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OHS Gallery - Class of 2005

As you can see this site should be a gallery of the school I go to, Onehunga High, but I am sooo lazy that I haven't put alot of effort in it and the program I'm suppose to use...disappeared, now I have to do everything by hand...if only I could work as fast as I can talk...I assure you I will eventually finish day....

I know what your thinking, what's the random blue and not green and red...well I reckon those colours are s*** so I'm going to use blue!

If you have any photos from OHS from my year, PLEASE email me. Or you can just make some suggestions to do for the site I'm suppose to make...anyways, please send some photos, if you dont trust me, I'll copyright them to you!! Ok, now start sending ^_^

Yes the random counter...I want to see if anyone anyone ACTUALLy goes here, thats what that thing is for...


Added this wee thing here, to all those to know that I'm still updating...just updated the update page!
I know what a bum!