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A Message from Primetime Productions Layout made by Primetime Productions

A Message from Primetime Productions
Layout made by Primetime Productions. Should be reproduced or re-transmitted in any form. Sean "Primetime" Harrison is trademark of Primetime Productions. Name should not be used for any other person without written consent. Any questions IM  Primetime Productions INC.  2004. All Rights Reserved.

A Message from Sean Harrison
                          It was not lie and if you believed that I was done. No, Twister I never was. I recommend you start paying a little more close attention to me because you don't know what your getting yourself into. You go out there and give me a hardcore speech but it doesn't mean nothing. Just shut your mouth you damn blabber mouth. All you do is ramble....and ramble...and more ramble. What waste of production time man. Those stupid silly books you read I sleep on. Hell their worse then the three parts of Lord of the Rings. It's that simple. Lets shape up and get back to business. It's not over buddy. Ever! Remember That!

~ Inside the Mind of Sean Harrison ~

As you saw in part one it was nothing more but a full length explanation. Nothing fancy nothing big. Just simple. Twister you got on my bad side and that's a You should have learned a long time ago to not get there. It's ok I guess the guys in the back didn't inform you of that. History would have told you clearly but you didn't read the books although comparing The Revolution to revolutions of American Society in the late 1700's or the French Renaissance, or the Religious Wars of the Centuries before exploration of the Americas began. Look here dumbass  I didn't come to this federation to talk about history. History should explain to your end is coming, wait....that's the future. No, No. The PRESENT!  We can turn this bitch into a 3 hour segment but it would be too long for the fans to bear. You began telling sob stories of my life of how I was the bitch in the art room flapping his arms around drinking paint off the dirty cup but unfortunately your presentation was false. Not relevant to the matter because I bet you were the little bitch in high school who always got his ass kicked than ran to mommy each time he got beat up. Ohhh.....mommy...mommy I GOT BEAT UP! What can't you do thing for yourself? Stand up man. So now that after so many years in your still long pathetic life as soon as you step up to me you begin to get all tough? What kind of crap is that? The thought of you calling me an accident only tells me that you were the only accident that came out of this world. I feel sorry for the woman that bore such a child like you. Who probably was working for money as an escort screwing guys here and there and wound up with a baby. I feel sorry for that woman who bore such a child like you that whether she cares or not will have to witness first hand that you were nothing more but a mistake. Turning back is not an option. I have no options Don't need them. Don't need the game plan with X's and O's to make a difference in ending your miserable life right in the middle of the ring. Through hell and back I'll go so you can talk how your gonna put me through hell but unfortunately the tide is going to turn for you. A jobber like IceZ was a huge mistake however you come out and praise as if your victory was a step in the right direction. Then here comes the whining and the crying. ACE GETS A TITLE SHOT BUT I DON'T.....WAHH...WAAA..WAAH.. Man shut the hell up. Cut the whining bitch. That's all you do. You want to see a real man show you what is wrestling. Come step over with me. The last couple of weeks were a mere joke but this week Sean Harrison is on crash collision course and heading strong. You can come in 100 % but I guarantee you won't be walking out 100 % better then when you got in. I can end things simply just like that Twister. The Top Gun Title is nothing more but tin. I don't want it, I don't need it because it has no special value. You can go on and beat me and then win the Championship but what have you proved? Absolutely nothing because unless your holding on to.. this

That is when all of the pain....All the TORTURE!! The blood and sweat dripping down your body all matters. I have better expectations of lifting myself with high hopes of being the best in the business. The Top Gun Title doesn't mean nothing to me and it never will. So if you want to come out and beat me. So be it because get it through your mind Twister. You won't prove not an absolute thing. It's that simple and clear. No one is going to remember you as a legend because you are the Top Gun Champion. The only consideration you'll be given is you took the easy way out. Bitch you SOLD OUT! It is how everyone will think of "The Perfect Vision". Just a lame grade piece of trash exactly similar to the next guy. So do you want remembrance? I'll tell you. When your hoisting what values more than anything else. The World Championship. Then it will all come together. So moving on to my analysis. Tell me Twister, what was so special you did to IceZ last week that was so impressive? Lets see, you made him feel like a victim. Wow as if I never heard that one before or you said example. Nice man like that is new. Now you bring it all together and envision of making me your next example. NEWS FLASH! Unfortunately your dream shall not be accomplished. What do you know of a final breath taken? The defining moments of someone's career. You claim to say I will be down on a knee close to my end but lets turn the tables. What about if it's you the one on his last knee? Are you going to avoid that of happening? Definitely BUT I"M NOT! I am going to make it happen. Your comparison of me winning the women's title they are quite amusing. Did I laugh? No but I'll say it was the most stupidest remark I've heard from you. Clearly original for a guy who looks more like a woman than an actual man.  But look at yourself bitch with your gay ass long hair and your calling me the women. Look in the mirror you damn moron and think about what you said. Yah damn homo! I am not competition but I am your only competition your going to have. Championship Material is considered for men and your not worthy Twister because selling out with a pile of shit truly makes you man to be of honor. Little boy you disgust me. I won't need preparation to face you. The mental torture I've suffered over the years in my hell hole will make me seek victory. I am not fighting for a piece of tin. I am fighting for my respect. This is no longer a battle of moving on in a bracket like a tennis match and you end up getting shut out. This is real. This is wrestling to the fullest and I wrestle to the limits. Take me to the limits Twister. I will follow along with you. I'm going make your life a living hell while we continue to battle. Finally when it is all set and done whether it's a win or a loss I expect to prove my point. I will stand tall either way. The resurrection begins through hell and I've endured it many times and I will live it many more. It's sad you won't be coming out of that hole that you past to me and I generated back to you that will haunt you. The further you climb the darker everything becomes.

~ Inside the Mind of Sean Harrison ~
So alright you didn't accept my invitation and unfortunately it saddens me. You and I could have worked great together and tore this place apart. That's ok I forgive you but I didn't need another history lesson. I didn't need to know about 2 centuries of British rule or the French Revolution how the French got tired of the monarchy and rebel killing the king, queen, and the nobles. I don't need to know any of that. As sitting in Ms. Flores class for three years wasn't torture for me already I don't need to hear it from you.

~ Inside the Mind of Sean Harrison ~
Now the question of the matter is how you are able to discuss that you are the originator, The innovator of World Internet Wrestling Alliance? What you don't know there is a new man in town. Sean Harrison is the Innovation of Entertainment. The Icon of Example for the People. The Primetime Spectacle of Sports Entertainment. You can't compare a dime when it comes too me although you try. Like I quote "key word "Try". The people mean nothing to you but I think you forgot that the people don't mean A DAMN THING TO ME EITHER!. Your sick! Your tired of taking bullshit from people. You promise this. You promise to be a no nonsense champion. Pa...LEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP! All you do is complain and whine and cry how I want my title. Talk about presents and then after you claim you will gain spotlight but unfortunately you'll only be hiding behind the shadows. Your not going to hold any success in World Internet Wrestling Alliance. It's sad because a man like you has what it takes and take that in high regard but it's the truth. Nobody will ever care about you as long as your holding a piece of trash like a the Top Gun Title. "You can be the quickest son of a bitch on earth and run faster then Michael Johnson, soar, flap your wings and fly higher than Michael Jordan, have the arm of Alex Rodriguez, and be as sexy as Erik Estrada and stronger then the World's Strongest Man, Smarter then Bill Bellichek and build your own equation like Einstein, or a playboy idol that attracts more attention to men than women but in the end it just won't matter because The Perfect Vision will be nothing more than a disappointment."