World Wrestling Entertainment Xperience!

*..::[(Stacey Kiebler)]::..*

-.:::Disclaimer:::.- This site is in no way affiliated with WCW, WWF, or ECW. This Roleplay contains explicit language and offensive material that may offend some people if you are one that becomes easily offended I encourage you not to read any further Or Just Not Be Such A Bitch And Read It! This RP is brought to you by Ebony Heart of the EWWF. If you would like to get ahold of me you can e-mail me Here -.:::End Disclaimer:::.-

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Ebony Heart

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EWWF Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio!


Get Ready for the ride of your life

Ebony Heart

..::\The camera fades in showing the jam packed EWWF arena located in Cincinnati, Ohio. The camera scans the crowd showing fans with all sorts of signs supporting their favorite female wrestlers. Most of the fans are men but there are a few women in the crowd too. Some of the women don't look to happy to be here like their boyfriends or husbands dragged them along. The arena is still jam packed though. The camera continues to scan the crowd till it finally comes upon the announcers table were good ol' JR is sitting right along with King. The camera zooms in to catch what they are saying/::..

King: JR, I can not wait till Thursday. Smackdown is going to be a great show. I admit Raw was a great show but I don't think it will be better than this upcoming smackdown.

JR: I agree with you whole heartedly King. Theirs going to be some good matches there. We have "The Reverend" Simon Gore vs. Edge for the X-TV Title. We have a royal rumble tag tourney with Sting, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Jeff Blazer, The Assassin, The Tiger, Edge, Psycho Britt,KAOS, Terri, Kurt Angle and more To Be announced. We also got a womens title match between Terri and Ebony. We got a tag match: Psycho Britt & The Assassin vs. Jade & Kevin Nash. We

Heyman: Those are all going to be great matches but you can't forget the Street Fight between Paisley and April Hunter. Those two girls are ready to tear each others heads off and there's no telling what may happen tonight between them. Also, there's a match between Chyna and Kelly Brook. This is definitly going to be a show you shouldn't miss. If you're not going to be home hit record on your VCR's because there's going to be a lot of great action tonight.

..::\Without any warning at all a familiar WCW theme blasts throughout the arena as the lights start to flash pink all over the arena. The fans are stunned by this as is JR and Paul Heyman. Everyone adjusts their attention towards the entrance ramp as the gorgeous Paisley steps out on the ramp and places her hands on her hips and then looks at the fans. The fans have a mixed reaction for this young lady. She doesn't look to be pleased as she then struts down the ramp basically ignoring all the fans reaching out to give her a five. She climbs up the steal steps and climbs through the ropes she walks around the ring as Lilian Garcia begins to introduce her/::..

Lilian Garcia: In the ring at this moment standing at 5'7 and 128 lbs from Gary, Indiana is XWWA Superstar Paisley.

..::\Lilian stands in the corner as Paisley continues to walk around in the ring. A fan seems to yelling something at Paisley that ticks her off and she begins to snap on the poor fan. Finally on of the securtiy guards gets the fan to settle down as Paisley gives a little 'That's what I thought' look. She then walks over and yanks the mic away from Lilian. Paisley walks to the center of the ring as her music cutsoff ans she begins to speak her mind/::..

..::\Paisley/::..Well for you idiots who haven't caught on and know who I am yet allow me to introduce myself. My name is Paisley and I am a former WCW employee. Many people don't know me though because the former owners of WCW did not know how to use their talent. They'd rather have bleached blonde, silicon whores prance around half naked in the ring then have a respectable, gorgeous, independent, black woman like myself and to be honest with you all I find that insulting. That is why I have decided to sing on with the XWWA and prove to everyone that I have talent rather you chose to see it or not. Enough about me though I want to talk about my match on Smackdown. I am facing April Hunter in a Street Fight. You know, April, I always thought of you as a whore but now I think of you as a crack whore. It's obvious you're on drugs if you think you can go into a street fight with me and still be able to walk out. Oh no, it won't be that easy for you hun. You attacked with a chair and now you will pay for that. I don't let many people get by with many things and attacking me with hard object is one of those things. I don't care if I have to go through hell and back I will make you pay dearly for that chair shot. Nobody messes with me and gets away with it. April, I'm worse then the damn Mafia and the Mob. You mess with me and I'm liable to break your legs, arms, fingers, nose, and anything else that's breakable and I don't need 20 more people to back me up. You've messed with the wrong woman this time. I hope you understand that. What I want to know is how you figure you can beat an actual wrestler like myself when you've never even wrestled for one of the big three. You were signed with the same company as me but all you were was an NWO Hoochie and I must say you played the part well considering you weren't acting at all. Being a hoochie just comes natural to you since you are one. April, I can't wait till tonight because I'm going to give you the biggest ass kicking of your life. If you're lucky you might actually live through it and get to tell your many,many,many children that you got your ass kicked by a black woman and lived to tell about it. Don't try to trash talk me anymore cause you'll just piss me off more then I already am and you might not be so lucky to get off as easy as you might. Your hours are numbered April. Believe me I have a timer in my locker room just ticking down the minutes and the seconds till I finally get to kick your ass.

..::\Ebony's music starts back up as she drops the mic and climbs out of the ring. She struts back up the ramp as she has cheers from the fans. Paisley disappears behind the curtian as the show fades to commercial/::..