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To my friends and those who wonder…

Hi I’m whisper. I am Sir Sheps’ lady and proud to say that I am!

I am taking the time to let you know about us and our D/s lifestyle.

I have been in chat for 5 years at least and I have met many different kinds of people with different lifestyles and beliefs.

We all have our own ideas and rules to what we will or not do.

Some of us totally close our minds to change of any kind or people who aren’t just like us.

I am not just speaking of others, I am speaking of myself as well.

I use to be one of those people. And I will admit there are some things I just simply think are stupid,

but I have learned that just because it is not my idea of what I think is right, doesn’t make it wrong.

I have learned to accept others as who they are and not what I think they should be.

Ever seen people slander beliefs that they only knew a little about?

And the very thing they put down is something they do themselves.

Well I know someone who did that …ME!

I use to say no way in hell would I call any man “Sir”.

Or let any man think he gets to help make decisions on how I do or say things.

Many of my friends told me I was very submissive and I rebelled and said, “ no I am not”.

Some of the very people who say they are not for the D/s lifestyle are more domineering than many Dom’s I know and just as submissive if not more, as I am.

Also, some of the Dom’s I know demanded respect but at the same time mess around on the very person they claimed to love so much.

The reason I know this to be true is because it was I whom they tried to mess around with.

Which was one of the reasons I was one of those people who labeled D/s as bad.

Well one day I met someone that changed everything I thought of D/s to a more positive way of thinking.

That’s my Sir Shep.

Let me tell you about him (smiles) He is my most favorite subject.

Possibly cause I am so madly inlove with him, but also because he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

We aren’t just an Internet couple, but we are together offline as well.

Sir Shep has drove to see me several times and spent 24 hours with me every day he was here.

We talk on the phone several times a day and tuck each other in at night before we close our eyes to meet each other in our dreams.

I don’t just dream of us, as forever, it’s a plan.

He isn’t just a VP mate, but he is my very best friend, my number one fan, my cheerleader, my supporter, my counselor,

that is only naming a few things he is to me.

He is simply MY WORLD!

If any one knows Sir Shep they know he stands behind respect.

He believes in giving respect gladly when it is given to him.

He doesn’t look for people outside of the lifestyle to call him “Sir”, nor does he expect it,

but is honored when it happens.

I am sure if the writers of dictionaries knew my Sir,

his picture would be beside the word as the example of a respectful person.

Don’t misunderstand, he is very human and he does make mistakes.

He does yell sometime and uses swear words when I push those buttons that only his “whisper” manages to find.(giggles)

The same man that gets those buttons pushed is the same man that if I needed him to drive 600 miles to me, he would.

He is the same man that I have his phone number to call him at anytime I need him.

He is the same man that not only does he tell me he loves me every day, but he shows me in all he says and does.

He is the man that makes every effort to show my girls he loves them too and they are learning to return it as well.

Sir Shep doesn’t have rules to follow, but he strongly requests a few things.

Foremost RESPECT for others as well as for myself.

I have been asked not to wear avatars showing nipples and ass.

Which was easy for me because I don’t wear them anyway, except in private when I am in his presence.

And I am to address other Dom’s in the lifestyle “Sir”.

Now after you have read the beginning of this, you know that was very hard for me.

I struggle with that so much, because some Dom’s to me just did not deserve the honor I gave my very on Sir.

When Sir Shep realized how hard it was for me, he was willing to leave D/s for me.

In his willingness to leave it for me, made me want to try harder.

His words were “ I don’t want to lose you”

It wasn’t the lifestyle he loved, it was me!

Believe it or not, I have grown to love being in the D/s lifestyle.

It is US. Sir Shep and me.

Every couple in D/s are different, we decide what works best for us, not anyone else.

I look at my Sir for strength and he gives it to me.

He has more power to help me believe in myself than anyone I know, because he believes in me.

He can calm me or excite me with his unique way of reaching out to me from his heart with words.

He’ll stand by me and protect me to others,

and he is the same man that will correct me in private if I disrespect him or myself in anyway.

Some people think I have degraded myself.

Well if you think accepting a man’s love so much

that you are willing to give yourself totally to him in anyway you can that don’t cause you any pain and only joy and love.

Then be my guest in your thinking.

If you think I don’t have a brain or allowed to use it. Then again be my guest.

Every single woman I know gives themselves to the man they love at some degree.

Perhaps they all don’t say “yes Sir” but so what.

I am not told to kiss Sir’s feet, but I would in a heart beat on my very own.

Simply because I love him so very much.

Actually, I am not told what I can do and not do, but in knowing Sir Shep I try to please him in what I thinks he likes and don’t.

I think I expect more of myself towards pleasing him, than he does.

I strive to be perfect when he himself thinks I am awesome already.

Several times when someone described what D/s was to me,

the part that really interest me was to have a man love me so much that I would be willing to give myself to him.

To me this was Bible. The way God intended love to be.

I don’t know if you found the person of your dreams,

the person that makes your heart feel so full of love that they are in your thoughts non stop,

but I have met the man that I plan to love the rest of my life.

And as long as I feel him loving me as I do today and did yesterday

and am secure for tomorrow that will never change.

So the next time you sit and say. I disagree with D/s,

just remember everyone is different and you can't tell a book by the cover.

I am just like others I just express it different in the choice I have made.

And to me, what Sir Shep thinks of me and what i think of myself is what matters most

Thank you for taking the time to see my views,

and know I accept you no matter who you are…as long as you show me respect and friendship.

Smiles to you,


This is dedicated to my Sir Shep

and I thank you so much for loving me unconditionally

I love you just as much

your whisper always!

The Power of Love

by: Celine Dion