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The Clifford D. Kaplan Earth Science



Kaplan Stories

Submitted by Jeff and countless others

NEW STORIES!! SEE BELOW. To get more stories I need you to send them in, so get typing! The numbers in the stories are cliff notes. Look at the bottom of each story for an explanation to each, in this way we make the site fun and educational, how sweet.

The Rock Show

Submitted by Jeff

Hanging out at the museum on a Tuesday.
Acting scientific looking cool with my lab friends.
I couldn’t wait for the summer and the exhibit tour.
I remember it was the first time that I saw her there.

She is round and she came out of a volcano.
I’m kind of nervous cause I think she is extrusive[1].
She’s igneous[2] and she is black.
Her name’s basalt[3] and she’s all that.

Because I fell in love with the rock at the rock show.
I exclaimed, “What?” because her mineral content[4] I didn’t know.
She’s just like lava[5] but she cooled and she hardened.
Everything’s better because she is round.
Smooth not jagged all around.
I fell in love with the rock at the rock show.

When I said we were gonna move to my lab.
I remember the look the curator gave us.
4,000,000 years old without a purpose or direction.
We don’t owe anyone that has an eye infection.

I fell in love with the rock at the rock show.
I exclaimed, “What?” because her mineral content I didn’t know.
She’s like lava but she cooled and she hardened.
Everything’s better because she is round.
Smooth not jagged all around.
I fell in love with the rock at the rock show.

Ink jet picture of her on my wall.
I waited for her call
She always kept me waiting.
I guess it’s because that she couldn’t talk.
And cause she couldn’t walk.
Well I think it’s because she’s just basalt.

I fell in love with the rock at the rock show.
I exclaimed, “What?” because her mineral content I didn’t know.
She’s like lava but she cooled and she hardened.
Everything’s better because she is round.
Smooth not jagged all around.
I fell in love with the rock at the rock show.

With the rock at the rock show.

Cliff notes:

[1]extrusive- coming out of the earth (ex. through a volcano)
[2]igneous- a rock made of magma or lava
[3]basalt- an extrusive igneous rock which is black because of its mafic mineral content
[4]mineral content- what makes up the rock
[5]lava- the name for molten rock when it comes out of the earth

A Poem? Possibly.

Submitted by Raman

Mr. Kaplan rulez
An Earth science teacher to remember
Mr. Kaplan 4 life

Mr. Kaplan's Day Off

Submitted by Marianne snd Nikki

One day Cliffy woke up on the wrong side of the closet (since he's inflatable and is kept in the school closet every night just to teach earth science). In class he yelled at his students for passing notes and made fun of their shirts. Then he started to frantically screaming "DUMP HER" and cracking himself up, though the rest of the class just gave him weird looks. Then he began to run around the room like a wild man screaming and scribbling contour lines[1] all over his head with a permanent marker. Cliffy then suddenly feels the urge to become an igneous rock. He wants to go on a field trip to Hawaii so he can bring the class inside a volcano but the class refuses to because it's not groovy enough. So Cliffy goes by himself. As he travels to the volcano in Honolulu he meets an exfoliated[2] rock and falls deeply in love. Him and Bertha travel around and he carries her around on his back...until Bertha starts to chip into many pieces ever time he touches her because she is over-exfoliating. His heart breaks as he watches his true love crumble into dust before his eyes. As the depressed Cliffy returns on his journey he finally reaches his destination. He climbs to the top of the volcano and admires the lava and magma[3]. He then jumps into the volcano and becomes one with the splendorous lava. He swims around and pulls out his handy dandy drill. With it he drills into the earth and explores the many layers of rock, including granite, sandstone, limestone and basalt. He is fascinated by the many intrusions[4], overturning[5], and contact metamorphism[6] that has taken place. His passion for the earth has gone from hugging trees to exploring the wonders within the earth's layers within minutes. Then he finally makes it to the core where he melts into oblivian. THE END! BWAH HAHAHA

Cliff Notes:

[1]contour lines- lines drawn to show elevation
[2]exfoliated- when a buried rock is pushed up to the surface and loses all its energy it has become exfoliated and will crumble easily
[3]magma- the name for molten rock before it leaves the earth
[4]intrusion- when magma goes through other rock layers, but not out of the earth's crust
[5]overturning- when rock layers are flipped over on to themselves (like folding a paper)
[5]contact metamorphism- when an igneous layer touches another rock layer the changing that takes place (no melting occurs)

What seemed to be an ordinary day..

Submitted by: Brittany Skrypek

As every weekday goes the kids get up and they go to boring school. Well lets just put it this way, the 8th graders in John F. Kennedy Middle School do not go to a boring school. Some of the lucky ones take Earth Science. Yeah i mean everyone takes Earth Science, but NOT EVERYONE takes Earth Science with Mr. Kaplan.
5th period bell rings and we all go to class. Liz and Brittany (me) are gossiping in the back and everyone is laughing and then mr toughguy comes in and starts teaching. (I mean seriously this guy walks in and just goes right into the lesson.) So meanwhile we are talking about some Evaporation stuff (Like who doesnt know what evaporation is...JEZZ) and he walks over to get a yellow sponge and is telling us how the sponge soaks up water and if you leave it out in the warm sunlight the water will evaporate..but he also said that you can just squeeze it and the water will come out.
Well he took the sponge and walked over to the desks and i thought he was coming to mine so i backed off and then he squeezed the sponge onto Scott Bickard's books and they were soaked! I mean SOAKED! Now is it everyday in you boring old school that you go to (unless you go to JFK) that your Earth Science teacher squeezes a sponge all over your books..I think not..
Mr. Kaplan, you're the best teacher in the whole entire world and that is just one of the many memories we had in your class this year we will miss you lots.

The Kaplan Documents

Submitted by Cliffy the "Rock"

So you see, there was this guy who thought that
rocks were cool. Then came a storm and he went
totally groovy.

Then the storm picked up the rock and slammed him
on his head. The poor guy, as a result of this
collision, lost all his hair. He was than destined
to roam the earth in search for that elusive
corner of the lithosphere that he could call his
very own.

Unfortunately, on his trip around the world, he
got caught up in the prevailing westerlies and
fell into a giant hole in a glacier.

Frozen, bald and badly scarred by the sharp
corners of the intrusive rock, he sadly fell into
the rift in the ocean abyss.

But luckily his faithful students pulled him out
and gave him a home. It was called 219 [a small
corner in a strange land known to the locals as

Comfortable and feeling totally safe, he curled up
in a closet and only comes out when the morning
bell sounds.

Picture submitted by Vinod

Groovified by Rohan and Jeff

Kaplan Face

Submitted by Jeff

Based on Green Day’s “Basket Case”

Do you have the time?
To listen to me try
To explain these diagrams and formulas all at once
I am one of those
Scientific fools,
Logical to the bone,
No doubt about it.

Sometimes I give my kids hard tests,
Sometimes my kids play tricks on me.
It all keeps falling out,
I think I’m gonna pout.
Am I just a blow-up doll?
I’m just old.

I went to a lab,
To analyze my brain,
They says it’s a lack of hair that’s making me cold.
I went to a student,
He said my life’s too prudent,
And quit my trying now cause I’m only getting blank stares.

Grasping to control, the kids in my class.

Can't Deny it

Submitted by Rohan

Y'all can't deny it, I'm an E-Sci Teacher
You don't wanna mess with me (yeah)
Got skills in the briefcase with me (ok)
Taking notes, do a test with me (that's right)
Y'all can't deny it, I'm an E-Sci Teacher
You don't wanna clown with me (yeah)
And you know I brought my frown with me (ok)
Make sure your grades don't go down with me

Yo, if they want it, they will get it
They still wonder how I did it
Now they're wit it, these students see how I teach it
Huh, these students see how I preach it
You can hear my experiments throughout the day
Students be yellin, let me try like they match the skills of Mr. K
I keep teachin' them lessons on the prevailing westerlies
Keep preachin' 'bout huggin' them trees
Keep reachin' for grades higher than C's
Keep getting' lessons from me
It's Cliff Kaplan, the E. Sci T
Listen closely, even though I make them weary
I ain't tryin to send ya brains to rest
I'm tryin to put knowledge in ya head so you won't fail da test
and then you'll know I'm the best
You can release this to the press (Kaplan!)
From the North to the South to the East to the prevailing Westerlies, let's go

Y'all can't deny it, I'm an E-Sci Teacher
You don't wanna mess with me (yeah)
Got skills in the briefcase with me (ok)
Taking notes, do a test with me (that's right)
Y'all can't deny it, I'm an E-Sci Teacher
You don't wanna clown with me (yeah)
And you know I brought my frown with me (ok)
Make sure your grades don't go down with me

Yo man, I got you hooked on the forms of E. Sciences
The name's Kaplan, you heard I be eatin' Campbell's
In them classrooms with the dope appliances
In my back office, playing with my rock samples
Gneiss, Basalt, Shale, Granite,
You name it, I probably still got it
I still got them globes wit me
Even the one that my friend gave me back in Sixty
My Jeep's loaded, wit the wheels and the shocks movin
Still preachin' bout the same old cheese
(You can't deny it) I'm the same ol' G
Still here, hey, have you seen my key?
Keep huggin' those trees
Keep getting' those B's
Look around and you'll see
Ain't nobody here that is better than me
Clifford Kaplan, I learn 'til I die
All my knowledge makes you cry
If you need any help, you'll know where I'll be

Y'all can't deny it, I'm an E-Sci Teacher
You don't wanna mess with me (yeah)
Got skills in the briefcase with me (ok)
Taking notes, do a test with me (that's right)
Y'all can't deny it, I'm an E-Sci Teacher
You don't wanna clown with me (yeah)
And you know I brought my frown with me (ok)
Make sure your grades don't go down with me

That's right
Yea, ok

Y'all can't deny it, I'm an E-Sci Teacher
You don't wanna mess with me (yeah)
Got skills in the briefcase with me (ok)
Taking notes, do a test with me (that's right)
Y'all can't deny it, I'm an E-Sci Teacher
You don't wanna clown with me (yeah)
And you know I brought my frown with me (ok)
Make sure your grades don't go down with me
[Chorus fades out]

A Day in Room 219

Submitted by Jackie

At the sound of the fifth period bell, the class shuffles into room 219. Mr. Kaplan hands back the labs and after the class looks over their papers Mr. Kaplan tells DJ and Amanda to collect them. DJ jumps up and rips off his coat to reveal a “DUMP HER” shirt. Meanwhile, Amanda endlessly eating Jackie K.’s pretzels continues collecting. Someone screams, “There’s a nerd on the floor!” Jeff replies, “What, is Raman lying down?” Raman though is being a good Samaritan and is giving Jackie his sweatshirt in exchange for a fwame bwoiled woppa. During all this, Kim is shouting the answer at the top of her lungs and Mr. Kaplan still cannot hear her. Ricky through all this is asking pointless questions or questions that had been answered about five times before. Jeff, behind Ricky, is thinking up a new scheme to take over Earth Science with. Of course, Stephanie and Jackie M. are cracking up at DJ while Jackie K. tries to fix her 801 to an 80%. With all this commotion taking place, Mr. Kaplan spontaneously combusts. Jeff asks Mr. Kaplan,
“How are you?”

Just another average, normal day in room 219.

Ode to Kaplan

Submitted by Lisa Shah

Mr. Kaplan really rocks His words of wisdom I always mock "The sun warms the earth, the earth warms the air" This heat has affected the growth of his hair His shirts are an eye sore, his tests are tough A looooong double period--don't you think that's enough? He races with rocks on the high school track I think there's a tatoo of basalt on his back But nontheless, Mr. Kaplan is cool And after 100 years, he's leaving our school WE"LL MISS U MR. K!!!

In the End

Submitted by Jeff

It starts with
4 rings around 11:25
In Kaplan’s class you have to try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All Kaplan knows
Time is a valuable thing
Look at Fu Coo and his pendulum swing,
Watch it count down to the end of our days
The clock ticks life away
That’s Kaplan’s spiel
Didn’t look out below
Direct sun rays will make the heat grow
Trying to hold on but I didn’t even know
I wasted it all just to watch magma flow
No oxygen could get inside; the respiratory system really tried but then stopped the heart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a dead body

I tried so hard
To pass the test
But in the end
I failed like the rest
I had to cheat
And move my seat
But in the end
It doesn’t even matter.

4 rings around 11:25
In this class you have to try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how
I tried so hard
In spite of the way Kap was mocking me
Acting like I was a something sedimentary
Remembering all the times I metamorphosed
I’m surprised he got so far
Things aren’t the way they were before
There is a nerd on the floor
Not that there’s candy on the ground
But it looks like Raman’s lying down
No oxygen could get inside; the respiratory system really tried but then stopped the heart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a dead body

I put my rust on you
Oxidized as much as I could do
For all that
There’s only one thing you should know…

Mr. K’s hair doesn’t grow
And if it does it grows real slow
I guess that…
Is all that you have to know…

Have your own Kaplan stories, poems, songs, haikus, etc.? E-mail them to me and they may get posted on the site!

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Major props to Rohan for the killer music! Kaplan's almost favorite song- "Yellow" by Coldplay

All pictures belong to Jeffrey Katz. Do not use without permission.