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Happy Birthday Sir Shep

Happy Birthday Sir Shep! My World!

I hope this day is a great day for you

You deserve all the happiness life can bring you

I love you more than life Sir!

kisses and tight neverending hugssss

your whisper

Happy Birthday old man! Hope all your wishes come true!

Thanks for everything... including being my sorta like dad!*smiles*

Love ya, Beth (whispers daughter)

On your 42nd birthday....

The Eagles will still suck!

Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday Jim!

Hope your body parts don't fall apart as quickly

as other old people's do. *laffing*

Christi (whispers daughter)

Happy B-day

Happy B-day

Happy B-day to Sir Dood

Happy B-day to You

is this a nother day older or um a year younger Sir Dood

hahaha remember to sharpen those Toolz in ya Shed

Love ya Sir Dood and Happy Birthday forrealz

hope its fun for you remember to save me cake kk


one step closer to that social security check and miedic aid huh bro?

Happpy Birthday Bro

Sis HQ & Bro HD

Sir Shep

Would like to take a min to let you know just how important you are to others and myself

You pretty much have given me a reason to stay in chat

with letting me do your shop and paint there as well

Has truly been a blessing

and you been a realy good friend as well

please always rember that and keep your toolz in your shed


Sir Shep, excuse my voice but I am going to sing you a song.... (don't laugh)

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Sir Shep,

Happy Birthday to you.... and many mooooreeeeee....

tun tun

(see that wasn't that bad) smiles

I hope you have a wonderful day!

You have made my best friend a happy woman

and for that only you will have a very special place in my heart,

that is without me mentioning your beautiful heart,

which I know you have.

God Bless you today and always, and remember....

On this, your special day....

don't do anything I wouldn't do.... smiles

Bless you Sir Shep


Best wishes from your friends,

Tim (More.Trouble) and Agnes (Trouble)

This is to wish you the best of happiness and love.....

from your sis kay....


Wishing you a Birthday Greeting that has all of your dreams come true.

Hugz Kimmy

Happy Birthday Jim!

You deserve the best ever, cuz you are the one that is making my sis so happy.

gigantic great hugzzzzzzzzz to you!

lotsa luv n stuff MJ

Happy Birthday Jim!

Love, Mom (whispers mom)