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   this is another way of  transportation., and it also costs more

than a subway. Most of the people that ride in cabs are the ones that are always on the go like

stock brokers and lawyers, and sometimes doctors. it is a good way of transportation






   New York's subways are crowded with people every day. All sorts of people ride the subway kids, men, women, and even business men. Most of the time it is just normal people. Most of the time there is millions of people riding in to a subway in day. Some people ride into midnight hours. some people basically live on the subway, because they have to get to one side of town quickly and often.


walking & biking

most people in new York walk a lot and they ride their bikes they see that as a way of transportation .

because a lot of people consider walking and biking especially in central park. they try to get away from the city life sometimes.