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Voices In the Storm: Synopsis

They took away my Clifford.

He was in another part of the prison, on the men's side. I only got to see him in passing, when going to meals, or going back for after hours lockup. He was as handsome as ever, and as healthy as ever. I don't understand how the sickness got him. One day he seemed healthy, and he even smiled at me that day. The next day he was gone.

They said it was pneumonia that got him, but I don't believe it. And Myron had a big healthy plate of gravy that night at dinner. It was hard to believe he had the gall to eat, with me sitting right across the room from him. And the one time he looked up at me and smiled, a big glob of gravy stuck to the corner of his mouth.

I nearly puked my dinner right then and there, that bastard was eating my Clifford; I just knew he was.

Clifford and Estelle Stec were imprisoned for a crime they say they never committed. The entire town thinks they did, Estelles not sure.

Clifford dies suddenly and an empty pine box is wheeled out of the prison. Something strange is going on within the prison walls. Estelle is sure his death wasn't from illness, and is determined to take revenge on those responsible.

Estelle is getting too close to the truth. She is evaluated as being mentally incapable of surviving prison life, and is transferred to Bentley Arms. A mental institution in the secluded woods of Great Swamp.

Inmates at the prison are disappearing at an alarming rate, and their bodies have yet to be found. Estelle is blamed for the deaths, but she is miles away in confinement. The town is in panic, the Warden is terrified. The Mayor wants answers...and the voices are in the storm.

A page turning thriller that promises to take you on a roller coaster ride from start to finish!