[ Disclaimer ] Everything you see here was created by Rebecca for Justin. To make this short and sweet, it's not yours, so don't take it. If you want a layout, send her e-mail over and if she has the time, she'll probably make one for you. But in the meantime, sit back, relax and enjoy the masterpeice that I have created here in this roleplay, and if you don't care to do that, then see yourself to the door, BYTCH!

( Scene | #1 | Chyna is Ready for Action! )

::[The scene opens up outside of the XwwA arena in the parking lot with a black limousine parked a few lots away from the entrance doors. The Driver of the limousine opens the back door of the limousine and for a second nobody appears to be getting out of the limousine. All of a sudden out of the clear blue sky none other than the ninth wonder of the world steps out of the limousine with a smile on her face. She raises both arms high in the air stretching after being cramped in the limousine for so many hours. Chyna hands the Driver a tip and she begins to walk toward the XwwA arena. Women are laying up to see Chyna's return match here in the XwwA against a rookie and a friend. As Chyna arrives to the entrance way she looks backwards to see a woman just standing there with her hands placed upon her hips with her head hanging down in sorrow. Chyna turns back around and enters the arena.]::

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- It feels extremely good to be back into the Xtreme Women's Wrestling Alliance once again. Who would have ever thought they would have seen Chyna, the biggest woman in XwwA history return to the XwwA after the shit I've been through?

::[As Chyna says that she continues to walk down the hallway with security guards smiling at her and the make up crew wave. Chyna then pulls a piece of paper out of her top right hand pocket and she immediately begins to read it.]::

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- XwwA has a new era that is beginning and it's going to begin with two "superstars" are laying beaten and bruised after a vicious match with me. It's my time to shine now!

::[Chyna sees a trash can near by as she throws the paper into the trash can letting out a small laugh. Chyna turns her back to the right and notices that Jan, the make up lady current has nobody with her. Chyna approaches the woman who's cleaning combs and things of nature.]::

::["Make-Up Artist" Jan]::- ::[Jan turns around with the combs in her hands as she sees Chyna standing right in front of her. She jumps back surprised, but a smile quickly appears on her face.]:: Hey Chyna, welcome back girl! How have you been enjoying yourself, the xwwa, and life itself?

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Jan, I couldn't ask for anything more. I have my old job back, my television career is still going, and my life is perfect right now. How have you been? ::[Chyna pauses.]:: You've been here for the entire two years, haven't you?

::["Make-Up Artist" Jan]::- Yes, finally, someone who knows how long I have been here. You know Chyna, people still question me. Would you like a quick tune up Chyna, not as if you need one though?

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- I can use one because I plan on going out to the ring and addressing a few issues about the future of XwwA. ::[Chyna takes a seat in the chair as Jan stands behind her with the combs and begins combing Chyna's hair.]:: Any idea who's going to win the Queen of the Ring this year Jan?

::["Make-Up Artist" Jan]::- I don't have any idea. Every year my pick has been wrong so I dare not to pick again. What if my pick is wrong again? ::[Jan laughs along with Chyna for a second.]:: There's so many beautiful divas who are very talented and a lot of them do deserves this.

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- I believe you to an extent, but nobody has earned this more than me. ::[smiles]:: We'll just have to see what happens in the future, won't we? ::[Chyna takes a quick pause and looks up at the mirror in Jan's little booth.]:: Where did you get that picture from? ::[Cuts Jan off before she can even speak.]:: I didn't know anyone else had that picture except me and the original members of D-Generation X.

::["Make-up Artist" Jan]::- I have always been a fan of Triple H and when he had an autograph session HERE in the XwwA, I decided to go. How have you and him been any way in Chyna? ::[As that is said Chyna looks back at Jan with a pissed off expression on her face.]:: Did I say something wrong?

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Like you haven't heard about Triple H and myself? ::[Jan shakes her head in confusion.]:: Hunter and I broke up, mainly because she decided to cheat on me with that sleazy bitch Stephanie McMahon. What can you expect though Jan? One day Triple H will realize what he had and what was the better environment for him.

::["Make-up Artist" Jan]::- I'm so sorry to hear that Chyna. If I had any idea about the situation I would have just left it alone. Chyna tell me, what's your goal here in the XwwA? What do you plan on doing this time that you haven't done in the past?

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- There's a lot of things I could do Jan, but I think my main goal will to become XwwA Women's World Champion one day in the near future. I have no doubt running through my head that I will become World Champion very soon. I don't think any of these women are ready for the new Era. The Era of Destruction and doomed brought to who ever steps into the ring with me. Each week the questions that shall be asked are; "do you think you can survive?", and "are you ready?"

::["Make-up Artist" Jan]::- I could see you becoming World Champion very soon Chyna. You have all the wrestling moves and you are extremely smart. You can do something most divas in my opinion can't do.

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Absolutely Jan, I couldn't say it better myself. When it all boils down to it, I'm the dominate female of the Xtreme Women's Wrestling Alliance. I'm not afraid to get inside the ring against anyone. However, those women should be afraid of getting inside the ring with me! Who knows what I am capable of doing Jan besides myself? I have done a whole lot in my lifetime, more things than these women could dream of doing. I've been able to beat a man who's ten times bigger than a good percentage of these divas. If not all of the divas. I'm dominate and I will dominate each week on Fury until I have claimed my glory! Can you believe it's been two years and I have never held the Women's World Championship?

::["Make-up Artist" Jan]::- Are you serious Chyna? I always thought you were a one time Women's World Champion.

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Whenever I tried I was ended up pretty screwed over. Anyway, Jan it was really great talking to you and thank you for making me pretty. *laughs* I really must be going now I have some very important business issues to take care of.

::["Make-up Artist" Jan]::- No problem at all Chyna, you just come back and visit me! *smiles*

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- All right bye girl.

::[Chyna stands up from the chair hugging Jan before walking away from the make up booth. Chyna walks off as if she's going toward the ring, but all of a sudden a familiar voice is heard. Chyna stops and turns around as her face turns white. Her jaw drops open in shock and just stands there staring at the person.]::

( Scene | #2 | Being Famous Brings Enemies! )

::[Chyna is now under control as she turns back around and pursedues to go on with her business. Who was that person? What connection do they have with Chyna? Will these answers be answed? Right before Chyna gets to the ring area Josh Matthews quickly runs up to Chyna with an microphone in hand.]::

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- What can I do for you?

::["Not Tough Enough" Josh Matthews]::- I wanted to ask you a few questions if that's all right with you.

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- I don't recall you as being an interviewer.

::["Not Tough Enough" Josh Matthews]::- I'm Josh Matthews, I'm new.

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- I suppose you can ask your questions Josh.

::["Not Tough Enough" Josh Matthews]::- Last week we saw you debut back into the XwwA, but what's up with stealing Mr. Bates from Victoria?

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- I stole Mr. Bates? Where would you get a idea like that from?

::["Not Tough Enough" Josh Matthews]::- Victoria's going around saying you stole Mr. Bates.

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Just for the records Josh, I did not touch her stupid snake. Why would I even want to? It was disgusting!

::["Not Tough Enough" Josh Matthews]::- By any chance will we see the two of you conclide?

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- I wouldn't see why not Josh. Victoria may be some big diva to a lot of divas, but to me? She's nothing more then a walking target! I've beaten Victoria before and I could easily do it again if given the opportunity. The only question is will Linda give me the opportunity?

::["Not Tough Enough" Josh Matthews]::- Do you think being one the mystery diva will cause some problems in the locker room area?

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Why would it cause problems Josh? All of the divas had their chance in the tourney and most of them were eliminated. Is it my fault that they couldn't over come the odds? No, it's not my fault and I will not let their emotions get in the way of the Queen of the Ring tourney.

::["Not Tough Enough" Josh Matthews]::- This is your first week back and you were put right into the tourney.

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Josh why don't you take a good look at my achievements before you question Linda McMahon's autority? She put me in the tourney because she knows I'll give the women a run for their money. Hell, I'll beat some of them in a matter of seconds! Who ever has a problem with me being an mystery diva, they can meet me out in that ring!

::[Josh goes to speak, but is quickly cut off by Victoria and Steven Richards. Victoria who is holding onto Mr. Bates tightly while staring down Chyna.]::

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Aren't you quite a ways away from the insane asylum?

::["The Black Widow" Victoria]::- You stole Mr. Bates and now you have to pay!

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Like I told you last week Victoria, I did not touch your disgusting snake. Is it my fault your snake was so terrified of you he just couldn't resist getting away?

::["The Black Widow" Victoria]::- You're wrong! You're wrong Chyna! Mr. Bates loves me!

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- *looks around* Yeah, sure whatever you say Victoria.

::["The Black Widow" Victoria]::- You will pay for this Chyna! You'll pay for this!

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Are you on medication? *laughs* I'm sorry that came out of no where. However, I really must be going, but if you want a match with me. Please do go recommend one next week on Fury.

::[Chyna turns around and continues to walk over to the ring area as the scene fades with Victoria kissing Mr. Bates.]::

( Scene | #3 | Onwards to the Ring! )

::["Don't Treat me Like a Woman" starts to play throughout the arena as the fans stand up from their feet with cheers and chants of "Chyna" could be heard throughout the arena. Chyna walks out from the black entrance curtains stopping at the top of the ramp placing both hands upon her hips as she looks across the large crowd of fans currently at the XwwA's house show. Chyna begins to walk down the ramp with a smirk on her face as the fans reach over the barricade to touch Chyna's shoulders. Chyna reaches the bottom of the ramp way and just stares at the ring with a smirk across her face. Chyna looks very pleased to have returned to the XwwA. Chyna then gets upon the ring apron and goes through the second and third rope entering the ring. Chyna stands directly in the middle of the ring lifting her two arms in the air smiling over the audience as chants of "Chyna" are heard. Lillian Garcia extends her hand with the microphone handing it to Chyna with a smile on her face. Lillian exits the ring as the music fades and the lights turn back to normal.]::

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]:- How many people were surprise when Linda McMahon announced that I was one of the mystery divas in the Queen of the Ring tournament? I do have question for Linda McMahon, when she booked me against two little girls. I'm not facing just one little girl, but I'm facing two. Linda McMahon booked me against Lollipop and my former friend Miss Kitty. Now who in the right mind would pick one of those little girls over ME? No one! Miss Kitty may have been on somewhat of a winning streak as of late, but her streak ends here. Lollipop weren't you the one who came from Nwa-Tnn? Yes, I believe that's about right. You were one of their dancers so to speak, not an in the ring competitor. Lollipop, you really have no place in this match especially against me. Do you have any idea how easily it will be for me to literally take you out? It will only be a matter of seconds before you are laying flat on your back in the middle of the ring. When looking at this match Lollipop do you have any idea what I think? I think Linda McMahon was insane to make this match, but then I remember what we are fighting for and that's enough for me to pursue this match. Lollipop, our sizes should be enough for you to know you are over your head. For you to come out to the ring Lollipop, would make you just stupid. I have done a lot more in this business than any other woman in our industry. Lollipop there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that you will only bring Miss Kitty a challenge if that even. I can't stress it more Lollipop. What can you bring me in this match besides a good laugh? You obvious have not taken a good hard look at the roster before you signed the dotted line on your contract because if you had you would know that there's hardly anyone you will be able to bring a challenge too. Are you sure you will be comfortable here Lollipop? Your very first in the ring match will end with a loss which will not sit well with the front office. Your dreams about becoming Queen of the Ring are going up smoke after I am finished demolishing you Friday night. Friday is also my returning match so the two of us have a lot to prove. Lollipop, you must prove to me, you're not a waste of my precious time. Which I highly doubt you can because to be quite honest with you, you are without the slighest doubt running through my head a waste of time. You're absolutely the most pathetic female "superstar" that has ever came across the XwwA. In the end Lollipop, you are going to regret signing with the XwwA because signing with the XwwA was like signing over your life.

::["9th Wonder of the World" Chyna]::- Miss Kitty how does it feel to know your "friend" has returned to the XwwA? Miss Kitty, I have the same exact thing to say to you. Stacy when I look at you and Lollipop the two of you look exactly the same and the two of you do just about the same stuff. The two of you enjoy dancing, neither one of you have much experience in the ring, and the two of you enjoy showing off you bodies degrading the other women in our industry. I'm not trying to put you down in any way Stacy, but it's time to realize your time here in the XwwA has come to the end. After I am finished with you and Lollipop the two of you will be stack on top of each other and I will literally pin the both of you for the three count. Miss Kitty in the past you have defeated Starr and Torrie Wilson which were very incredible victories for you, but those victories will not be enough for you to use against me. I am still the greater factor in this match. The world knows exactly what's going to happened when I step inside that ring. These fans know that you will fall to my Chyna 9 power bomb. What would you expect Stacy? Are you expecting a little sympathy from me? Stacy the two of us may be friends to an extent, but you are somewhat two faced. Do you remember back in the WWF where I kicked your ass along with my ex-boyfriend's ass? How could I ever trust you after that? You left my side to be with my ex-boyfriend. What kind of mess is that? You were dressed up like me and everything, but Stacy, you forgot one thing. There's no way in hell you could ever be like me! Miss Kitty there's nobody in this world who will be able to stop me from becoming Queen of the Ring, not even our friendship could stop me! I have had this dream since the beginning of XwwA and have I ever won the Queen of the Ring? No, and why Stacy? There has always been some woman in my way who's tears stood in my way. It's no surprise that I have been very sympatric in the past, but the remorseful Chyna is gone. Stacy try not to take it personal because at the end of the night you will be thanking me for eliminating you from the Queen of the Ring tourney. You have no idea what it takes to be Queen of the Ring. First of all, you have tons of responsibilities and you have to lead a perfect example for your fellow divas. That part fits me.. BEST! I am not the least bit worried about this round or the next round because it will be a breeze for me. I'm thinking I could let you and Lollipop go at it first. Then, after one of you have been completely decapitated, I'll slowly work my way into the match finishing off who ever is left in the ring for me. That plan sounds a lot better to me. By the way ladies, don't say anything you will not be able to back up Friday night because you will only be making a bigger regret. The both of you are already making an sacrifice by even getting into the ring with me. Women your size against a woman my size? Both of your weights combined don't even come close to my weight. Stepping in the ring with me is an achievement all by itself. The year's Queen of the Ring means a lot to me. It would not only put me at the level where I should be at, but it will also give every woman in XwwA reason to fear me.

::["Don't Treat me like a Woman" starts to play again as the fans cheer louder clapping their little hands together while Chyna looks on in the ring. She drops the microphone in the center of the ring and she lifts her arms in victory pretending like she's just won something. A few seconds later Chyna exits the ring and as she begins to walk up the ramp, the scene fades to black.]::
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