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Viva L.I.U.

Our Inspiration

Our Manifesto
We with L.I.U. have one goal. The total elimination of having men lower the toilet seat when they have finished their business. By making men lower the seat you demean him like a dog and immasculate him. This leads to many of societies problems. We feel that by eliminating this simple little rule we can form a utopian society free from racism, poverty, war, and disease.

We have experimented in our communes with this theory and have found that within two days of not having to lower the seat 100% of males become peaceful, caring people capable of incredible acts of kindness. The change knows no limits, blacks and whites find new tolerance, Jews and Arabs have high tea together, Republicans and Democrats find compromise.The facts do not lie, we have found the key to peace in our time. There is only one thing that stands in the way; a small, circular, insignificant piece of wood that rests on the toilet. That and the women who force us to lower it.

Women of the world! Don't you want peace? Don't you want your children to grow up in a world with no crime. Never to have to fear for their safety. We wish your answer were yes, but more times than not we find that your answer is no. You choose to subvert the men in your lives with petty mundane rules. Rules that serve no purpose but to purport your own laziness and sloth. Women of the world!! I beseech you!! Open your minds to the dawning of a new age.
The age wherein we LEAVE IT UP!!!

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