Prophecies corresponding in word or type with the figures and the names GEMINI
Texts where the word or its root is used in this sense in the Hebrew Bible Hebrew Roots
Psa 22:20 Hebrew name, Thaumim, the united twined Exo 26:24 M)t
Zech 6:13
Zech 13:7
Arabic, Al Tauman, the twins, or pair
  Syriac, as the Hebrew
Coptic, Pi Mahi, the united as in brotherhood Zech 11:14 hx)
  — Clusus, or Claustrum Hori, station of the coming wayfaring men Jer 9:2 xr)
Greek, Didumoi, twins. Sept. Song 4:5
Latin, Gemini, twins. Vulg. Gen 25:24; fellow Zech 13:7 M(

Names in the Sign

Jer 23:5 Heb., Propus, the branch, spreading bough Isa 10:33 rp
Jer 33:15 spread Hab 1:8 #p
Gen 3:15   — e Mebsuta, treading under foot Isa 14:19 sb
Psa 16:8 Arab., Wasat, set appointed Gen 4:25 t#
Rev 22:20   — Al Giauza, the palm branch, stem Isa 11:1 (zg
    — g Al Henah, in the foot, hurt, afflicted sorrow Gen 35:18 hn)
Isa 11:1   — Al Dira, the seed (or branch) Gen 3:15 (rz
Zech 3:8 Gr. and Lat., a Castor, bearing an arrow, haste Deut 32:35 #x
Zech 6:12 Gr. and Lat., a Apollo, ruler, or judge Job 31:11
Micah 5:2 Gr. and Lat., b Pollux, bearing a branch, ruler, or judge Deut 32:31 llp
  Gr. and Lat., b Hercules, bearing a branch or club, coming to suffer to suffer Jer 9:1
grief Isa 53:3 lx

First Decan
(Called the HARE)
THE ENEMY, or Serpent

  Heb., Arnebo, the enemy of him that cometh enemies Psa 139:20 r(
Isa 27:1 he that cometh Psa 118:26 )b
Psa 110:1   — Nibal, the mad fool 1 Sam 25:25 lbn
  — Rakis, the bound (Arab., with a chain) Exo 28:28 skr
Rev 20   — Sugia, the deceiver Job 12:16 g#
  Arab., Arnebeth, the hare, enemy of what cometh pluck Psa 80:12 hr)
Lat., Lepus, the hare, treading under foot Psa 108:13 sb

Second Decan
SIRIUS, The Prince

  (Called the DOG, or wolf) wolf Gen 49:27 b)z
Heb., a Sirius, the prince Isa 9:6 r#
Isa 9:6   — Aschere, who shall come go Prov 4:14 r#)
Isa 32:1
Gen 35:18
Arab., Al Shira Al Jemeniya, the prince, or chief of the right hand Jonah 4:11 Nmy
Acts 5:31 Egyptian name, Seir, the prince (E.V.) Isa 9:6 r#
Psa 110:1 Heb., Abur, the mighty Gen 49:24 rb)
  Arab., Al Habor, the mighty Isa 1:24
  — e Adhara, the glorious (Al Adra, Aludra.) Exo 15:6 rd)
Isa 4:2
Isa 11:10
  — b Mirzam, the prince or ruler Psa 2:2 Nzr
    — Muliphen, the leader, the chief duke Gen 36:15 Pl)
Isa 55:4   — d Wesen, the bright, shining scarlet Josh 2:18 N#

Third Decan
(Called the SECOND DOG)
PROCYON, The Redeemer

Isa 49:26 Heb., a Procyon, the Redeemer redeemed Psa 136 24 qrp
Isa 59:20 Arab., Al Shira, Al Shemeliya, the prince, or chief Dan 12:1 r#
of the left hand
Jonah 4:11 lm#
Micah 5:2   — Al Mirzam, the prince or ruler Psa 2:2 Nzr
    — Al Gomeyra, who completes, perfects Psa 138:8 rmg
Isa 53:12   — b Al Gomeisa, the burthened, loaded, bearing for others Psa 68:19 sm(
  Zech 12:3  

In the First Decan, according to the Persians, there was a serpent, also in the Egyptian zodiac, in the French Egypte. Zeeb, the wolf, in Arabic means coming quickly; in Heb., this shall come. In the Persian sphere, the Second Decan was figured as a wolf: one of the Twins had also the head of a wolf in some Oriental zodiacs. Some ancient forms of this sign are said by Hyde to have been two kids (Dupuis, Richer).


Prophecies corresponding in word or type with the figures and the names CANCER
Texts where the word or its root is used in this sense in the Hebrew Bible Hebrew Roots
Gen 49:11
John 10:28
Hebrew name, Sartan, who holds, or binds binding Gen 49:11 rs)
  Arabic, Al Sartan, the same
Syriac, Sartano, the same
Coptic, Klaria, the cattle-folds folds Psa 50:9 )lkm
Num 24:18 Greek, Karkinos, the crab holding,
Eph 1:14 Latin, Cancer, the crab the possession Gen 26:14 hnq
Latin, Cer, encircling, Arab. sense rb

Names in the Sign

Isa 60:6 Heb., Praesepe, the nebula, a multitude, offspring young Deut 22:6 xrp
    Isa 60:6 (p#
Heb. and Arab., a Acubene, the sheltering. hiding-place Isa 32:2 )bx
  —   — Ma'alaph, assembled thousands Psa 144:13 Pl)
Isa 40:11 Arab., Al Himarein, the kids, or lambs Ezra 6:9 rm)
  Gr., Nepa, grasping lifted up Deut 27:5 Pyn
Lat., Asellus Boreas, and Asellus Australis. Vulg. she-ass Gen 49:11 Nt)

First Decan
The Lesser Fold, or Flock

John 10:4,16 Heb., b Kochab, waiting him who cometh   Psa 33:20 hkx
  wait Gen 49:18 hwq
come Ibid 10 )b
Arab., Al Pherkadain, the calves, young. Deut 22:6 (Heb., the
Psa 136:24 qrp
Exo 12:3 hd(
  — Al Gedi, the kid kid Judg 6:19 ydg
  — Al Ruccaba, the pole-star, the turned, or ridden on bkr
Psa 23:3   — Al Kaid, assembled, as in Ursa Major
  Gr. and Lat., a Cynosura, center or base Ezra 3:3 Nk
Gr. and Lat., a Cynosura, of the constellations Mazzaroth Job 38:32 rzn
  —   — Arcas, or Arctos, travelling company Gen 37:25 txr)

Second Decan
The Sheepfold and Sheep

Isa 60:7
Micah 2:12
Heb. name, Ash, the assembled, (Arcturus) Job 9:9 assemble Joel 3:11 #(
  Arab., a Dubheh, herd of animals. Chald. wealth Heb.
Deut 33:25 )bd
  — El Acola, the sheepfold. Psa 95:7, 100:3 Psa 78:70 hlkm
Zech 9:16   — Benet Nash, daughters of the assembly. Joel 3:11 daughters Song 1:5 tnb
Psa 77:20   — Cab'd al Asad, wealth or multitude many Nahum 3:15 dbk
  assembled Gen 49:6 ds
  — Annaish, the assembled, as Ash. Joel 3:11  
Isa 40:11 Heb., b Merach, the flock (Arab., purchased) Jer 10:21 (r
Isa 60:7   — Megrez, separated, as the flock in the fold cut off Psa 31:22 zrg
Jer 23:3   — Phacad, or Phacda, visited, guarded, numbered Zech 10:3 dqp
    — e Mizar, separate Num 6:3 rzn
John 10:16 Heb., e Alioth, the she-goat, or ewe Psa 78:71 hl(
    — i Talita, the lamb Isa 40:11 hl+
Arab., Al Cor, the lamb Deut 32:14 rk
  — El Kaphrah, protected, covered (Heb., redeemed, ransomed) Exo 30:12 rpk
Eze 34:11,12   — Dubheh Lachar, the latter herd, or flock latter Hagg 2:9 rx)
Eze 36:37   — h Al Kaid, the assembled together Gen 13:6 dxy
  Gr., Helike, company of travellers, walking, (Iliad.) companies Job 6:19 Klh
  — Amaza, coming, and going to and fro Gen 8:7 )cy
  — Arctos, travelling company Gen 37:25 txr)
John 10:1   — Calisto, the sheepfold, set or appointed sheepfold Psa 78:70 )lkm
  appointed Gen 4:25 t#
Lat., Ursa, the bear, the strong mighty Job 6:23 Cr(

Third Decan
ARGO, (called the SHIP)

Psa 68:11 Heb., Argo, the company of travellers Gen 37:25 xr)
Psa 2:8   — Sephina, the multitude, nebula? abundance Deut 33:19 (p#
    — Tureis, the possession Num 24:18 #ry
Isa 49:12   — a Canopus, or the possession Gen 26:14 hnq
Isa 60:6   — Canobus, of him who cometh Psa 96:13 )b
    — Asmidiska, the released who travel release Deut 15:9 +m#
run Joel 2:9 q#
Hagg 2:7 Arab., Soheil, the desired asked 1 Sam 1:27 l)#
Isa 4:2   — Subilon, the branch Zech 4:12 lb#
Jer 23:5 Gr. and Lat., Argo, the company of travellers Gen 37:25 xr)
  Job 6:19  

The Scarabaeus is thought to have been the original emblem in Cancer. Sartan, who holds, would well apply to the "sacred beetle" of the Egyptians, who holds its "progeny" fast even in death. The Scarabaeus was placed here in the Persian sphere.

Some of the Arabs called Ursa Major El Naish, the bier, or funeral assembly (Ideler, Hyde, Barnes, &c.). The Christian Arabs called it the funeral of Lazarus, with Mary and Martha walking after it (Hyde, &c.).


AUTHORITIES (continued)

Decan, a part or piece, Heb. and Arab. Daniel 2:45 qd

Decans are divisions of a sign, each occupying about a third. This division is said to have been introduced into Egypt by King Necepsos, about 700 years BC The Decans are here arranged from a work by Albumazer, Flor. Astro., a Latin translation of which is in the Library of the British Museum. Albumazer speaks of them as in the Persian, Egyptian, and Indian spheres. The Persians, he says, understood, but the Indians perverted them with inventions. He describes them from both. Amidst considerable variations, analogies may be traced to the constellations as now figured. Of the Signs and other thirty-six constellations as received in his time, he says, all the names and figures had been transmitted unaltered.

Albumazer, or Abu Masher, lived about the year 800 (AD). He is known as a great Arab physician and astronomer. At that time astronomy was much studied by the Arabs: it had also been cultivated by the Gerbanites, a sect of Arab astronomers, some centuries before the Christian era. Lyell, in his Geology, says of them, "These were evidently great astronomers." Ricciolus, an astronomical writer AD 1598, says that it appears from Arab astronomy, that it was as old as Adam, and the names preserved by the Arabs antediluvian. Aben Ezra, a celebrated Jewish writer who lived in the thirteenth century, refers to Albumazer as a great authority. He records that Auriga was called the Shepherd by the ancient Hebrews.

Ulugh Beigh, a Tartar prince and astronomer who lived about the middle of the fifteenth century, is considered to have transmitted the ancient Arabian science. His catalogue of the stars was printed by Dr. Hyde, with Commentaries, about 1660. See Hyde's Syntagma, &c. It has been since reprinted in England.

None of the Arabic names in Ursa Major and Minor have any reference to a bear. Dub in Hebrew is a bear; Dubhe is strength in Hebrew and Chaldee (Buxtorf). The bear was probably so named from its strength. El Acola, Hebrew and Arabic, is explicitly sheepfold, as other names are sheep and flock. In the Persian sphere there are three damsels walking, as "the daughters of Ash," and the same figures in Ursa Minor and Argo. There is no trace of a ship in any of them.


Prophecies corresponding in word or type with the figures and the names LEO
Texts where the word or its root is used in this sense in the Hebrew Bible Hebrew Roots
Gen 3:15 Hebrew name, Arieh, the lion rending pluck Psa 80:12 hr)
Gen 49:9
Num 23:24
Num 24:9
Arabic, Al Asad, the lion, who rends, who wasteth Psa 91:6 d#
Prov 19:12 Syriac, Aryo, the lion, who rends
Hosea 13:3
Matt 25:32
Coptic, Pi-Mentekeon, the plucking asunder Jer 22:24 qtn
Prov 20:2
Eze 1:10
Greek, Leon, the lion. Sept. Gen 49:9 NT Rev 5:5
Rev 4:7 Latin, Leo, the lion. Arab. and Syr. coming vehemently, leaping forth as a flame. Vulg. the same Exo 3:2 hbl

Names in the Sign

Psa 91:13 Heb., a Regulus, the treading under foot Isa 32:20 lgr
Psa 50:2   — Zosma, the shining forth sparkled Eze 1:7 Cc
Matt 24:27   — Sarcam, the joining wrapped
Job 40:17 gr#
  Arab., Minchir al Asad, the punishing, tearing, of the lion, (piercing) Job 30:17 rqn
Isa 2:11   — g Al Giebha, the exaltation Eze 17:24 hbg
Enoch in
Jude 14
Heb., b Denebola, the judge or lord who cometh quickly Lord Psa 110:1 Nd
hasty Eccl 7:9 lhb
    — Deneb. Aleced, the judge cometh, who seizes judge Psa 50:4 Nd
catch Psa 35:8 dkl
  — Arab. Al Dafera, the enemy put down thrust down Job 32:13 hpd

First Decan
HYDRA, The Serpent

Rev 20:2,3,10 Heb., Hydra, he is the abhorred Isa 66:24 Nw)rd
  Arab., a Al Phard, the separated Prov 19:4 drp
  — Al Drian, the abhorred Isa 66:24 Nw)rd
  — Minchir al Sugia, piercing of the deceiver Job 30:17 rqn
Job 12:16 w#

Second Decan

Psa 75:8
Rev 16:19
Heb. and Arab., Al Ches, the cup. Also reckoned in Hydra Psa 75:8 sk
  Isa 51:17  

Third Decan
CORVUS, The Crow, or Raven

Eze 39:17 Heb., Chiba, the accursed Num 23:8 hbq
  Arab., Al Gorab, the raven Lev 11:15 br(
Rev 19:17   — Al Chibar, the joining together coupled Exo 26:3 rbx
    — Minchir al Gorab, piercing of the raven

"The Lion of the tribe of Judah" (Rev 5:5) is known to have been always borne on the standard of Judah, whether in the wilderness (Num 2), or in after-times. Bailly says the zodiac must have been first divided when the sun at the summer solstice was in 1o Virgo, where the Woman's head joins the Lion's tail. Necepsos and Petosiris, Egyptian astronomers about 700 BC, taught that at the creation the sun rose in Leo, at the summer solstice, the moon in Cancer.

Dupuis says, "The ancient Persians called the starry serpent the Serpent of Eve." He refers to a book of Zoroaster, the Boundesh, which he calls their Genesis. The same star, Al Chibar, the joined, is reckoned both in the Raven and in Hydra; as El Nath in the horn of Taurus and in the heel of Auriga, Antares in the head of Scorpio and the heel of Ophiuchus, &c. By these junctions the places of the figures were preserved; also by naming one star as the head, as Ras al Awa in Ophiuchus, others the hand, as Caph in Cassiopeia, and Rigol, the foot, in Orion. Ulugh Beigh thus describes most of the constellations.


Prophecies corresponding in word or type with the figures and the names VIRGO
Texts where the word or its root is used in this sense in the Hebrew Bible Hebrew Roots
Isa 11:1
Jer 23:5
Jer 33:15
Hebrew name, Bethulah, a virgin, Arab., branch Gen 24:16 hltb
Zech 3:8 Arabic, Sunbula, who bears carry Isa 46:4 lbs
Zech 6:12   — Sunbul, ear of corn Job 24:24 lb#
  Syriac, Bethulto, as Bethulah
Psa 80:15 Copt., Aspolia, station of the desired, the branch Zech 4:12 lb#
  Greek, Parthenos, the virgin. Sept. Isa 7:14
Isa 7:14
Micah 5:3
Latin, Virgo, the virgin, Virga, branch. Vulg. Isa 11:1 Isa 5:24 xrp

Names in the Sign

Isa 4:2 Arab., a Al Zimach, the branch or shoot, the star now called Spica Isa 4:2
Isa 11:1
    — Subilah, who carries Isa 46:4 Jer 23:5 xmc
  — Aziman, two ears of corn Zech 3:8  
  — Al Azal, the branch Isa 18:5 lz
  — Subilon, the spike of corn ears Isa 17:5 lb#

First Decan
COMA, the Branch or Infant near or held by the Woman

Gen 3:15
Isa 9:6
Names of the Woman
  Heb., Subilah, who bears Isa 46:4 lbs
Isa 7:14 Arab., Adarah, a pure virgin, separated chambers Job 9:9 rdx
    — Adrenosa, the virgin who carries Gen 46:5 )#n
Gr. and Lat., Astrea, the starry, the bright Eze 8:2 rhz

Names of the Infant

Hagg 2:7 Heb., Coma, the desired, longed for Psa 63:1 hmk
Isa 26:8,9 Arab., Al Awa, the desired Gen 3:6 hz)
    — Al Zimon, the desired Psa 42:2 )mc
  — Al Thaum, the twin, or united Exo 26:24 M)h
Zech 13:7   — Aleced, the united darling Psa 22:20 dxy
    — b Zavijavah, the glorious, (Arab. form) beautiful Isa 4:2 ybc
Psa 72:8   — e Al Mureddin, who shall come down, shall have dominion Psa 72:6 dry
  Ibid 8 hdr
Isa 4:2   — Hazamethon, the branch, (in Coma) branch Psa 80:15 Nb
Zech 9:10 Chald., Vindemiatrix, the son, who cometh, or the branch come Num 24:17 Krd
  Gr., Prometheus, the deliverer, who cometh, or the branch (Arab.) who cometh avenging Judge 5:2 (rp
came Deut 33:2 )t)
bough Lev 23:40 yrp

Second Decan
CENTAURUS, a figure half human, half horse, holding a dart and an animal.

Names in the Figure

Isa 53:3 Heb., Beze, the despised Isa 53:3 hzb
Dan 9:26 Arab., Al Beze, the despised
Isa 53:10 Heb., Asmeath, the sin-offering Lev 5:6 M#)
  a Toliman (in the foot), the heretofore and hereafter Deut 32:7 Ml(
  Psa 10:16  
Isa 9:6 Gr., Chiron, the pierced, who pierces Psa 22:16 r)k
    — Pholas, the mediator prayed Gen 20:7,17 llp
Zech 12:10 Lat., Rex Centaurus, the king, the centaur, Centaurus king Isa 32:1 Klm
smitten Isa 53:4 hkn
who cometh Job 34:8 xr)

Third Decan
BOOTES, a human figure as walking, bearing a branch

Names in the Figure

Psa 96:13 Heb., Bootes, the coming coming Psa 121:8 )b
Psa 121:3   — a Arcturus, he cometh goeth Job 34:8 xr)
  — a Arcturus, the guardian keeper. Psa 121:5 keeper Song 1:6 r+n
Hagg 2:7   — Mirach, the coming forth, as an arrow shoot Psa 64:7 hry
Isa 40:10   — e Mizar, or Izar, guarding, the preserver preserver Job 7:20 rcn
Psa 91:13   — Muphride, who separates separate Gen 13:9 drp
  Arab., Aramech, being sent forth, as a dart bowman Jer 4:29 xmr
Heb., Merga, who bruises break Psa 2:9 (r
Zech 12:10   — Nekkar, the pierced. Zech 12:10 pierced Psa 22:16 r)k
Gen 3:15 Arab., Al Katurops, the branch, treading under foot rod Isa 11:1 r+x
Isa 63:1 stamped Dan 7:7 spr
  Gr., Arctophylax, the guardian of Arctos. Acts 5:23 keeper
  — a Arcturus, the star so called. Sept. Job 9:9

Bethulah in Arabic is the sucker or branch of the palm (Castel), also a virgin. Ben in Hebrew branch, also son, as in Psalm 80:15, 17.

In the Pythian procession, the Greeks spoke of breaking from the laurel "the atoning bough." The branch-bearing sibyl of the Aeneid will here be traced.

The First Decan of Virgo, Albumazer says, was every where a woman with an infant. In the planisphere of Dendera, the woman, as the sign, carries the branch: below is a woman holding an infant. The palm-branches, John 12:13, with which the multitudes greeted the entry of our Lord into Jerusalem, acknowledged him as the promised "Branch," Zechariah 3:8, &c.

Baion is the comer, from Bao, to come. Erigone (Georg. I), who bears the coming One.

Albumazer describes Virgo as "a sign of two parts and three forms." Apparently the woman and the branch are the two parts, the ears of corn the third form. He then says, "There arises in the First Decan, as the Persians, Chaldeans, and Egyptians, the two Hermes, and Ascalius teach, a young woman, whose Persian name translated into Arabic is Adrenedefa,* a pure and immaculate virgin, holding in the hand two ears of corn, sitting on a throne, nourishing an infant, in the act of feeding him, who has a Hebrew name (the boy, I say), by some nations named Ihesu, with the signification Ieza, which we in Greek call Christ." Ieza is evidently the Hebrew verb "yesha," to save.

* Adrenedefa, Heb. a pure virgin, offering (Exo 35:29).

The infant seems to have been figured in this place in the time of Shakespear, as in Titus Andronicus an arrow is to be shot up to "the good boy in Virgo's lap." Coma (the desired in the Oriental dialects, the head of hair in Greek and Latin) seems to occupy the place of the branch. From the Greek meaning of the word, the Alexandrian astronomer seems to have taken the idea of calling it the hair of Berenice. That princess had given her hair as a votive offering for the safety of her brother. It was lost; and Conon met the difficulty by the assurance that it shone in heaven in the constellation Coma.

Layard gives the figure of an Assyrian goddess who holds an infant in her arms, and reads her name Mylitt, or Mylitta, which would be "she who beings forth." Eratosthenes called Virgo Isis. Isis, with other Egyptian goddesses differently named, is often figured holding the infant deity Horus, he who cometh. From Gaffarelli it appears that "the ancient Arabs figured Virgo as a fruitful branch." The Christian Arabs placed an infant near Virgo, as Coma.

In the sacred books of the Chinese, it was said that "a virgin should bring forth a child in the West."

Among the Gauls, 100 BC, an altar was found with this inscription, "To the virgin who is to bring forth."

The Taurians in the Crimea had human sacrifices to a virgin. Krishna, in India, Mexitli, in Mexico, had no human father.

All these nations had the zodiac, where they might find the woman, and the branch; but that the woman was a virgin, the infant the seed of the woman, prophecy only could have told them. R. Ben Jochai on Genesis 3 speaks of Messiah as to be born of a virgin, probably from Isaiah 7.

The brightest star in the Centaur has been observed by Sir John Herschell to be growing rapidly brighter: it seems, therefore, one of the changeable stars. The name Toliman, annexed to it by Ulugh Beigh, the star of heretofore and hereafter, indicates an early observation of its changes.

Bootes has by all antiquity been called the guardian of the constellations called the Great and Little Bear. The name Arcturus has been given to the figure, as well as to its brightest star.


Prophecies corresponding in word or type with the figures and the names LIBRA
Texts where the word or its root is used in this sense in the Hebrew Bible Hebrew Roots
Isa 40:12 Hebrew name of the sign, Mozanaim, the scales, weighing Isa 40:12 Nz)
Psa 130:8 Arabic, Al Zubena, purchase, redemption, gain Dan 2:8 Nbz
Exo 15:16 Syriac, Mazatho, scales
Deut 32:6 Coptic, Lambadia, station of propitiation. Lam, Arab. graciousness; badia, branch Prov 18:8 Mhl
Isa 60:12 Eze 17:6 db
Isa 63:9 Greek, Zugos. Sept. Isa 40:12. NT Rev 6:5
Rev 5:9 Latin, Libra, weighing. Vulg. Isa 40:12

Names in the Sign

  Heb., Graffias, swept away Jud 5:21  
Psa 74:2 Arab., a Zuben al Genubi, the purchase or price which is deficient stolen Gen 31:39 bng
1 Cor 6:20
Acts 20:28
  — Zuben al Shemali, the purchase which covers raiment Deut 10:18 lm#
    — Zubenelg, and Zubenesh, corruptions of the above.
  — Al Gubi, heaped up, high Psa 68:15 bg
Eph 1:14   — Zuben Akrabi, redemption of the conflict battle Psa 55:18 brq
Rev 14:4 Syr., Zuben, buying, gaining

First Decan

  The Mark of Boundary, or Limitation bound Gen 49:26 w)t
mark Eze 9:4  
Dan 9:26 Hebrew name, Adom, cutting off,
Given by Aben Ezra as the name of the South Polar Constellation, which ancient tradition said was in the form of a cross, as was the pole on which the brazen serpent was lifted up. Num 21:8
Isa 38:10 Md
Num 21:8
John 12:32

Second Decan

Isa 53:7 THE VICTIM, the animal held by the Centaur  
Names of the Figure
Psa 118:27 Heb., Aseda, to be slain destroyed Psa 137:8 d#
Zech 12:10 Arab., Asedaton, the same
  Gr., Thera, beast. Sept. Gen 8:19
  — Lycos, wolf. Sept. Gen 49:27
Lat., Victima, Bestia, the victim, the animal. Vulg. Gen 8:17

Third Decan

Names of the Figure

Psa 21:3 Heb., Atarah, a kingly crown crown Song 3:11 r+(
Psa 132:18   Zech 6:11  
  encompassing 1 Sam 23:26  
Rev 19:12 Arab., Al Iclil, ornament, or jewel Gen 24:53 ylk
Rev 14:14 Gr. Stephanos. Sept. Zech 6:11 NT Rev 6:2
  Lat., Corona. Vulg., Zech 6:11 NT Rev 6:2

Name of the chief Star

  Arab., a Al Phecca, the shining Psa 50:2 (py

The emblem of the Scales, or Balance, is found in all the Eastern zodiacs. In some it is said to have been held in the claws of the Scorpion; whence Chelae, the claws, was sometimes substituted in the West for Libra (Virg. Georg).

In the Persian sphere, the First Decan was a man as in wrath, holding a balance in one hand, a lamb in the other. Thau, bound or limit, finished, is the name of the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, originally in the form of a cross. Long before the Christian era, the cross was a most sacred emblem among the Egyptians. A few days before the sun entered Aries, the ancient Persians had the feast of the cross. At that time the Southern Cross was visible by night, probably about 10o above the horizon. They called Aries, the Lamb (Dupuis, &c.).

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