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About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica.
I'm a 17 year old party girl.
I like Venus Hum (Hummingbirds!),
Dirty Vegas (Days Go By!), Sean Paul (Get Busy!)
and The Angel (Destiny Complete...)
17 y/o
Luvin Bman
5'2" tall
102 lbs
Blond hair, Green eyes
shopping, partying, swimming,
volleyball, baking cookies,
chilling with friends on yahoo
and bnet
I like
1) Chocolate and Potato Chips
2) Sunbathing
3) Gin or Southern Comfort
4) Dancing

I'm turned on by
1) Having my legs massaged and caressed
2) Being a good little girl
3) Getting my way
I'm turned off by
1) Being asked about intimate things

Bman ~Je rêve de toi
Zelda ~My #1 Girl, Im here for you always
Rich ~The best friend iv ever had, I wish you were around more
Bill ~I wish my brother's could be more like you
Sean ~My dreadlocked Phish listening hippy friend
Scott ~Channel 1's ok but, you should spend more time with me

To all my friends
~Don't look for the light at the end of the tunnel,
go light it yourself.

~Today I Love U More Than Yesterday,
but Not as much as Tomorrow

My Friends are like my clothes
i just can't get enough of them!!

To all the h8ers

~To catch me,
you gotta be fast;
to find me,
you gotta be smart;
but to BE ME!!
You must be kidding!!

~I'm not ignoring you,
you're just insignificant!

~i am independant
and abusive...stay out of my way...

A few WurdZ

*NeVa LoVe A PLaYa CaUse
He'LL NeVa LoVe YoU BaCk!

*GoOD GiRLz R Swt GoOD GiRLz R NiCe
BuT IM ThE NaUti 1 Wit WhiP CrEaM & ICe!

*nO1 cOuLd eVa TaKe mY sPoT...... .
iM dA SeXeE LiL qT
WhOz aLwAyZ mAkiN iT hOt

*Da Mind Developes Da Lust
The Eyes Show The Desire
The Body Entangles The Passion
But The Soul Releases The Xtc


*IF YoUr SwEeT CaLL mE BaBy ~
~IF YoUr NicE cAll Me HuNnaY ~
~IF YoUr SeXxy CaLL Me YoUrS

........ ¤.¸.·´¨) P¡MpEtTe Of Da yEaR
............... ¸.·´ PLaYeTtE Of Da SeAsOn
.. ¸.·´ Ur bOyFr¡EnD LeFt Ya
( *n* ¡M Da ReAsOn ...... .
`·.¸ So WatCh Ya BaCkS
...... . ) *n* MaKe SuM rOoM
¸.·´CUz DiS L¡L SwEeT¡E
( _¸.·*·.¸¸.·´`» ¡S CoMiN ThRu

*Just look into my eyes and tell me what you see
A soul filled with XTC that gets u on your knees
A thirst to be sinful and a quench to be pleased
To get what I want and everything I need.

*StOp HoNkiN ThE HoRnS*

*StOp CaLLiN My NaMe*

*CuZ i aLrEaDy KnO*

*i GoT u GOiN iNSaNe*

*WaLKiN DoWN THe STReeTt~FeeLiN THe CooL BReeZe
aS aLL THe HoTTieS HeaDS TuRN 90º
&SHaKiN ouR BooTieS
No1 CaN RePLaCe THeSe FLy @$$ CuTieS!

*Some may call it XtC*
*Some may call it destiny*
*Some may call it meant 2B*
*But I Just call it *u* -n- *me*

` ´
: X
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. T «~ I'm a Pure Angel .
· .¸)×
`·¸ C
-:¦:- -:¦:-
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