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Revak Con Two *Our 2 Greatest Specialties is The Most Effective, Strategy & Teamwork, We resemble this picture!

Your 2 Leaders: The third still isnt chosen We Work Together, We Fight Together, We Win Together.

Clan Roster

-Leader jets80rules=AiM
-Leader Snper92=AiM
-Member/Doing great, being patient, thinking of to promote him a Leader

Revak Con Two is determined to be the #1 clan there is! If you are interested in trying out you must obey these rules... 1. We are what we repeatedly do... We dont blame teammates ever! We correct them. In order to even be considered for [Rc2] you must meet the following criteria: You must be able to play within a team. That means no egos, no racism, no drama. All we care about is playing as a team. We encourage all strategy discussion from all members equally, but final decisions must be followed. You must follow directions and attitude matters. We do a few little things to prepare for and learn from wars that most other clans don't do. Be prepared to learn these policies when you join and take them seriously. You can't get caught up in stats and scores. We play 1 round at a time and what's done is done. Don't dwell on bad rounds. That's what losers do, not winners. We can comeback and/or get through anything as a team, because we believe we can. Pick your teammates up, if you don't stay positive when things are rough we don't want you at all. You must be able to handle pressure against the best competition. We play the best available clans when we war and there is no getting around performing under pressure. If you can't handle it, you won't last no matter how talented you think you might be. Pressure is only what you make it, you have to be mentally tough. You have to bring something unique to the team that adds to our winning ways. There are no free rides, you have to stay motivated to continue improving and expanding your game. This a clan that likes to have fun and be competetive, We encourage you to contact us by my e-mail address It is manditory to see these plans or you cannot war with us. Plans: Plans, well this is going to be incredibly useful if you know our plans! It well help us during clan wars and I will not allow to to participate in one without viewing our plans, remember these so I do not have explain how during a war at the last minute at each war we are split into Alpha & Bravo If one of your leaders or members suggest a code, you will know the detailed code in a second. Alpha and bravo have different spawn points and we have to figure it out in the lobby without the other team over-hearing how organized we are. We figure this out speechless by working from top from bottom. Half starting from the top is Alpha, rest is Bravo. If it is an odd # The extra person in the middle goes to Able. You need to know this Vehicle Revak Rush Code = VRR The VRR is an effective tactic/plan, Once a leader announces "Alpha VRR" 2-4 of able get 1-2 vehicles and rush the opponents spawn from the side if possible! Once reached you aim to take 2 people or no more than 3 and Revak! Revak is our R of Rc2! Revak means to retreat and supply, You get back to your team. With the vehicle. Dont be a thick headed clan and rush in there ASAP killing as much as you can thoughtlessly, if you have approached the spawn/nearby from the side or anything less obvious then going down the middle, killed 2 of the enemies retreated to your team, You have done a successful "VRR" and you tell your team if it didnt work out. When doing any of our plans try to call out the enemy before engaging them, it is a huge help! Con Flanking Code Name CR This is your basic military tactic, it is called flanking. It is coming in at the enemy from 2 sides, in a bid to cut them off, and to leave no escape. ----------------------------- / Enemy \ / \ Team 1 Team 2 ------------------------------ With that simple diagram you should hopefully see what I mean. What you do is to split into 2 fire teams: 1. Fire Team Alpha (All of our Plans) 2. Fire Team Bravo You then come in from 2 different sides. Left and Right, with the enemy remaining in the central location, this should hopefully cut off all points of escape. For communication you should just shout "Alpha" or "Bravo" this will hint what direction the enemy is coming in, and you can centre or cut them off from where you are. This is a casual plan Con Vehicle Flanking Code = CVF Guys, to make this short its the same thing,except you get vehicles and get out if the vehicle doesnt fit. The key is just to spread out whether its East to West or North To South you have to locate the target that one of your team said he saw. The team should call him out. Afterwards, vehicles corner the enemy out and the teammate might snipe or scope him or, the vehicle kills him. Raid Revakless Vehicles Code = RRV Lets say I said "Alpha RRV" Alpha gets ever vehicle found and rushs in, if you find a vehicle pick up as much teammates as you can. This is what Alpha does 1. Get in there with the vehicles 2. Do your stuff killing atleast 4 people or half of the other side. 3. Revak, Bravo's Part 1. All sniper or medium/high scopes overwatch the team 2. Kill anything you see. 3. Guide the vehicles, for example "behind you! Hes got a rocket!" 4. If it's obvious that the vehicles arent successful tell them to get the hell out of there and you might have some survivors as the opponents do. Lure And Revak Code = LAR This tactic is to be used only on wide maps. One person from Alpha, one from bravo, They both go from side to side left and right of the open field. Jumping, Maybe have a high scope and spot + pop one of them in the face. Lure the enemies out of their spawn because if their camping and desperate. The objective of the tactic is to distract your opponents so your teamates can kill them/run away. This tactic can be done in many ways varying from simply attacking your opponents to being stuck by your teamates and running at your opponents while shooting, yelling, and throwing grenades randomly. This tactic is simple and if done just right, extremely effective. Make up your own distraction. Sing songs through your headset. teabag the ground. shoot straight up. ask for grey poupon. run into a wall and throw grenades. talk about your feet. be spontaneous. Bombin' Boat Code = BB Get a boat and fill it up with a lot of people. The person on the grenade launcher need to shoot over the land randomly so the enemy is possible dead or, the smoke of the grenade actually covers the team well from getting sniped. IF/ you have no trouble get the 6 people to attack their spawn/area! Run in a group and you will do A FLANK! This will work 80% of the time and is definitley going to scare the enemy. Imagine you camping from your spawn waiting for someone and the clan kickin' your ASS, comes from the side/behind 6 people with guns putting some lead to head action! Stealth of War Code = SOW We are going to camp our spawn in this tactic, now you see, using this plan means each and every member of alpha or bravo CAMPS! If there is a tank, this plan is very useful! Bravo deploys a smoke and 2 people from Alpha deploy 4 M2 mines of where the tank approaches, we have to listen to the teams final decision. If theres no vehicles get claymores/pmn, suppressors, calling out the sight of each enemy before engaging, and there is 95% chance of winning that game.
