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Missing You

by Shelby ©

Early in the morning hours,
You can hear the birds sweet songs.
Then the image of his smile comes to mind,
And soon I will be humming right along.

I watch the sun as it rises,
Bringing warmth to fill the day.
The love he has given me,
Warms my heart the very same way.

When at noon and lunch time is near,
Taking a break from a busy day.
I'm so thankful that he is in my life,
I bow my head, thank You Lord I pray.

On into the evening,
Just right before the night falls.
My thoughts are of him,
When I miss him most of all.

Awaken in the middle of the night,
For a second I forget where I am.
I'm lost in a dream world,
Administering an oral exam.

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