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Welcome's to Kinga's HomePage!


Welcome to my Home Page. This page will be dedicated to the various aspects of my career, family and travel experience. I'd like to dedicate this page to my family, both in North America & abroad. If anyone has any questions or would like to contact me, please, feel free to email me.

For those of you who don't know it yet, there is one very special person in my life. His name is Damon and we're currently living together & working in Virginia, USA. Check out our picture (above) from the last PVD concert! Isn't he adorable?

I'm always on the lookout for awesome concerts since my favourite club GLOW in Washington, DC has decided to take a breather. If anyone is aware of any similar locales, please let me know!!! In the meantime, we'll be checking out the coolest band in the DC area... THE WORRY STONES!!!

So... without further delay, here are the links! Have a look around!

Professional Development
Around Town (Fave Club Review)
Odds & Ends Photo Gallery