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Welcome to A Web Quest Developed By Geraldine E. Solano
6th Grade Life Science MS 206B CSD 10

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | My Portfolio









This web quest is designed to help you learn about the kingdoms of life. All living things are grouped according to  their characteristics, and adaptation to the environment. You will be given 5 tasks to complete including vocabulary building, research on the Internet to find information about the five kingdoms of life, completing a concept map, complete a characteristics table, and a writing assignment.

By the end of this web quest you will have a better understanding of how different organisms are grouped based on their physical characteristics and what role they play here on Earth. This web quest will prepare you for future studies about interaction among living things as part of the 6th grade science curriculum. If you do not understand any part, please ask me for help. I will be happy to assist you.


Have fun!

Ms. Solano

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Your task is to follow the directions in the process section of this web quest to guide you to different sites on the Internet. On these pages you will find information that will help you answer questions and the five kingdoms table. Next, you will draw and label an example organism from each kingdom. You will then learn to use the scanner to add the drawing to the document.


Citing is a must!

When we use information another person has written or researched, we must give them credit for their work. This is called citing. Add citations to the bottom of your documents if you use anyone's information in your report

Follow this format:

Citing online information
Author of document (if known), title of document, name of organization that posted document, place where organization is located, date given on document, and online address or mailing address where document is available.


Author: Jane Doe

Title of Document: Kingdoms of Life

Name of Organization: The School of Science

Place located: NYC, NY

Address: http//: www.

123 Anywhere Street
New York, NY, 10011 
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Part 1

While you are reading about the five kingdoms of life you will come across some words you might not recognize. In order to fully comprehend the reading and be able to understand the organization of living things, we need to develop our vocabulary. Go to the  vocabulary words list page and when the FILE DOWNLOAD dialogue box opens, choose SAVE FILE and save the document to your folder. Please add your name to the end of the document name that shows in the save dialogue box. Open the document by locating it inside your folder and then double clicking on it.   Complete the vocabulary list by using the online Biotech science dictionary . After you are done, check spelling and save. Please DO NOT save as.  


Part 2

Go to the Brain Pop data collection sheet and when the FILE DOWNLOAD dialogue box opens, choose SAVE FILE and save the document to your folder. Please add your name to the end of the document name that shows in the save dialogue box. Open the document by locating it inside your folder and then double clicking on it. Go to the Brain Pop: 5 Kingdoms Movie (click school access, then click play movie) to answer the questions on the Brain Pop data collection sheet. Watch and listen to the movie  to answer questions about the characteristics of each kingdom. Fill in the data sheet as you discover the answers to the questions. You should use the movie controls to rewind, fast forward or pause the movie in order to listen for the answers to the the questions as many times as necessary.

*Note* Once the movie is loaded do not leave the web page because you cannot view the movie many times if you are not a paid subscriber. So, once you get the movie going, do not close the window or hit the refresh button.


Part 3

Go to the Five Kingdoms Characteristics Chart and when the FILE DOWNLOAD dialogue box opens, choose SAVE FILE and save the document to your folder. Please add your name to the end of the document name that shows in the save dialogue box. Open the document by locating it inside your folder and then double clicking on it. Fill in the information by using The Five Kingdoms of Life web page. Use the   image search (click on the IMAGE tab once you get to Google) to find images of the Five Kingdoms. Paste an image example next to each kingdom in the image column. When searching for an image simply type in the name of the kingdom and click "Google search".


Part 4

Go to the concept map and when the FILE DOWNLOAD dialogue box opens, choose SAVE FILE and save the document to your folder. Please add your name to the end of the document name that shows in the save dialogue box. Open the document by locating it inside your folder and then double clicking on it. Use text boxes to fill in the ovals and boxes with the proper information located on this page. You will notice that each oval has two boxes connected to it. In these boxes you are to name two examples of each kingdom.


Part 5

Writing about the 5 kingdoms.

Use this link to gather information about the 5 kingdoms. In Microsoft Word write a summary for each kingdom that describes the cellular organization (single celled or multi cellular), the cell structure, how food is obtained, method of movement (if any), method of reproduction, function in and importance to the environment, and examples. Save the document to your folder as (your name) Kingdoms Description. Remember to run spell check and proof read your document.

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Use the rubric below to evaluate yourself on how well you followed instructions:

Possible Points
  • Did you successfully save the vocabulary document to your folder?
  • Were you able to open the document up in MS Word?
  • Did you successfully find all of the definitions using the online science dictionary?
  • Did you type the definitions into the Word document?
  • Did you run spell check?



20 (5 pts each question)

Brain Pop Movie
  • Did locate the movie successfully?
  • Did you use the controls to view the movie?
  • Did you save the data sheet to your folder?
  • Did you find all of the answers to the questions on the data sheet?
  • Did you add answers to the data sheet and save successfully?

20 (5 pts each question)


Characteristics Chart
  • Did you locate the characteristics web page successfully?
  • Did you save the characteristics table to your folder successfully?
  • Did you search for images on Google?
  • Did you copy paste an image example of each organism into the table?
  • Did you add missing information to the table and save successfully?

20 (5 pts each question)


Concept Map
  • Did you locate the concept map successfully?
  • Did you save the concept map to your folder successfully?
  • Did you fill the parts of the concept map correctly using text boxes in MS Word?
  • Did you use the Internet link to help you with the answers?
  • Did you spell check and save the file to your folder?

20 (5 pts each question)


Writing About the 5 Kingdoms
  • Did you use the Internet link to guide your writing?
  • Did you use complete sentences?
  • Did you proof read your document? Is information clear to the reader?
  • Did you run spell check?
  • Did you name and save your document to your folder?

20 (5 pts each question)


Total Possible Points



Total Points you earned


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Congratulations on completing the Quest for the Five Kingdoms of Life! Look at all you have learned by completing this project. You have met several of NYC Standards for your grade level in Science, Language Arts, and technology.

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E1 Reading

E1c Read and comprehend informational materials.
E1d Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of public documents.
E1e Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of functional documents.

E2 Writing

E2a Produce a report of information

E3 Conventions, Grammar, and Usage of the English Language

E3a Demonstrate an understanding of the rules of the English language in written and oral work.
E3b Analyze and subsequently revise work to improve its clarity and effectiveness.

S2 Life Sciences Concepts

S2a Demonstrates understanding of structure and function in living systems.
S2b Demonstrates understanding of reproduction and heredity and the role of genes and environment on trait expression.
S2c Demonstrates understanding of regulation and behavior and response to environmental stimuli.
S2d Demonstrates understanding of populations and ecosystems and the effects of resources and energy transfer on populations.
S2e Demonstrates understanding of evolution, diversity, and adaptation of organisms.
S4 Scientific Connections and Applications
S4a Demonstrates understanding of big ideas and unifying concepts.
S5 Scientific Thinking
S5b Uses concepts from Science Standards 1 to 4 to explain a variety of observations and phenomena.
S5c Uses evidence from reliable sources to develop descriptions, explanations, and models.
S5e Identifies problems; proposes and implements solutions; and evaluates the accuracy,design, and outcomes of investigations.
S5f Works individually and in teams to collect and share information and ideas.

S6 Scientific Tools and Technologies

S6b Records and stores data using a variety of formats.
S6d Acquires information from multiple sources.

S7 Scientific Communication

S7a Represents data and results in multiple ways.
S7d Explains a scientific concept or procedure to other students.
S7e Communicates in a form suited to the purpose and the audience.
S8 Scientific Investigation
S8d Demonstrates scientific competence by completing secondary research.
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T2. know and use technical vocabulary.
T4. be able to manipulate file basics.
T5. use essential computer devices
T6. behave responsibly when using computers.
T7. Use ageappropriate digital resources
T9. Use word processing

T13. Use the Internet

T10. Create products

T15. Understand and practice responsible use of information.

T14. select appropriate technologies for a specific situation.

T16. create and implement assessment components (rubrics)