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Temperature and frequencies of visible lights that make up sunlight

Comparing different temperatures of sunlight rays with the suns intensity



As a student at Century High School taking Science Research, you are required to do a main project for the last half of the semester.  My project deals with the sun and the temperature and characteristics of its visible lights and I am comparing my results with Julie G. who is measuring the intensity and frequencies of UVA/UVB lights. I used a prism which would reflect the sunlight and allows you to see the different colors of sunlight. Below the prism, I placed three thermometers which were used to measure the temperature of the rays. My findings were that the colors on the right side of the spectrum such as blue and violet have higher temperature thus higher frequency and shorter wavelengths. Colors of the visible light on the left had lower temperature and longer wavelengths. Also, from Julie’s data, the intensity always differs everyday and UVR lights have a even higher frequency than visible lights.


Background and Information on sunlight:

Sunlight is an electromagnetic wave that causes charged particles (protons and electron) inside air molecules to oscillate up and down as the sunlight passes through the atmosphere. When light passes from one transparent medium to another, it is bent, then bent again as it is reemerged into the air. The bending of light is called refraction. The amount refraction depends on the wavelength

Speed and Frequency:

Different colored visible light consist radiation that travels at the same speed of approximately 300,000 km/sec. or 186,000 miles/sec.


Frequency is the rate at which the waves travel through the atmosphere. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency. To find the frequency of the wavelengths, the equation below is used:

Frequency=speed of light divided by wavelength

In my project, calculating the frequency would prove that the temperature of the different visible lights is accurate. This is because, the higher the frequency, they higher the temperature.

As sunlight passes through a prism, the prism divides it into a rainbow of colors called a spectrum. A spectrum contains all colors that make up the sunlight and heat can be measured in each color.   From researching, it says that the wavelength of the red part of the spectrum is .000075 cm and the wavelength of the violet rays is .000035 cm.

[The Electromagnetic Spectrum]