together in TaeKwonDo in Michigan. They are all proud of the working class values their backgrounds provided.

In 1983, after many years of training and teaching TaeKwonDo and managing their centers within another organization, these friends took on the challenge of creating a new alliance. They had been preparing for the responsibilities of this leadership for years. In recognizing that some would steer the art in a way it was never intended to go, they resolved to promote TaeKwonDo as the calm and centered artistic experience it is rather than the hard, intense style some perceived it to be. The hardness and intensity exists only in the mind of the practitioner exposed to improper training and philosophy.

The ITA today has many leaders of diverse backgrounds, but all share a common belief and objective. Enjoy and protect this art with every breath, and use it only for the betterment of mankind and understand that as artists and humans we will eventually have to ask ourselves how we each made the world a better place. This collectively held belief will ensure the survival of ITA TaeKwonDo and the goodness of humanity.


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The Tenets of TaeKwonDo

The seven Tenets are the guiding principles of TaeKwoDo. A practitioner of TaeKwonDo will live his or her life according to the following tenets, which are recited at the beginning of every class.

Honor is nobility of mind and maintenance of one's personal dignity in the face of adversity. Honor is the gift you give yourself.

Courtesy is thoughtfulness and consideration of others, humility, civility and politeness.

Integrity is the uncompromising adherence to a code of moral values and principles. It requires soundness of ethical strength.

Perseverance is steadfast pursuit of one's goals. It's the quality of never giving up in the face of a challenge.

Self-control is the restraint of one's emotions and reactions. Control comes from within rather than from outside forces.

Courage is the spirit that enables one to face danger with self-possession, confidence and resolution. Courage consists of a reserve of moral strength on which one may draw in time of emergency. A courageous person will not tolerate injustice.

Community is the responsibility to contribute to society regardless of one's position in life. Civic accountability requires us to do our share and to be part of the solution of society's problems.


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Belt/Rank System

Students advance from one belt rank to another by successfully passing an ITA promotional testing. Testing is held only at the end of each 8-9 week testing cycle. Students eligible for testing will perform their TaeKwonDo skills at a formal testing in front of a panel of ITA certified instructors. If the student passes their testing, they will move on to the next belt rank and start learning new, challenging techniques.

Chon-Ji * 14 moves

Signifies innocence, as that of a beginning student who has no previous knowledge of TaeKwonDo.

Dan-Gun * 21 moves

Signifies Earth, from which a plant sprouts and takes root as TaeKwonDo foundation is being laid.

Do-San * 24 moves

Signifies the plant's growth as the TaeKwonDo skill begins to develop.

Won-Hyo * 28 moves

Signifies the water which nourishes the plant as it grows, as knowledge of TKD nourishes technical and artistic development.

Hwa-Rang * 29 moves

Signifies the Heaven towards which the plant matures into a towering tree as training in TaeKwonDo progresses.

Choong-Moo * 30 moves

Signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away.

Gwang-Gae * 39 moves

Opposite of white, therefore, signifying the maturity and proficiency in TaeKwonDo. Black also indicates the wearer's imperviousness to darkness and fear.

*** There are 15 levels of the Black Belt not listed to reach the 9th Degree.


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Partner's In Learning

We encourage our students to live by out Tenets - Honor, Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control, Courage, and Community. We also encourage them to set goals to do their best in all areas of their lives. TaeKwonDo Plus students earn the right to wear one, two or three stars on their belts by exercising academic effort and living up to the Tenets of TaeKwonDo while in the classroom. Students are evaluated by their teachers after each of our eight week training cycles. Academic effort is measured by how hard the student tries, not results only.

TaeKwonDo develops SELF ESTEEM -

Dr. William C. Martin, professor of education, University of West Florida conducted a study in 1991 involving 150 Taekwondo students from over 25 schools from across the United States. The study proved that in ITA Taekwondo programs students increased their feelings about themselves (self esteem) and reduced fear of failing after applying effort. Dr. Martin’s study proved Taekwondo develops self esteem and social competency. NO OTHER MARTIAL ARTS PROGRAM CAN BOAST THIS! Other studies have proven that self esteem is a trait that will help a child improve their academic performance and grades.


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Our School's Instructors

All classes are taught by Certified Instructors. A Certified Instructor has not only trained for a number of years as a martial artist, but also as an educator. A Certified Instructor Knows how to teach and motivate students of all ages and abilities using ITA documented teaching curriculum.

Primary Instructors

Mr. Charles Newton is a 5th Degree Black Belt and an ITA Certified Insutructor. He has been training in the art of TaeKwonDo for over 21 years. His instructor is Mr. Bert Kollars, 7th Degree TaeKwonDo Master and founder of the ITA. Mrs. Melissa Newton is a 3rd Degree Black Belt. She has been training in the art of TaeKwonDo for nearly 13 years. Mrs. Newton is part owner of Newton's TaeKwonDo Plus and is also and ITA internationally certified instructor.

Secondary instructors

Mr. Michael Martin is a 3rd Degree Black Belt and a ITA Certified Insutructor. He has been studying TaeKwonDo for 8 years under Mr. Newton. Mr. Martin is a graduate of Spring Valley High School and is currently attending college here in Columbia. Mr. Stephen Martin is a 3rd Degree Black Belt and Mr. Michael Martin's younger brother. He has been training in TaeKwonDo for 8 years. Mr. Martin is currently a senior at Spring Valley High School.
Mr. Michael Bradshaw is a Senior 2nd Degree Black Belt. He started his training in Chattanooga, TN, under one of the Masters of the ITA. He transferred here to Columbia, SC, and has been trianing at our school for over 5 years. He is a professional in his line of work and Mr. Bradshaw is an ITA internationally certified instructor.

Instructor Trainees

The Instructor Trainee Program exists for those who have attained Black Belt and shows the interest and desire to become a ITA Certified Instructor in the future. Trainee Instructors wear a red band around their uniform collar after they have passed a rigorous testing for the priveledge. The following list are those who have worked hard to earn this title:

Ms. Alex Apple, Senior 1st Degree Black Belt
Mr. Damon Breckenridge, 3rd Degree Black Belt
Mr. Sherman Cannon, Senior 2nd Degree Black Belt
Mr. William Dantzler, Senior 2nd Degree Black Belt
Mr. Tyler Gahrs, Senior 1st Degree Black Belt
Mr. Coby Jennings, Probationary 2nd Degree Black Belt
Ms. Sarah Grigsby, Decided 2nd Degree Black Belt
Mr. Joshua Henderson, Decided 2nd Degree Black Belt
Mr. Rickey Hudson, Senior 1st Degree Black Belt
Mr. Terrian Marley, Senior 1st Degree Black Belt
Mr. Eric Mayshack, Probationary Second Degree Black Belt
Mr. Daniel Prigge, Senior 2nd Degree Black Belt
Mr. David Prigge, Senior 2nd Degree Black Belt
Ms. Krista Scott, Senior 2nd Degree Black Belt
Mr. Aaron Seiple, Senior 2nd Degree Black Belt


. Welcome | Benefits of TaeKwonDo | Types of Classes | Class Schedule | TaeKwonDo History | ITA History
Tenets of TaeKwonDo | Belt/Rank System | Partners in Learning | Our Instructors | Contact Us

Contact Us

We are located at the Sesqui Center off Two Notch Road across the street from Sesquicentennial State Park.

9557 Two Notch Road
Columbia, SC 29223
Telephone: (803)865-9603


Copyright 2001, Charles Newton's TaeKwonDo Plus. All rights reserved.
ITA and the ITA Logo are registered trademarks of the International TaeKwonDo Alliance.
Site designed and maintained by Eric Henderson.