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Guys Are Idiots

Alright, I a female of course disagrees with all of this. Girls are not idiots nor foolish. Guys are the dumb asses for not opening up to us. We do think oh he’s a nice guy, NICE IS GOOD. Who doesn’t like nice? If we LIKE him we’ll think oh he’s not only a nice guy but he’s an awesome guy! And I think he’s hot and would love to have his babies, 1 boy 1 girl a dog and a big white house with a little fence around it….blah ..blah ..blah .. etc. When the ‘nice guy’ gets the shaft, that’s only because the nice guy never opens up. We never know what guys are thinking or feeling. It’s always the same. Of course the guy that always talks and pays attention to us is the perfect guy. We don’t know that though because our perfect guy will never tell us how he truly feels. Oh, and do you guys seriously think every girl goes with the asshole? Most girls I know can find out he’s an asshole easy. If he doesn’t pay enough attention to us or doesn’t talk we can tell he obviously doesn’t want anything to do with us. So we think asshole. If guys didn’t keep their feelings bundled in a little ball, their wouldn’t be the movies like “Whatever It Takes” which shows a good example about how this girl’s best guy friend ..falls in love with her and she starts going with a prick, because she wasn’t aware of her best friend’s feelings toward her. So called ‘nice guys’ just listen ..and he’s the best because he’s heard it all. Well, there’s about 234098389035284239874238 million other guys that have listened to it all also, because girls love to talk. And guess what guys… girls like to listen too. If the ‘nice guy’ figures out that he has to talk to us, as well as listen, we can find out that he’s that perfect guy. You don’t talk, we think you’re not interested. You listen we think what a great friend. Even after then why don’t guys open up. It’s good to become friends for a while, before getting into anything serious. All and all I would just like to say, GIRLS LIKE NICE GUYS. Guys just need to be open, maybe like the assholes, but just not assholes.. that would make the perfect guy. Every girl out there says “I can’t find the right guy” once in their life, if not more. It’s because guys act like they don’t care. There could be nice guys EVERYWHERE, but no one can ever find them because they keep everything inside. So therefore, girls are not the idiots, guys are for not speaking up to us.