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Stephen C. Callender, MT(ASCP)


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Welcome to my Web Page!
This is page was last edited: March 3, 2010
I have added a few enhancements to this Web page including pictures & animation.
I hope this page offers something for everyone.
I am a Medical Technologist and received my BS in Medical Technology from C.W. Post College (branch of Long Island University) and did my hospital internship at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital.
I am a certified MT(ASCP) #875339 by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists.
My hobbies are Chinese Calligraphy and Computers.

I have worked at the New York Blood Center for 24 years in three different departments: Epdeminology, Blood Derivatives (Biosynthesis of Lymphokines, Quality Control and Pilot Plant) and Blood Coagulation Biochemistry.

I studied Chinese Calligraphy for 23 years under the late Dr. George Young, learning the four major styles.

I have been doing research on my family tree for over 30 years and have started writing a book [on the Callenders]. I started writing the book, "The Callenders From Barbados to America and In Between"

My book has many pictures of family members and my
paternal ancestors.

I have a link here for my maternal ancestors. I taught myself about computers after teaching myself Chinese Characters.
I have learned computer languages such as Basic, Pascal, C and dBASE languages.
I have published many computer articles in Laboratory Medicine(a journal for Clinical Laboratory Professionals).
I have been in Turbo User Group Journal, PC Magazine and Data Based Advisor.

I also have my own international business (A & S Callender) and show people how to diversify their income locally and develop global income.
I have done business in the United States, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India and the Philippines.

I am always looking for sharp ambitious people that are looking for ways of making extra money.
a few mottos: "HELP PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES", "Global Development brings international income"
ever heard the phrase, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket?"

I can be emailed at these locations:

Click on the pictures below to become larger

The picture below was taken at the 1998 PC Expo by a Sony Digital camera.


This is how I looked before I shaved!


The Callender family crest, from Perthshire, Scotland


My Chinese name written in signature style

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Click on animated image for some information on my family background

Click on animated image for my resume

Need some extra cash? Want to save money shopping in a safe CyperSpace Mall?
Some business associates are setting up a virtual mall to earn money,
to save money and take advantage of the growing Internet!
Just give me some feedback. I am looking for some partners.
Check out my new corporate web site:
Click on the dog

I wrote a book (co-authored) on Glyconutrients which explains the new science surrounding these fantastic products (see below)

The book is also avaiable in Chinese (see below)

