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Phi Sigma Tau

Phi Sigma Tau has been introduced to the USC campus in Spring 2005. For more information on the installation of PST as the Delta Chapter at University of South Carolina, please visit the following USC sponsored sites:
USC Times, April, 2005
Phi Sigma Tau on the College of Arts & Sciences Homepage

Other Links: Brief History Philosophical Humor


We will be accepting applications for membership indefinitely pending the following requirements:

  1. Applicant must be an enrolled undergraduate student at the Columbia campus of University of South Carolina during time of application and/or desired term in organization.
  2. Applicant must have taken at least 30 hours at the University, or have at least 30 transferred hours on his/her transcript.
  3. Applicant must have a GPA of at least a 3.0 and be in good standing with the University of South Carolina.
  4. Applicant must have taken at least 6 hours in philosophy (thus, applicant need not be a philosophy major).
  5. Applicant must be financially responsible for all dues (however slight) which the organization may and will require of it. (Dues should be no more than $35.)

If you meet all of the above requirements, we encourage you to email us, Phi Sigma Tau, or simply click the link above the requirements, and print that page out and return it to Dr. Ann Johnson in Gambrell 245, or to Dr. Wallulis in Humanities Office Building 605). If you know me personally, you can also turn them in to me, Amanda Bernard, for processing.

The first intiations of the South Carolina Delta Chapter of Phi Sigma Tau took place on April 13th, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. The ceremony took place in the Gresette Room of Harper College. Special thanks to our guest speakers: Mary Anne Fitzpatrick, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences; Karl Heider, Associate Provost; Dr. Jerry Wallulis, Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Initiation Pictures Also, congratulations to the following now active members:

Amanda Bernard, Kevin Brazell, Traci Carnes, Andrew Connor, Jamie Coslett, Courtney DePaul, Jason Fairbanks, Alex Goodale, Patrick Hamrick, Jonathan Hyndman, Ashley Jeane, Sheena Lazenby, Jonathan Miles, Brooke Mosley, Michael Phillips, Ariel Shaw, Christin Verkaik

The University of South Carolina chapter of Phi Sigma Tau will not only involve official chapter business, but it will also include some semblance of club activities. The aim of this organization is to encourage student interest in the field of philosophy and to promote the extracurricular use of this discipline within its students.

Meeting Schedule and Record

January 24th, 4:00 p.m. Humanities Room 402 - Informational Meeting See "Meeting Minutes"

February 10th, 5:30 p.m. Immaculate Consumption - Unofficial Social Meeting, Coffee and Conversation - (No planned philosophical discussion, not necessary to be active or associate member to attend.)

April 13th, 7:00 p.m. Harper Collge, 3rd floor - Formal intiation of organization, faculty advisor, officers and active member students. Refreshments provided.

This page is currently under construction. This site was founded on December 20, 2004.

This page created by its Webmaster, Amanda Bernard,

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