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Never used this site so I think ill put some videos up on it instead.


Here are some videos of mine taken with my digital camera for you to download. Little description to say what the video is. Usual ‘save target as’ to download them and all are .mov so need Quicktime.


All the videos are now working.



Craigie Hill 12th December 2005

Videos from Craigie Hill which are of Perth in the late afternoon with some nice sun over the town. Most show from Kinnoull round to Crieff Road / Muirton area.


:: Video of Perth from the start of Craigie Hill.                                        2.15mb

:: Video of Perth from the start of Craigie Hill at full zoom over town.       2.99mb

:: Video of Perth from the top of Craigie Hill just before sunset.                4.01mb

:: Video of Perth from the top of Craigie Hill just before sunset.                4.98mb


South Inch 14th December 2005

:: Video of the South Inch boating pond and park.                                    2.9mb



More videos will come up on this page soon when I take more and upload them. Anyway enjoy!


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