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Karen's page

This page is for Caroline, James, and Denise's hobbies and random stuff. This diverse group likes to scuba dive, boat, draw, shop, play soccer, surf, and occasionally do work or school stuff. Caroline is the artist, James the athlete, and Denise the person set on getting out of her home town. Everybody should have 3 teenagers at once, it's an experience! Lets have fun. -Karen a/k/a Mom...

Here's Caroline wasting time.. I mean drawing...
Here's Caroline in Charleston looking for a job...I wonder if there's one in the water?
Hey- like to dive? we do!! This is at Islamorada in the Florida Keys. James is ready to get in the water I think.
Caroline went fishing!!! This is in Charleston.
Here are some Halloween pics. I made myself the Queen of Spades. Caroline and I designed the costume and I made it.

This was two summers ago when James was 15, working at Camp Coker. It was about 104 degrees (really) and we were wilted.
Then Caroline and I went camping right after that, and it was much cooler in the mountains.
On the other hand it snowed that same year and was really cold. I hate the cold.
Come visit and see the lovely ice....

My kids !

My Favorite Web Sites

Caroline's Adventures
James' Aventures
Scuba Madness- read Caroline's tale of Florida Keys Trip
James' Soccer page
