<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Power Threshold Clan
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Well bitches, I am back. Camp was fun, and I see everyone was hard at work while I was gone (yeah right haha). However, effective today, all members besides Shadow have been promoted to E-2, just for being in the clan. Aren't we nice.... Uhh those who actually recruit will climb faster HINT HINT. Im out, bye. 8-8-04

Well not much is happening, but I do have some news. Today I am leaving for my camp, and I won't be back until the 6th or 7th. I'd like to say to everyone that they need to keep recruiting (or start, for some of you). Have a good couple of weeks! Peace. 7-23-04

Today, Metallica is working on a sidebar for our site. We also just put up a new section called Dowload. There isn't anything in there yet but we are working on it. If you have anything that you want added to the downloads section please email us at ptc@email.com


Well Today's News is that the News section is up! Kind of odd, I know, but hell, why not. Also, some new strategies trying to be written, a map made by Fogg, (thanks a hell of a lot haha). Welcome to all of our new members, and hope you guys are enjoying the work on the site! I'm out.