Pok:m rxbn hnyb twnq:w Uwrx:m bwj-hm hmkx-hnq
[To acquire wisdom, how much better than gold: and to acquire understanding, choose rather than silver]- Solomon


  • The Book of Jubilees also called Lesser Genesis
  • The Book of Jasher
  • The Letter of Aristeas
  • The Assumption of Moses also called the Testament of Moses
  • Joseph and Aseneth
  • The Psalms of Solomon also called the Psalms of the Pharisees (greek ms)
  • The Account of Ahikar grand vizier of Assyria
  • The Testament of Job
  • The Testament of Abraham


  • The First Book of Adam and Eve
  • The Second Book of Adam and Eve
  • The Book of Enoch also called First Enoch, or the Ethiopic Enoch (alternate version)
  • The Book of the Secrets of Enoch also called Second Enoch, or the Slavonic Enoch
  • The Apocalypse of Baruch also called Second Baruch
  • The Greek Apocalypse of Baruch also called Third Baruch
  • The Apocalypse of Abraham
  • The Apocalypse of Moses also called the Revelation of Moses, or the Life of Adam and Eve (alternate version)
  • The Apocalypse of Zephaniah
  • Fragment from the Book of Noah
  • The Martyrdom of Isaiah also called the Ascension of Isaiah (alternate version)
  • The Odes of Solomon
  • Demetrius the Chronographer
  • The Revelation of Ezra also called the Word and Revelation of Esdras
  • Tales of the Patriarchs also called the Genesis Apocryphon
  • The Testament of Adam
  • The Testament of Solomon
  • The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (alternate version)


  • The Gospel of Nicodemus also called the Acts of Pontius Pilate (alternate version)
  • The Gospel of Bartholomew also called the Questions of Bartholomew
  • The Gospel of Peter (greek ms A) (greek ms B)
  • The Lost Gospel of Peter
  • The Secret Gospel of Mark (greek ms)
  • The Gospel of the Egyptians
  • The Gospel of the Hebrews (alternate treatise) (alternate treatise)
  • The Gospel of the Ebionites (alternate treatise)
  • The Gospel of the Nazoreans (alternate treatise)
  • Infancy Gospel Compilation of Infancy Gospels I-V
  • Infancy Gospel I also called the Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Savior
  • Infancy Gospel II also called the Gospel of Thomas (translated from greek text A)
  • Infancy Gospel III also called the Gospel of Thomas (translated from greek text B)
  • Infancy Gospel IV also called the Gospel of Thomas (translated from latin text)
  • Infancy Gospel V also called the Gospel of Thomas of the Infancy of Jesus Christ
  • The Diatessaron
  • The Oxyrhunchus 840 Gospel with greek ms
  • The Protevangelium of James also called the Infancy of Mary (greek ms)
  • The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew also called the Gospel of the Birth of Mary
  • The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary


  • The Apocalypse of Peter
  • The Revelation of John the Theologian
  • The Revelation of Paul
  • The Revelation of the Mystery of the Cross
  • The Apocalypse of Thomas
  • The Apocalypse of Sedrach
  • The Avenging of the Saviour
  • Shepherd of Hermas


  • The Letters of Abgarus and Jesus
  • The First Epistle of Clement
  • The Second Epistle of Clement
  • The Epistle of Barnabas (alternate version)
  • The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus
  • The Epistle of the Apostles
  • The Correspondance of Paul and Seneca
  • The Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians (greek ms)
  • The Martyrdom of Polycarp
  • The Letter of Pilate to Caesar
  • The Report of Pilate to Tiberius
  • The Letters of Pilate and Herod
  • The Epistle of Mara

    Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch

  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians (alternate version)
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians (alternate version)
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians (alternate version)
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans (alternate version)
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians (alternate version)
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans (alternate version)
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp (alternate version)
  • Introduction to the Spurious Epistles of Ignatius

  • The Second Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
  • The Third Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Tarsians
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Phillipians
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to Hero, Deacon of Antioch
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to Mary at Neopolis
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to the Apostle John
  • The Second Epistle of Ignatius to the Apostle John
  • The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius
  • The Epistle of Ignatius to Mary
  • The Martyrdom of Ignatius
  • Acts

  • The Acts of Andrew and Matthew
  • The Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew
  • The Acts of Andrew
  • The Acts of Barnabas
  • The Acts of John concerning his exile and departure
  • The Acts of John
  • The Acts of Paul
  • The Acts of Paul and Thecla
  • The Acts of Perpetua and Felicitas
  • The Acts of Peter and Andrew
  • The Acts of Peter
  • The Acts of Philip
  • The Acts of Thaddaeus
  • The Acts of Thomas
  • The Acts of Peter and Paul
  • The Martyrdom of Bartholomew
  • The Preaching of Peter
  • Various Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles


  • The Apostles' Creed
  • The Book of John Concerning the Dormition of Mary
  • History of Joseph the Carpenter
  • Didache also called the Teachings of the Apostles (greek ms)
  • Egerton Papyrus
  • Kerygmata Petrou

  • Introduction to the Nag-Hammadi Texts
  • Corpus Hermeticum
  • Gnostic John the Baptist
  • The Psalms of Thomas

    Pistis Sofia

  • Introduction - Book I - Book II


  • The Gospel of Thomas (coptic ms)
  • The Gospel of Mary
  • The Gospel of Truth
  • The Gospel of Philip
  • The Gospel of Marcion


  • The First Apocalypse of James
  • The Second Apocalypse of James
  • The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
  • The Apocalypse of Adam
  • The Apocalypse of Paul
  • The Apocryphon of James also called the Secret Book of James
  • The Apocryphon of John
  • The Book of John the Evangelist
  • The Book of Thomas the Contender


  • The Acts of Peter and the Twelve


  • The Letter to Flora
  • The Letter of Peter to Philip


  • The Sentences of the Sextus
  • Ephiphanes of Righteousness
  • Authoritative Teaching
  • Eugnostos
  • Exegesis of the Soul
  • Heracleon Fragments
  • Hypostasis of the Archons
  • Melchizedek
  • On the Origin of the World
  • Ptolemy on the Prologue to the Gospel of John
  • Hymn of Jesus
  • Resurrection Treatise
  • Sophia of Jesus Christ
  • Testimony of Truth
  • Dialogue of the Savior
  • The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
  • The First Book of IEOU
  • The Ophite Diagrams
  • The Untitled Text in the Bruce Codex
  • Thought of Norea
  • Thunder
  • Trimorphic Protennoia


  • The Book of Mormon
  • Doctrines and Covenants
  • Pearl of Great Price
  • The Book of Abraham

  • The Talmud In the original Hebrew
  • The Babylonian Talmud
  • Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and Onkelos to the Pentateuch
  • Targum Psalms
  • Aramaic Targum Song of Songs
  • Targum Ruth
  • Targum Lamentations
  • Pirqe Aboth
  • Tales and Maxims from the Midrash
  • Medieval Hebrew Literature
  • The Book of the Bee
  • The Book of the Cave of Treasures
  • The Kebra Negast
  • The Sibylline Oracles
  • Judah ha'Levi the Kuzari
  • Athenagoras of Athens on the Resurrection of the Dead, and Plea for the Christians
  • Dionysius of Corinth fragments of a letter to the Roman church
  • Maximus of Jerusalem from the Book Concerning Matter
  • Melito of Sardis
  • Minucius Felix and Octavius
  • Polycrates of Ephesus from his Epistle to Victor and the Roman church concerning the day of keeping the Passover
  • Papias from the exposition of the Oracles of the Lord
  • Tatian address to the Greeks
  • Pliny and the Christians
  • Pliny the Younger and Trajan concerning the Christians
  • Caius Dialogue with Proclus
  • Hegesippus from his commentaries on the Acts of the Church
  • Excerpts of Theodotus selections from the prophetic scriptures
  • Julius Cassianus
  • Quotations of Isidore by Clement
  • Aristides the Apology (alternate version)
  • Irenaeus the Proof of the Apostolic Preaching
  • Hermias Derision of the Gentile Philosophers
  • Origen Philocalia
  • Dionysius of Alexandria letters
  • Eusebius Pamphili Contra Hieroclem, Demonstratio Evangelica, Praeparatio Evangelica, Theophania
  • Ephraim the Syrian prose refutations of Mani, Marcion and Bardaisan
  • Eunomius of Cyzicus the First Apology
  • Basil the Great address to the young men on the right use of Greek literature
  • Gregory of Nyssa Life of St. Macrina
  • Gregory Nazianzen orations (two invectives against Julian)
  • Ambrose of Milan letters
  • Macarius Magnes Apocriticus
  • Asterius of Amasea sermons
  • Jerome biblical prefaces
  • Sidonius Apollinaris letters
  • Dionysius the Areopagite the Divine Names, Mystical Theology, the Liturgy, the Celestial Hierarchy
  • Gildas the Wise the Ruin of Britain, Penitential, Lorica
  • Philoxenus of Hierapolis thirteen ascetic discourses, three letters
  • Severus of Antioch letters
  • Cosmas Indicopleustes the Christian Topography
  • Photius of Constantinople the Bibliotheca or Myriobiblion
  • Cornelius Nepos Lives of the Eminent Commanders
  • Julian the Apostate orations
  • Libanius Monody - funeral oration for Julian the Apostate
  • Spicilegium Syriacum
  • The Doctrine of Addai
  • Syriac miscellanies
  • Texts from Mount Sinai
  • Legends of Eastern Saints chiefly from Syriac sources - the Legend of Hilaria


  • James Ussher the Annals of the World
  • Philostorgius Epitome of the Ecclesiastical History of Philostorgius
  • Palladius the Lausiac History
  • Evagrius Scholasticus Ecclesiastical History
  • John of Ephesus Ecclesiastical History
  • Zachariah of Mitylene the Syriac Chronicle
  • Antiochus Strategos the Capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614 AD
  • Isidore of Seville Chronicon
  • John of Nikiu Chronicle
  • Justinus Epitome of the Phillipic History of Pompeius Trogus
  • Eutropius Historiae Romanae Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita
  • Zosimus the New History
  • the Chronicle of Edessa
  • Muratorian Canon


  • Handbook of Patrology
  • Chronology of Scripture
  • The Dogmas of Judaism
  • The Thirteen Wants of Judaism

    Tertullian (c200 ad)

  • Collective Works


  • Intro
  • Book I
  • Book II
  • Book III

    Clement of Alexandria (c200 ad)


  • Book I - Book II - Book III
  • Stromata

  • Book I - Book II - Book III - Book IV - Book V - Book VI - Book VII - Book VIII
  • Other

  • To the Newly Baptized
  • Exhortation to the Heathen
  • Who is the Rich Man that Shall be Saved?
  • From the Books of the Hypotyposes
  • Fragments
  • Origen Adamantus (185- 254 ad)

  • Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew

    Commentary on the Gospel of John

  • Book I - Book II - Book IV - Book V - Book VI - Book X
  • De Principiis

  • Preface - Book I - Book II - Book III - Book IV
  • Irenaeus of Lyons (c140- 200 ad)

    Adversus Haereses

  • Book I - Book II - Book III - Book IV - Book V
  • Justin Martyr (c100- 165 ad)


  • First Apology
  • Second Apology
  • Dialogue with Trypho
  • Discourse to the Greeks
  • Hortatory Address to the Greeks
  • On the Resurrection
  • On the Sole Government of God
  • Fragments of the Lost Writings
  • Athanasius (c295- 373 ad)

  • On the Incarnation

    Augustine (354- 430 ad)

  • The City of God and On Christian Doctrine

    Anselm of Canterbury (1033- 1109 ad)

  • Intro to Anselm's Philosophy
  • Proslogium
  • Monologium
  • Appendix in Behalf of the Fool
  • Cur Deus Homo

    Moses ben'Maimon (1135- 1204 ad)

  • Guide for the Perplexed
  • The 613 Mitzvot
  • Ani Maamin
  • Egeret Teman

    Sepher Ha'Mada, Mishneh Torah

  • Hilchot Yesodei Ha'Torah
  • Hilchot Deiot
  • Hilchot Talmud Torah
  • Hilchot Avodat Cochavim
  • Abraham ben'Samuel Zacuto (1452- 1515 ad)

    Sepher Yohassin

  • Intro - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII
  • John Lightfoot (1602- 1675 ad)

  • Commentary of the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica

    E.W. Bullinger (1837- 1913 ad)

  • The Apocalypse
  • Numbers in Scripture
  • The Witness of the Stars
  • Appendixes to the Companion Bible

    Frances Rolleston (c1862 ad)

  • Mazzaroth

    Arthur Custance (1910- 1985 ad)

  • The Doorway Papers

  • The Hebrew Alphabet
  • Hebrew Alphabet used in writing Sifrei Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzos
  • Chart of Hebrew Letters and Aspects
  • Chart of Hebrew Vowels and Aspects
  • Hebrew Preposition Chart
  • Hebrew Pronoun Chart
  • Hebrew Verb Stems
  • Intro to Basic Hebrew The BSTHebrew font is needed to view this page
  • Biblia Hebraica: 31 Lessons in Biblical Hebrew The SHebrew font is needed to view this page.
  • Hebrew Tutorial (618KB PDF)
  • Treatise on Hebrew Poetry (815KB PDF)
  • The Tanak (8.6MB PDF) The only such that I am aware of that includes Masoretic notes and signs
  • The New Testament in Hebrew (PDFs)
  • Summary of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (161KB PDF)


  • The Zohar
  • The Kabbalah Unveiled
  • Sepher Yetzirah (522KB PDF)
  • Sepher Ha'Shmoth (172KB PDF)
  • Sepherim Ha'Chanokh (147KB PDF)
  • Etz Ha'Chayyim (125KB PDF)
  • Idra Rabba Qadusha (210KB PDF)
  • Idra Zuta Qadusha (164KB PDF)
  • Ma'Aseh Merkabah: Nebiym (124KB PDF)
  • Ma'Aseh Merkabah: Shir Qoma (Sepher Raziel Ha'Gadol) (227KB PDF)
  • Siphra Detzniyutha (311KB PDF)
  • Alephbet (1.4MB PDF) A treatise on the mystical implications of the Hebrew letters
  • Etz Ha'Chayyim The qabalistic glyph


  • The Greek Script
  • Greek Lessons
  • Institute of Biblical Greek Resources and Study Aids for Koine Greek
  • A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek (2.9MB PDF)
  • A Short Syntax of New Testament Greek (6.3MB PDF)
  • New Testament Greek in a Nutshell (1MB PDF)
  • Greek and Latin Learning Tools
  • Selections from the Septuagint (13.8MB PDF)
  • The Old and New Testaments in Ancient Greek (PDFs)
  • Summary of Biblical Greek Grammar (211KB)


  • The Vulgate


  • Hypertext Bible
  • Great Isaiah Scroll Directory of the DSS Great Isaiah Scroll
  • Dead Sea Scrolls An attempt to list all available DSS mss and provide publication data
  • Assyrian Literature E-texts of a number of books including Annals of the Kings of Assyria (cuneiform and English!)
  • Bible History Links to Ancient Texts of the Near East
  • Cal Targum Search Search for verse in all Targumim in database. Can display chapter in any one Targum
  • Online Texts Related to Biblical Study Numerous e-texts of ANE literature including pseudepigrapha and DSS
  • Targumic Texts Translations of Targumim
  • Bible Manuscripts Project
  • Origenis Hexaplorum
  • Sumerian Literature
  • Biblical Archaeology Society
  • Brit-Am Identifying the Tribes of House Israel
  • Map of the Migratory Routes of House Israel (Map II)
  • Bible Research A good site for researching manuscripts, canons, etc
  • Sacred Texts An excellent library of sacred texts from numerous world ideologies
  • Online Resources for Learning Biblical Languages
  • Christian Classics Ethereal Library One of the largest libraries of Christian writings online
  • Philologos Library
  • Internet Christian Library
  • Online Bible Program with additions gives access to translations, original texts, commentaries, lexicons, etc.
  • Library II Many more add-on modules for the Online Bible program
  • Old Testament Gateway Home
  • Development of the New Testament Canon
  • Non-Canonical Homepage

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