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"Larger than Life Living Legend"
Hey the following layout was made by Scott (aka Vince McMahon in WWCF). To contact him his AIM S/N is Scottybowwow. The roleplay was written by me, Eric 'The Living Legend' Ayalon (aka Y2J Chris Jericho in WWCF). Please do not steal this layout or any content of this roleplay, because people that steal are bad people, and bad people get herpes. Thank you. [--End Disclaimer--]
Larger than Life
Living Legend
Roleplay Title
People Mentioned
Win-Loss Record
Next Match
The Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla' checks out his competition for RAW IS JERICHO!!!
Kid Kash, Triple H, The Un-Americans, etc...
Former WWCF Undisputed Champion, Former IC Champ, Former European Champ, Former Tag Champ, In the world title tournament final!
Title match vs. the defending Intercontinental Champion Kid Kash

WWCF TV returns from a commercial break, and the cameras immediately cut to a hallway backstage, where we see Michael 'Funboy' Cole standing by, waiting to interview 'Y2J' Chris Jericho.....

Michael 'Funboy' Cole:
"Chris Jericho, Thursday night on SMACKDOWN you did exactly what you said you were going to do. Even though you weren't on the card, you did in fact make a strong impression, a very strong impression, on one person in specific, and that person was the WWCF Intercontinental Champion Kid Kash. After Kid Kash successfully defended his Title against Lance Storm, you made your way to the ring through the crowd, and you nailed Kid Kash in the back with a steel chair, and then put him in the Walls of Jericho! Immediately after that we found out that this coming Monday night on RAW IS WAR, you'll be taking on Kid Kash for the IC Title!! What are your thoughts right now, just 2 days after your attack on Kash, and just 2 days before your huge showdown in Greensboro, North Carolina??"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"Mitchell Cole, I'll be glad to share some of my thoughts with you right now. Let's talk about Kid Crap. Let's talk about how Kid Crap said he thinks that Y2J 'seems like a serious threat' to his Intercontinental Title. Let's talk about how obviously.....Kid Crap is a jackass!! First off Mitchell, I'd like to point out how generous I was a few weeks ago, when I brought X-Punk up to the main event level for one night in the Undisputed Championship tournament, and I'd also like to point out how I am repeating that act of generosity once again Monday night by bringing Kid Crap up to the main event level for one night and one night only, and then it's back to the bottom of the barrel for that wanna-be Kid Rock assclown!! I'm gonna' show Kid Crap what it's like to main event, and what it's like to have your name in lights, but he better not get too used to it, cause I'm gonna' beat his ass badly, take his Title, and like I said, knock his ass back down to the bottom of the barrel where he belongs!!"

Michael 'Funboy' Cole:
"Well Chris, over the past year, year and a half, Kid Kash has really taken some major steps in this industry, and he has held several Titles, but the one Title that has always eluded him has been the Undisputed Championship. You held the Title in the WWCF and in the UHWF, but you and Kid Kash never faced off for it. Kash feels that winning that Title is his destiny, yet at Summerslam, you, not him, will be one of the two men in the Undisputed Championship match. In your opinion, what is holding Kid Kash back from taking that one final step to the next level, to the top, to becoming the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion??"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"Mitchell, do you ever watch the crowd during a Kid Crap promo?? Kid Crap loooooves to talk Mitchell, we all know that, the guy never shuts up. But do you ever observe the looks on the fans faces when he's running his mouth?? When he's blabbing on and on, spitting out catchphrase after catchphrase, overused cliche after overused cliche?? Well I've noticed it Cole. I've seen the look. It's scary. It's kinda' like the deer-in-the-headlights stare, only it's humans, and it's much more zombie-like. It's almost like as soon as the guy opens his mouth, everyone in the arena is suddenly transported to a far-away planet where nothing is interesting, and everyone smells like a dumpster!!"

Michael 'Funboy' Cole:
"Well maybe it just works out that Kid Kash comes out during the slow part of the evening, ya' know, like after the Test matches, and after the Kurt Angle matches, when all of the fans have been bored into a state of semi-consciousness and barely even realize they're at a wrestling event anymore".

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"What the hell are you doing Cole?? Mentioning Testiscles and Kirk Angel, I just had breakfast a little while ago, are you tryin' to make me puke!!?? Don't bring those freaks up Mitchell, this is neither the time nor the place for me to spew, thank you very much. Anyways, don't try covering up for Kid Crap, Mitchell, cause like I said, I have seen the look in their eyes, I have seen the look in the Jerichoholics eyes, and it's frightening!! Check it out, it looks a lil' something like this".

Jericho just keeps staring into space, as Cole and all of the fans in the arena start laughing, and then suddenly all of the rabid Jerichoholics break out into a crazed chant of....

"Y2J, Y2J, Y2J, Y2J, Y2J!!!!"

Michael 'Funboy' Cole:
"Chris........Chris?? Chris, are you uhh.....'there'??"

Jericho continues staring into space for a few more seconds, and then he finally stops, and the fans cheer loudly for Y2J, as he looks over at Cole....

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"Oh, so sorry Mitchell, I guess I got a little too much into the zone for a minute, it felt like I was actually listening to a Kid Crap promo. I dunno', maybe this time he was meeting one of the munchkins from 'The Wizard of Oz', or maybe he was hanging out backstage with MTV's biggest funboy, and probably your idol, Carson Daly. Or maybe he was stopping by the San Diego Zoo to visit his mother in the gorilla cage, I don't really give a damn!! I've never seen a guy with so many B-level celebrity friends!! You want a prediction about the future of Kid Crap, Mitchell Cole?? I predict that in about 2 years Kid Crap shows up on Hollywood Squares, cause right now it's the House of Whoopi Goldberg over there, but somebody as lame as Kid, and somebody with as many washed-up, out-of-work friends as Kid Crap has, well, Hollywood Squares has gotta' come callin' sooner or later!! Or maybe he'll take the Tazz route and give up wrestling for commentary, who knows, who cares?? Certainly not yours truly. All I care about is going into MY show, RAW IS JERICHO this Monday night, beating Kid Crap's disrespectful little ass until he can't take it anymore, and taking away his Intercontinental Championship!!"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"Cole, I wasn't the one that stuck my nose in HIS business. I wasn't the one that decided to use HIM as some stupid 'pawn' in some stupid game. I wasn't the one that just made the biggest mistake of my career! I don't know where Kid Crap thinks he is Mitchell Cole, but this is the WWCF, the most extreme federation around, and Y2J sure as hell doesn't play games, and Y2J sure as hell isn't just a pawn for somebody else's games!! Who the hell does he think he is to come out after one of my matches, nail me with a chair, turn on all of his fans and friends, and then what, like a day later he decides that it's all just fun and games and that he never stopped loving the fans, and that oh well, Y2J was just a pawn, and we'll see if Y2J wants revenge or not?? Well not only do I want revenge, and not only did I get a small taste of revenge on SMACKDOWN, but I got exactly what I wanted! I got a 1-on-1 match with that pathetic little chump on RAW IS JERICHO, and he has to put that Intercontinental Title belt of his on the line!! Revenge is a dish best served bloody Mitchell Cole, and I just hope for Kid Crap's sake that there's an empty pool nearby, cause that's exactly what they're gonna' need to hold all of the blood that that little dipshit loses!!!"

The crowd starts cheering wildly once again, and then, just as Y2J is about to continue, he suddenly looks up and gets a disgusted look on his face, as the Intercontinental Champion Kid Kash walks onto the scene, and the fans in the arena erupt once again, with some random boos scattered around, as Kash stands about a foot away from Jericho, and the two just glare at each other.....

(OOC - Wait a minute, THAT'S not Kid Kash!! Oh yea, it's The Crock, so for the next 3 pics just pretend that The Crock is Kid Crap. Either way they're both nowhere near as great as Y2J)

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"Well, well, well....if it isn't Kid, Kid Trash. Whaddya' want jerky, can't you see I'm conducting an interview right now, or are you too stupid to notice?? Has all the grease from your hair leaked into your brain and driven you to lunacy?? You must have some kind of death wish if you're interrupting me....junior!!"

There is a very mixed reaction from the crowd, with many cheers and many boos, as Jericho just glares into Kash's eyes, and Cole tilts the microphone over to Kid Kash.....

(OOC- Remember kiddies, that's Kid Kash!!)

Kid Kash:
"Junior?? Junior huh?? Well you can call me junior, or assclown, or jerky, or jackoff, or whatever you want, because the fact of the matter is this, Y....2....J. Tonight, I'm gonna' go out there and whip RVD's ass and retain my Intercontinental Championship, and then Monday night on RAW IS KASH, I'm gonna' go out there and do the exact same you!!! I may never have been the Undisputed Champ before, but everybody knows that I'm deserving of it, and the millions and millions of Moneyacs out there know that the first shot I get, the Undisputed Title is comin' home with me!"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"Ya' know Kid, some might say that you just had the chance, in the Undisputed Championship tournament, but as blew it!!!"

There is a loud "OOOOOOHHHHHHH" from the fans in the arena, as Kash gets a little bit of an upset look on his face, but then the look quickly turns into one of confidence, as he just looks right back at Y2J.....

(OOC- MEH!!! Kid Kash!)

Kid Kash:
"That's a good point Chris, some people might say that, and who knows, maybe they're right, but I'll tell you what I'm NOT gonna' blow! I'm not gonna' blow this match tonight with RVD, because I want this belt on the line against you Monday night, that way when I kick your ass, it'll be that much sweeter!! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a match to go win!"

The fans in the arena cheer loudly, as Kash brushes past Jericho and walks off down the hall towards the ring area, and then Y2J looks back at Cole, with a sneaky, mischievous look in his eyes, like he's definitely up to something.....

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"So Kid Trash has a Title defense tonight huh?? Hmmmm, maybe I should go check out my competition up close and personal, heh heh heh. After all, what better way to get to know my opponent than to watch him from......say.....the announce position??"

Jericho laughs to himself and then walks off in the same direction that Kid Kash did, as the camera pans back to a confused Michael Cole, and then slowly fades out to a commercial break......

WWCF TV returns from the commercial break, and the cameras immediately pan to inside the arena, where the fans are awaiting the Kid Kash/Rob Van Dam match, when suddenly the Millenium Countdown clock appears on the Titantron, and the fans erupt into a deafening ovation!!!

The clock ticks down to zero, and then everything gets silent for a moment, and then from out of nowhere.........

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a MASSIVE explosion on the stage, and then "The Kings of Rock" kicks in, and the crowd explodes into a crazed frenzy, as the lights flash back on and 'Y2J' Chris Jericho appears underneath the Titantron!!!

Jericho spins around and looks out at the crowd, a pumped up look on his face, as the fans continue going absolutely wild.....

Jericho then starts making his way down the ramp, staring out at the rabid fans as they break out into a crazed chant of......

"Y2J, Y2J, Y2J, Y2J, Y2J!!!!"

Y2J gets to the bottom of the ramp and he walks around the ring, heading over towards the commentary position, as J.R. gets up to welcome Y2J over and to make room for the Larger than Life Living Legend, as Jericho takes a seat and slips on a headset....

Good ol' J.R.:
"Hey Chris, how ya' doing??"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"J.R., I am doin' just fine, thanks for asking. How's about yourself??"

Good ol' J.R.:
"I can't complain. So to what do owe the pleasure for your visit tonight Chris, here to study up on your competiton for this coming Monday night on RAW?"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"J.R. I think it's pretty obvious that that is indeed what I am out here to do tonight. I mean, Kid Crap loves to talk himself up, if you listened to Kid Crap you'd think he was the greatest wrestler on the face of the planet, so I thought it would be appropriate for me to come out here and check out how great the kid is with my very own eyes. He thinks I seem like a threat to his I.C Title, well I know that I'm far more than a threat, so I wanna' see what the kid's got to offer".

Suddenly "One of a Kind" kicks in, and the fans erupt once again, as Rob Van Dam makes his way out through the curtain and down the ramp, as the crowd loudly chants for "R...V...D"!!!

RVD slides into the ring and paces around, awaiting the arrival of Kid Kash, and after a minute or two, the lights go out once again, and then "Bawitdaba" blasts over the PA system, and the crowd explodes one more time, as the WWCF Intercontinental Champion Kid Kash makes his way out through the curtains underneath the Titantron and heads down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans and staring over at Y2J at the announce table, as Jericho just stares a hole right back through Kash.....

Kash then slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and he walks across to the opposite side of the ring, leaning against the ropes and talking some shit to Y2J, as Jericho just glares back at Kash, keeping his cool, not saying a word....

The bell rings and the match begins, as Jericho, J.R., and 'The King' start their commentary.....

Jerry 'The King' Lawler:
"Now Chris, can you honestly tell us that you're just out here to do some commentary and to study up on Kid Kash for your match on RAW, or do you maybe have a hidden agenda for being out here right now??"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"Ya' know King, like I said earlier tonight, Y2J doesn't play games, but I do have my share of surprises in store for everybody, and those I have to keep to myself, until the time is right of course. King, I'm a professional, so for now, at least for now, I'm only out here to see what this Kid Crap kid is capable of, and to let the fans watching on tv know what's on Y2J's mind".

Good ol' J.R.:
"Well Chris, speaking of what's on your mind, what's the story with your fellow DX member Triple H? Have you heard from Hunter, have you spoken to Hunter? We haven't seen or heard from Triple H since last Thursday, do you know when he'll be back??"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
(focusing on the match) "J.R., I spoke to Hunter yesterday afternoon, and he won't be on RAW this week, but he will be back before you know it, don't worry about that. Hell, Hunter might even be back before RAW, even though he's not on the card. That's for us to know, and for everyone else, including you two, to find out. Triple H has had a lot on his mind lately J.R., ya' know, it's hard being as great as we are. He just needed a few days off, like I had last week, to clear his head and to just rest up a little bit. All that crap with Stephanie McSlut took a lot outta' him. Hey King, I know you can relate to that, female problems, divorce problems, psycho ex-wife problems, and so on and so forth".

Jerry 'The King' Lawler:
"Yea, that's true, I am a certified expert in that area!! Anyways Chris, I have an interesting question for you. Where do you stand on the issue of the Un-Americans?? I mean, you have a lot of history with Lance Storm and Christian, and although you were born in New York, you did spend the majority of your youth in Canada. How do you feel about these 3 guys, Lance Storm, Christian, and Test, tearing apart America and talking trash about us and everything that this great country stands for!!??"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"King you're right about one thing, I do have a lot of history with Lyle Storm and with Christian, but that's where the similarities end. I was born in New York, and now I live in Florida and I'm an American citizen, so when those guys bash America, they're also bashing me, and they're bashing my country, so Y2J happens to have a huge problem with the Un-Americans! If they're so damn unhappy here then why don't they all just move back to Canada?? They got plenty of wrestlers up in Canada, they can just collect their final paychecks and head on back up there, cause if they don't wanna' be here, then guess what? We don't want them here! And King, that's all besides the fact that last week Torrie Wilson, a FEMALE member of Degeneration X, cleanly defeated Lyle Storm in the middle of the ring, humiliating him beyond recognition!! Well King, if Lyle's got a problem with America, and if Lyle's got a problem with Torrie Wilson, then Lyle Storm has a problem with ALL of Degeneration X, and that is a very, very bad spot to be in!! Oh wow, did ya' see that you guys, what a bodyslam by Kid Crap!! A bodyslam, where'd he learn a move like that?? I swear, this guy is inventing new moves by the minute!! What's next, a kick to the stomach, the good ol' eye gouge?? Oh no, wait, maybe an indian burn!!!"

Good ol' J.R.:
"Chris, as much as you mock Kid Kash, you can't tell me you're not at least a little bit worried about this upcoming match on RAW Monday night?? I'm sure in most people's minds you're the favorite to win the match, so surely you must be feeling some degree of pressure to win the match and the Intercontinental Title!?"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"J.R., when was the last time I WASN'T a favorite to win a match?? Hell, I think last week on Smackdown alone I was the favorite to win 2 matches I wasn't even in!! Kid Crap has a better chance of winning the Minnesota State Lottery than he has of beating me Monday night on RAW!! Sure, people probably expect me to win, and that's cool, because that's what I plan on doing. I don't intend on letting down the thousands upon thousands of Jerichoholics that will be glued to their television sets at home and sitting on the edge of their seats in the arena! It's gonna' be pretty damn sweet when I walk into Summerslam as the Intercontinental Champion, and I walk out of it as the Intercontinental AND Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion!! Good G-d, what the hell was that!!??"

Jerry 'The King' Lawler:
"I think Kid Kash was trying a springboard hurricanrana there Chris, but I think he slipped on the ropes a little bit! But Chris, going back to what you were just talking about a minute ago, what do you have to say about Summerslam?? You're gonna' be facing your fellow DX member Triple H for the Undisputed Championship in the Finals of the Undisputed Championship Tournament!! This is a match that most people don't think DX will survive through Chris, and I know you told me the other day that DX will be just fine, but I gotta' be honest, I find it hard to believe that after your World Title match at Summerslam the two of you will be just fine!!"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"See King, you're a pessimist. You're the type that always sees the glass as half empty, that's your problem. I already told you and everybody else that DX will be just fine after Summerslam, and that there's nothing to worry about, but do you take my word for it?? Noooooo, you just keep doubting and doubting and doubting. Well you can doubt all you want King, cause it isn't gonna' change a damn thing, and like I originally said, as far as DX goes, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Hunter and I are too smart to let a good thing like DX go to waste, and even though the Undisputed Championship is extremely important to both of us, it's not the most important thing in the World. But don't get me wrong guys, cause at Summerslam I'm still gonna' go out there and do what I always do, and do what I do best, and that's kick some ass and leave a trail of destruction in my wake!! Hunter is the person in this company closest to my skill level and ability, but when push comes to shove 'The Game' falls just a step or two behind Y2J, let's be honest. I mean, as good as Triple H is, I've beaten him what, like 8 times in a row or something??"

Good ol' J.R.:
"Well Chris that may be true, you have dominated Triple H in your encounters over the past few months, but the two of you haven't fought in awhile, and excluding Triple H's loss to the Undertaker last week, you've both been on quite a roll lately. What's your plan, what's your strategy going into a match like this??"

'Y2J' Chris Jericho:
"J.R., Triple H is as intense and as focused and as determined as they come....that's something we share in common. When you go into a match with someone like Triple H, it's tough to prepare, cause Hunter is well-versed in technical mat wrestling and in straight-out streetfighting, so you gotta' be ready for anything at any time! Honestly, Triple H is probably a little bit stronger than me, and I'm probably a little bit better of a technical wrestler than he is, so as all of our matches have been in the past, this one will be entertaining for fans of all genres of wrestling. Our styles clash real well, and though I've won the last few matches, you never know what to expect when Triple H and Y2J step into the ring with each other, it's gonna' be a war, that's for sure. Anytime the Undisputed Championship is on the line, and anytime Y2J steps into the ring, it's a war!!"

Good ol' J.R.:
"Oh look at that, the Rolling Thunder by RVD!! RVD's goin' to the top rope, RVD's goin' to the top rope!! If he hits the 5-Star Frogsplash this one's gonna' be over and we're gonna' have a NEW Intercontinental Champion!!!"

Y2J looks over at RVD climbing to the top rope, and realizing that RVD might be about to win the match and subsuquently the Intercontinental Title, Jericho darts out of his chair and runs over to the corner of the ring, as the referee is looking directly at him, and he shoves RVD off the top rope and into the crowd divider, and the referee calls for the bell to be rung, as the majority of the fans cheer loudly, with some RVD fans booing their asses off.....

Jericho then starts making his way towards the ramp, and he heads up the ramp towards the backstage area, without even looking back at the ring, as Kid Kash stares angrily at Jericho, pissed that Jericho just cost him a match......

'Ring Announcer' Howard Finkel:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, as a result of a disqualification, Rob Van Dam, but still the WWCF Intercontinental Champion, Kid Kash!!"

Jericho doesn't even turn around, he just walks through the curtain and into the backstage area, as the camera cuts back to J.R. and Jerry 'The King' Lawler at the announce position.....

Good ol' J.R.:
"Well King I don't necessarily agree with what Chris Jericho just did, but I understand why he did it, and it makes perfect sense to me! Jericho's got a shot at Kid Kash's Intercontinental Championship on RAW tomorrow night, and if RVD won the Title here tonight, then Kid Kash would be the first to get a rematch, and then who knows when Y2J would have gotten his shot!!?? Jericho just helped Kid Kash retain that Title so he could keep his shot on RAW tomorrow night!!"

Jerry 'The King' Lawler:
"There's no doubt in anybody's mind that Y2J is a student of the game J.R., and he sure as hell knew what he was doing out here tonight, because as soon as RVD mounted that top turnbuckle, Y2J was on his feet and rushing towards RVD, knocking him off the ropes and costing him the Intercontinental Championship!! This just adds more fuel to the fire between Jericho and Kash, and now we're only just 24 hours away from RAW and their huge showdown!! What's gonna' happen J.R., what's gonna' happen!!??"

Good ol' J.R.:
"Well King I don't know for sure what's gonna' happen on RAW tomorrow night, but I can tell you that we have to cut to a commercial break right now, and when we return, we'll see some footage of the WWCF Diva's in Jamaica for their newest photo shoot, and King, there will be puppies galore!!! Stay tuned folks, this is something you won't wanna' miss!!!"

The camera then cuts to a replay of what just happened in the Kash/RVD match with Y2J's interference, and then WWCF TV slowly fades out to a commercial break......