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Welcome to PhotoRed´s Digital Dungeon

Please forgive the pop-up ads. I have chosen .:[Angelfire]:. as the host for this site, because it´s free and somewhat anonymous. At least as anonymous as one can get on the internet these days... Anyhow, it seems to be one of the last portals on the Internet where people can create a simple site like this quickly and without a significant number of issues involved. Hopefully they will not take artistic or moralistic issue with my content.

If pop-up windows (like these ads) are still plaguing you, perhaps you should find a way to deal with them. My way is a simple little program called POW!, a freeware tool put out by the bright fellow behind AnalogX. Lightweight and simple to use, this system tray jewel will provide Windows® users an easy way to manage the clutter. Of course, while you´re there you should check out some of the other tools, like Cookie Wall, PowerBrowse and dozens of other fine offerings!. I give links rather sparingly. He gets one. Actually he´s getting five on this page alone...

In this site you will find various pieces of information that I'd like to share, some of which are my own interests and some that have been requested by others. This will also serve as a forum for my own experimentation. Enter at your own risk; even I don't know what will end up here! Although I originally said "Eventually the formatting will catch-up with my talents... ;-)" I have since decided that I like this minimalist theme. Developed originally (& more fully) for a client I think this is a motif that won´t conflict with either the imagery or the message. My vote. Only one that counts here.


For now, here are a few things I´d like to offer:

.:[Gallery]:. · Some of my unpublished works.
I have been reviewing and cataloging my image archive. Here´s a small gallery featuring some of my personal favorites that haven´t been commercially published. As with all artist´s work, these images are all protected by international copyright. View them, enjoy them, but please don´t consider publishing them without both my release and compensation. It´s not just a hobby, folks...

.:[BDSM Session Contract]:. · Remember: Safe, Sane & Consensual!
Developed over my years as a Dom, this form is a great worksheet for clarifying the nature and scope of a session and all the participants involved. Especially important for those of us who mix business with pleasure and often involve first-timers in our scenes!


Your 2¢

Want to drop me a note? Guess you choose how to spend your own time... Make it interesting and I'll likely reply. My choice. You can send it to either or I check both daily, but be forewarned: Currently I also get over 50 Emails a day not counting SPAM! I guess that´s my way of saying I often take several days to answer non-critical (or financially motivating) messages.
