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Young Entrepreneur Asks For Your Investment!

Updated 8/2/03

Welcome great people of the world! My name is Ryan, I'm 16 and planning to start my own software development. I'm well adept in C++, ASM, Perl, and Javascript. I have always had a sort of entrepreneurial spirit. I started my first business, a lawn mowing service, when I was eleven. I was able to assist many elder people in my area who were unable to mow their lawns for less than the price of an actual lawn mowing business. I made a nice bit of cash this way, but decided to try something else.

This is where you come in. I'm asking for donations to get my business off the ground. It is just too hard for a 16 year old to get capital for their business. People just aren't willing to to put faith in you to be successful, even family members.

If anyone would like to make a donation to help me out please send via paypal.

My paypal account is

If you don't have a paypal account just go to and create one. It's fast,easy, and free. It would be HUGELY appreciated if you were to help me out with any size donation. Computers are my passion and I have the dedication and persistance to see this through. Hey, maybe My company will be big one day and then I pay YOU back. =) If you donate I will add you to my donor's list if you'd like for recognition. So please, if you could, spare some paypal change.

Thank you very much everyone.


Ryan P.