Space Coast La Leche League

La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. All the breastfeeding information presented by Leaders has been approved by La Leche League International's Advisory Board of Physicians and Professionals, recognized as experts in their fields.

Breastfeeding is a simple and natural process, but you may need support and information on the correct positioning of the baby at the breast, working and breastfeeding, avoiding problems, and overcoming any difficulties that may occur. Knowing other women who have breastfed their babies can be helpful and reassuring. Having accurate, up-to-date information is also important.

Attending La Leche League meetings can help you learn about breastfeeding from other nursing mothers. At these monthly meetings, mothers share not only their questions and concerns but also the benefits and joys of breastfeeding. Being in touch with La Leche League can give you the network of support you need.

Meetings follow a planned schedule of topics that include:

Mothers & Mothers-to-be are encouraged to attend. Children are always welcome.

Space Coast La Leche League meets the first Thursday of every month at the Satellite Beach libary located at 751 Jamaica Ave. Get Directions
Meetings begin at 6:30 pm and end by 8:00 pm.

For more information...

Accredited Leaders are experienced breastfeeding mothers and are familiar with research and current findings dealing with breastfeeding. They offer practical information and moral support to nursing mothers through monthly meetings and telephone help. To find the phone number for a local La Leche League Leader, please send an e-mail to the contact below:

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This Web page is maintained by Josh  for Space Coast La Leche League. Feedback welcome. The La Leche League logo is a registered trademark of La Leche League, International. Used with permission.  We would like to thank Angelfire, registered trademark of Lycos, for this space. All products and ideas presented through advertising banners are the material of Angelfire and are not endorsed by La Leche League International, La Leche League of Florida, or Space Coast La Leche League.

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