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Sandlapper Notes
Monday, 18 July 2005
Is Hollywood Anti-American?
Did you know that not one movie has been made about the terrorists since 9/11; nothing on al Qaeda, the Taliban, Daniel Pearl, Saddam Hussein, the USS Cole, the embassy attacks, the daring and impressive attempts to track down terrorists. Nothing. Not even a movie about heroic action after 9/11—the firemen who ran upstairs to their deaths to save others in the twin towers, the people who drove all night from Texas and the South to help New Yorkers cope with the disaster." On the other hand, there is a steady stream of anti-administration material emerging from Hollywood. Even the brilliant George Lucas appears to be riding the anti-Bush wagon. Last May, at the Cannes film festival, a natural breeding ground for excitedly anti-American prose, Lucas apparently said that his final Star Wars movie, featuring the rise of Darth Vader and the sinister empire, is a wake-up call to Americans about the erosion of freedoms under President Bush.

Posted by sc3/sandlapper6 at 2:56 PM EDT
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Sunday, 17 July 2005

Terrorism around the world, and war in Iraq and Afghanistan, are just two challenges facing our nation. Headlines in The State, today, are about South Carolina being overcharged on a carpet deal. It's come out that the terrorist bombers in England were part of English society. They were born in England, and took part in the things in which most every English citizen did; education, sports, leisure activities, etc. It's amazing that these extremist Muslims can live in a country, enjoy all the benefits of citizenship, yet secretly hate their country at the same time. Then, when the opportunity arises, they participate in killing innocent men, women and childre. I can't help but think about that whenever I see a Muslim in a store, or in the car next to me at a stop-light, or when I have to wait in long security lines at the airport. Most Muslims are not terrorists, and seek to do good. It's a shame that a few have chosen to wreak mayhem and commit murder.

Posted by sc3/sandlapper6 at 7:26 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 17 July 2005 7:49 PM EDT
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This site opened Sunday, 17 July 05

Posted by sc3/sandlapper6 at 7:25 PM EDT
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