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Edge Has Edgucated...
Wayne Jones(x3)


Name: Adam Copeland
"From This Day"
Chelle Fury

Accomplishments: Undisputed Champion(Current)
Intercontinental Champion(x2)
European Champion,
Hall of Famer.


Edge Is For Real!!!

About The Layout
The Roleplay you are about to view was done by Eric (Edge), the layout has been edited by Red Devil, and made by the users of Zymic. If you try to steal this layout your ass will be destroyed. You want a layout like this? Go to the link at the bottom of the page and fix it yourself. Now read.

In my first title defense, its against a man that ive beaten time and time again. That man is Brandon Davis. This a man who's convinced himself that he is greatness. Greatness? He has no idea what that is. He's never beaten me cleanly one on one. Other than that fluke victory he holds over me, he can't claim he is the greatest on the roster. A man who truly desserves a shot is Jonny Cash, hell the man pinned me last time we were even in a match. I'll deal with the Cashmeister at a later date. Right now Im gonna have to close the book on the Edge/Brandon rivalry once and for all. Its been 3 years and he still refuses to stay the hell out of my business. After im done with him, im gonna take care of the one man ive been waiting to face..Powerhouse.


Chapter 16
Scene 1
Fun and Games

It was a nice brisk afternoon. I just came back from an autograph signing and decided to chill out in a bar for a bit. This one looked pretty seedy, but I decided to go inside anyway.

Music for the Scene - Top of the Mornin' to Ya by House of Pain.

The place looked pretty tough. There were bikers everywhere, but I was not afraid. I went up to the bar and decided to get myself a drink. I walked up to the middle aged female bartender.

Edge:Hey Grandma!

She decked me right across the face, I fell right out of my seat...I should stop calling all middle aged women that. I got back up favoring my jaw.

Edge:I mean....miss...can you get me a beer please?

She nodded and poured me a glass of Beer. I took a sip and decided to sit and enjoy myself. Just then a couple of Bikers came in. They were all very ugly.. one had a girlfriend, they sat at a table behind me. I decided to introduce myself by going over there.

Skull:The hell do you want pretty boy?

Edge:Oh nothing...

I grinned and walked over to the girl. She was a real looker. She had orange hair, a white top and cut off shorts with a captain's hat with a skull and crossbones symbol on it. I whispered into her ear and she smiled. I walked back to the bar and she walked with me. The Biker with the mohawk was angry.

Dagger:Hey! Poison get your ass back here!

Apparently she ignored him and sat next to me in the bar as I drank my beer.

Dagger:What did you say to her you little punk!?

Edge:Sorry bro, I guess she prefers my company and not the company of a couple of Chumpstains with bad haircuts.

Dagger(getting up and kicking the table over.):Thats it, nobody steals my woman! Me and my boys are gonna mess up that pretty little face of yours, then we'll see if the girls go for ya'.

Edge:Im warning you dudes, you don't wanna mess with me..

Spider:Cut the shit talk boy, fight us!

Song for the fight scene - Rock N' Roll Revolution by Saliva.

I grinned and took off my shades. I looked to the four bikers. One of them took out their switchblade knife and ran towards me. I grinned and sidestepped the guy. He fell right into a table with two people sitting there. The other one smashed a bottle against the table and swung at me. The guy's reflexes were so slow, I grabbed his arm and flipped him and he went to the floor, the biker with the skull tattoo grabbed me from behind and held me in place. The one that fell into a table ran at me, I ducked out of the way and he hit his own fellow biker. They both fell to the ground. I was left with two of the bikers now, one had a bike chain and started swinging it. I grabbed a stool and held it up as he swung it at me, it was like a tug of war with him. He tried to pull and I then decided to throw the stool and hit him right in the face, He went down in a heap. The last guy ran at me, I just caught him and threw him right over the bar. The bar was a total mess when I was done. I looked over to the female biker girl who looked on in shock, yet she was Impressed.

Edge:Sorry babe..but we can never be...but here's a little something to remember me by..

I gave her a small kiss and grinned smugly. Before I could leave the bar, IceZ walked in. He looked around the bar in awe, he had no idea what happend. He then saw me standing there. Edge:Hey Iceman! Long time no see pal!

IceZ: Uh.. Right.. What the hell happened in here?

Edge:Oh bro you missed it! I hit on some gorgeous looking chick and a couple of bikers tried to beat the crap outta me, I just cleaned their clock, exciting huh? IceZ: To be quite honest- no.. Happens to us good looking people all the time! Guys are jealous, I swear.

Edge: Ain't that the truth bro, so pal, whaddaya say you and me go and cruise the city?

IceZ:First off, im not your pal, and second, You think I would go with you? Hell no!

Edge:Alright, your loss. May you go in peace!

Edge walks out of the bar laughing to himself, IceZ just looks after him, confused.

IceZ:...That is one weird guy...


Chapter 16
Scene 2

Later that night, I put Elizabeth to bed. I was about to go to sleep myself.

Elizabeth:Mr Adam, can you tell me a Bedtime story before I go to sleep?

Edge:Well Liz, I really don't know many.


She looked up at me with those adorable eyes of hers. I just couldn't say no.

Edge:Well...alright...wait I do have a story I can tell you.*Reaching into his gym bag and pulling out a huge book that reads. "The Big Book of Fairy Tales"* My Mom used to read these stories to me when I was around your age.

Elizabeth:Oooh read me one!

Edge(laughing):Alright Alright. I'll read you one of my favorite ones. *Opens the book.* The Prince and The Giant...*

Scene - The scene cuts to a Medieval setting. There's people all over a market place.

Edge(Narrarating.):Once upon a time, there was a far away land. The kingdom of Torkson. This was in a time where everyone was cynical and was waiting to get executed any minute now. The Kingdom of Torkson was ruled by none other than King Roland Westheimer the second...

The scene cuts into a throne room. The King comes in, he looks a lot like Eclipse GM Sebastian Croft, only he's in a royal cape with a crown.

Edge:The King also had a beautiful daughter, she was the most beautiful Princess in the entire kingdom. Her name was Michelle Furison...

Scene - Cut to The Princess who's sitting on her throne. She looks a lot like Chelle Fury, only she's wearing a pink elegant dress with a tiara on her head.

Edge:The King never let anyone near his daughter. He thought she was so beautiful, nobody was worthy of marrying her. But on one faithful day, a noble Prince walked right into the room.

Into the room walked the prince. He resembles Edge, The only difference is green tights and a green top. He is also wearing a Robin Hood esque Hat with a feather through it. He grins at the Princess.

Edge:His name was Prince Adrian Coperland.

Adrian:Your highness, I request to marry your daughter.

Roland:Are you mad young man? I will not have that!

Adrian:Then I shall...entertain you until you change your mind.

Edge:True to his word, the Prince entertained the King..*The King looks bored with the Prince's juggiling act.*...Okay so maybe he didn't really entertain the King. But he tried his best. Each week, the Prince tried to find a way to keep the King entertained, but always ended up being thrown out by the palace guards. On the fifth day he came, the King was ready to throw him into the dungeon where he would be executed the next day. But just then, he had an ingenious idea.

Roland:Young man, I admire your detirmination. So much, I will make a deal with may mary my daughter...only if you give me a strand of hair from the Giant who lives across the lake.

Adrian:That I will do your Majesty!*runs off.*

Edge:The King himself new that the Giant was truly mean. He would not like it if someone pulled a strand of hair from his head...or any other part of his body. The King sat down...confident that he would never see the annoying Prince ever again.

Scene - Prince Adrian is in the countryside part of the village.

Edge:Adrian did not know where the lake was. So he looked for directions. He saw a small mini castle across the end of town. He went up and knocked on the door.

The Guard in the castle came out in the high tower area of the palace. He looks a lot like Brandon other than his Silver Knight Armor.

Guard:Hault! Who goes there!?

Adrian:Excuse me sir, can you tell me where I can find the Giant who lives across the lake?

Guard:Only if you tell me how come we get no water...*pointing to the dry fountain.* in our fountain?

Adrian:I believe its because there's a toad stuck in the supply pipe.

Guard:Haha..we shall see sonny boy..

The Guard goes over to the pipe thats in the fountain and reaches in and pulls out a toad.

Edge:It appears the Prince was right. And the guard was forced to eat his words...and the toad.

The Guard shoves the live toad into his mouth and swallows it whole.

Guard:Mmmmmm...Tasty..Now, to find the Giant, you're gonna have to head east that way. Keep going until you find a lake. And in that lake will be a Ferry Man. Now be off with you!

Edge:The Prince hurried along. He kept walking until he found a lake with a boat. Inside was the Ferry Man.

On the docks was a boat with a man in it. He resembles Travesty, only he has a long white beard and an eyepatch over his right eye. Adrian walks over to him. The Ferry looks depressed.

Ferry:I am the Ferry who rows across this lake. The only one who can row anyone across this lake is me.

Adrian:Row me across the lake.

Ferry:Only if you anwser me this, why am I doomed to row back and forth across the lake till the end of time?

Adrian:Hmmm...well, I believe you are doomed to row back and forth because you never had anyone row for you. Hand the Oars to the next person who comes by, and he will row back and forth for the rest of his days.

Edge:The Ferry was astonished at the situation he should have thought of the solution a long time ago. He got inside the boat, and at snails pace, the Ferry rowed across the lake.

Adrian gets out of the boat and onto the land.

Adrian:Wait here for me, it won't take long.

Ferry:I don't suppose it will...

Scene - The Prince walks up to the castle. The place was very huge.

Edge:The Castle towered over the Prince. But he remained brave and went inside. He snuck right in through the window. As he entered the castle halls, he can hear the Giant snoring. He quietly opend the door and crept into the Giant's bedroom.

Scene - Adrian wals over to the bed. The sleeping Giant resembles Powerhouse. He's wearing Black Pajama's decorated with Skulls. He's softly cuddiling a black teddy bear with red eyes and a skull on its belly.

Edge:The Prince knew he had to be careful. If he could get a stand of the Giant's hair, he would be able to marry the Princess. He got on the bed too a chunk of the Giant's hair and ran out, the Giant was furious as he got up.

Giant:Arrgh! Who has been pulling my precious hair?!

Edge:Adrian didn't stick around for an anwser, he ran down the stairs and into the den.

Giant:Fee Fi Fo Fum...I smell the B.O of an Englishman!!

Edge:The Giant's words roared throughout the castle as he got closer. Adrian ran out and made it to the lake. He dived right in and swam across the lake. The Giant went up to the Ferry at the boat.

Giant:Follow that Prince!

Ferry:Sorry...Im not liecensed for Giants, besides, you're too heavy..we'll sink..

Giant:Oh no we won't give me those Oars..I will row!!

Ferry:Don't say I didn't warn you...

The Ferry dropped the Oars and dived into the lake. The Giant could barely get in the boat, the only thing that would fit is his little toe. He tried his best to row..but couldn't quite reach the end of the lake.

Edge:So the Giant rowed into the sunset, out of the sunset, and is still rowing to this day. Prince Adrian returned to the castle. He gave the strand of hair to the King. The King had no choice, he had to live up to his word.

Scene - Cut to a Wedding Chapel, all the people are there.

Edge:Prince Adrian and Princess Michelle then married.....

Scene:Cut back to today.

Edge:...And they lived happily ever after...

Elizabeth was asleep. Im sure she enjoyed the story. I kissed her on the forehead and went to the bed by the window. I lied down and went to sleep.


Chapter 16
Scene 3
Sweet Dreams

*I woke up in a dark dreary room, the only light I could see was through a barred window. The whole place looked like a dungeon, I tried to move but I was chained to the wall. What the hell is this? I saw a hooded figure with his back turned to me.* Edge:Hey! Who are you?! Show yourself!

The hooded figure starts laughing and I and outraged hearing that giggle. I blurt out. It was the man formerly known as Vampiro...Death.

Edge:Death, you sick freak, you knock me out and kidnap me? what you..

Death:Yea, now before you go spastic on me Adam, You are sleeping and I am in your head. I tried to teach you in OVW, but you hade to claim your fame and become the one everyone has to love. I despise you for that, and when I take over your dreams, I can take the upper hand.

Edge:I should've known it was can't even beat me in the real world so you gotta invade my dreams...well, just like everything you got it half right.

Death: (laughing again and disappears, Then next to Edge):No matter, you are the one locked up. And rumor has it, If you die in your dreams you die in real life. But I am not here to kill you. I need your attention cause of your past.

With a sinister look on his face, flames appear out of his eyes and as I concentrate, I see an image of my great grandfather appear in the flames.

Edge:What the that Ian Markson Copeland?

He lunges out and grabs me by the throat. I am actually feeling it. I can't move cause of the chains.

Death:A fool in my eyes for being mortal like your self Adam. In OVW I never told you the truth but knowing you for all these years, I need to tell you how much I want to end your career and the Copeland legacy. Your great grand daddy ruined my reality for a century and I am going to ruin yours for the exchange and make sure this is the last of his legacy.

He releases the hold and walks back across the room.

Edge:You don't get it do you?..My great great grandfather kicked your ass, I kicked your ass, a couple of years from now, my children will beat you, and their children will. You're no threat to anyone anymore...

Death: (Lauging again) You are going to soon realize that I can get you anywhere. Your mistake like Markson's was not killing me when you had your chance. I am not in a fight for this realm any longer cause I am soon taking it over.

Edge:You're making a big mistake by not killing me here, you of all people know better than anyone what happens when you get in my way. I could've killed you if I wanted to at Survivor Series, but I didn't. Because I would be just like you. Thats what ended our alliance, I did not want to become a gutless coward such as you.

Death:Gutless!? You never have even come close to taking me out Adam. You know it, each time I am injured it only makes me stronger.And now that current circumstances I am on a new roll and I have to eventually destroy a legacy that haunts me. Survivor Series you proved you may have been the better competitor, but now I am not concentrating on hiding myself. I am going to destroy you and everything that revolves around you. You will never produce offspring's as long that I am around!

Just then fog surrounds me...I wake up back in my own bed. Its morning now.

Edge:What the....No way....


Chapter 16
Scene 4
Interviewers Suck

The next night, Me and Elizabeth entered the arena parking lot. I got out of my limo.

Elizabeth followed. I walked through the lot and went inside. I said hi to the local jobbers in the back such as Paul London and Hardcore Holly. I then heard an annoying voice.


Edge:Ah what?

I turned around and saw Josh Matthews. Elizabeth looked up at him.

Elizabeth:..You're a dumbass...

Josh looks taken aback by the shocking words she said. Josh then looked to me.

Edge:Hey, I swear, I did not teach her that...she is right though..*looking down at Elizabeth.* Lizzie, I gotta get interviewed by this Chumpstain. You go along ahead and go bother London and Kendrick, I'll catch up with you later.

Elizabeth:Okay Mr Adam.

She walked off, leaving me alone with Matthews.

Matthews:Edge, before we get this interview started, I wanna talk about your match last week. In the match you were pinned by Jonny Cash, how do you feel about that?

Edge:Well, unlike Kidd, im not gonna make excuses when I lose a match. Cash pinned me one two three in the middle of the ring. But I know Cash well, he would've wanted to pin me in a one on one match. Me and Cash go way back, and I think I owe him a title shot. So when im done with Powerhouse at World War 3, I'll be more than happy to grant Cash a shot at this belt.

Josh:That would indeed be a good match, but this Friday on Eclipse, your first title defense will be against a man you know very well. The Real Deal, Brandon Davis.

Edge:The self proclaimed Real Deal huh? I think my new moniker should be Midas,*holding the title up.* because everything I touch turns into gold. Let me tell you a little something about Brandon. All he is is an arrogant little punk who believes the whole world should kiss his ass just because he's held the U.S Title 5 times. I mean, it takes a lot of talent to lose that belt 5 times. But one belt he is not gonna get his hands on is this title right here. Brandon is not in my league, ive prooven that time and time again. But he just can't get the message. So it looks like im gonna have to beat it into his thick skull one more time. And this time, when I beat him, Im gonna be done with him, no more Brandon. Because all he is is a jobber who has never been to the top and will never reach my level of status in pHw.

Josh:You requested this match to be a Submission match, why?

Edge:Well, at first I wanted this to be a Ladder Match, but he would be too much of a chicken to fight me at my own game. So I watched his match with Jason Silver, and saw him win with his little submission hold and I figured, what the hell, lets make this a Submission Match. Because ive made a lot of people tap out to the Edgucator. Nobody has ever escaped it. And I promise you this, Brandon will not escape this hold. Ive put it on many and I don't let go until the person screams and taps out. And I promise you this, for the first time in Brandon's.."Illustrious" Career, he will tap out in the middle of the ring, and I will be declared the winner of the match. Brandon has no chance in hell of ever beating me. He had a lot of chances, and he blew them all. So what the hell makes him think he is gonna beat me? Its not gonna happen.

Josh:You say this will be the final confrontation between yourself and Brandon. Why do you say that?

Edge:Simple, ive been kicking Brandon's ass for going on 3 years now. And trust me, im sick and tired of dealing with him. No matter how many times I beat him down, he still comes at me asking for more. Well let me tell you what, it ends this Friday. Because when the self proclaimed Real Deal, and The Rated R Superstar meet once again, it will be the last time. Brandon can't get it through his head, he can't beat me. Ive got his number, I know him well. I am better than him, I know it, you know it, the Edgeheads know it, even his sweet little girlfriend knows it. So on Eclipse, Brandon will get the message loud and clear. And there isn't a damn thing that he can do about it. Brandon wants to be famous? Well, the only thing he will be famous before is when I give him a Rated R Beating so bad, Stacy won't even be able to recognize him. And Josh, you can Bank on that!

I walk past him and into my locker room. I turn on the light and then someone grabs me by the throat. Im brought to my knee's by the attacker. - Free templates, tutorials and much more free webmaster resources!