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Important Fact:
Did you know that King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella are cousins?Click here to find out more!



Process Paper


Auto De Fe
People Involved
Torture & Torture Instruments
Reasons of Persecution


Pictures & Maps

Spanish Inquisition Poll
What do you think is the worst torture?
Burned alive
Skinned Alive
Turtle-smashed by water jugs
Venetian-An oral, rectal & vaginal pear shoved into...
Hanged or put in cages
the Rack
Garroting Chair
They all sound horrible!

Current results
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Welcome to the Spanish Inquisition. This website will explain the whole story behind this topic and may disgust you from the tortures to its reasons why it persecuted so many people!Including a whole entire overview of its history, the people involved, and so much more.


January 16, 2003
4:53 PM
All sections are up.

January 15, 2003
7:03 PM

New sections added:Process Paper & Bibliography. Those sections are up.

January 12,2003
9:45 AM

Quotes, Pictures & Maps, Trivia, History of S.I., People Involved, Auto de Fe, and Reasons of Persecution sections are up!

December 26,2002
10:34 PM

I have to update this website again, due to the fact that Mr. Carlson doesn't think our previous layout wasn't up to standards. Hopefully, all is well in the future.


This just in,(don't worry, I won't leave you choking), new information about the Spanish Inquisition has just been uncovered. Did you know that the 1st Inquisitor General, Thomas de Torquemada, supported the establishment of the Spanish Inquisition for religious and personal reasons, including his hatred of his own Jewish background?Wow! I had no idea that he was Jewish himself! Now that's interesting information.

The Most Important Information on this website

The timeline would have to be the most important information on the Spanish Inquisition to date. You will get to know what events started the Spanish Inquisition, to the end of its major rein in Spanish history!If you want to know what came before or after what, check it out by clicking here
Major Highlights of the Spanish Inquisition

Auto De Fe
The Auto De Fe, wasn't just a hell-like, firey, death, but also, an event spectated by people near and far. It's basic purpose was to strike fear into the hearts of the civilians that watched it. None the less, special preparation went into this event, from planning it ahead of time to seats. To learn more, click here

People Involved
King Ferdinand wasn't just the only one that was involved in this whole organization. It took sometime to convince him in re-booting the old Spanish Inquisition. Do you want to know who it was that convinced him? YOU WILL BE SHOCKED!Click here to find out more.

Tortures are the foundation of the Spanish Inquisition. Without them, what would be so interesting about it?The tortures that were used on the so called "heretics" were gruesome, disgusting and in-human. How would you feel if you were skinned alive? Click here to find out more!