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Saturday, 25 November 2006
Dare 2 B!

"I may not be perfect but I choose to love myself, love others, love life, and most of all, I choose to have joy!"

This has become my anthem going into the new year of 2007. I along with other family members were inspired to proclaim this statement after receiving a loving "life lesson" from our ever so beautiful and graceful Aunt Odessa.

The after dinner message was a spontaneous one that only a few were privileged to hear. Aunt Odessa's words poured over us like warm oil, anointing and healing our hearts and our wounds.

She instructed us not to be bound by our mistakes but to sincerely learn from them and not be a repeated offender. She shared on learning to love yourself unconditionally even when those whom you love, seemly don't. "Settling for less is not an option, you must tell yourself everyday that you are beautiful or handsome and that you deserve to be treated well!" she boasted.

Having coped with the passing of three sons, this strong woman of faith stressed the importance of moving from hurt into healing through the divine power of Jesus Christ and putting the word of God into practice.

Her profound words were that of seasoned wisdom taken from 60 years of marriage, raising 7 children, and everyday living.

This holiday season and for the upcoming year, I give to you a few of Aunt Odessa's joyful living nuggets...

"In life you will face things that will cause you to feel as if to die will cease the pain, but in life sometimes you have to fight, cry, get angry and feel afraid along with the good times, but always remember through it all, God loves you and though things may not be "alright" and "just the way we want them to be," you still have life and the ability to love. It would be so unfair for you to give up and die or shut down your heart to ever love again when there are people around you that love, support, and need you.
You have purpose in this life. Don't just look for happiness in life, ask God for JOY to love living!"

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 28 November 2006 3:11 PM EST
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Friday, 24 November 2006
Holiday CLW'S

1) Temptation's Christmas Album! "Sounds of Christmas"

2) Loreal Volume Mascara! "Flirty Lashes"

3) Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate! "Warm Nights"

4) Big Red Chewing Gum! "Great For Holiday Kisses"

5) New Glade Scented Candles! "Home Sweet Home"

6) Faux Mink Blanket! "Fireplace Drama"

7) Nestle Toll House Morsels! "For Sweet Treats"

8) Burt's Lip Balm! "Chapped Lips No More"

9) Steve & Barry's Store! "$20 & Under gifts"

10) Any Dollar Store! "A Gift Wrappers Paradise!"

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 25 November 2006 1:14 PM EST
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Thursday, 23 November 2006
Inspired Living!

"It happened–– to ME!" I said choking down tears that nobody expects. "What did I do to
deserve this! Was my hair up when it should have been down. Or was it down when it should have been up. Was my skirt short? Did I do something."

"I am not white," I justified–– "Am I not a strong BLACK woman?" But rape is not a White woman’s crime. It is a crime of control and yes, it happened to me.

The couch hugged me like a mother’s arms. I fell deep into the wanting security. I needed HELP, but who could I really call?

As the chair held my body and sanity, I reached for the phone to call my boyfriend, my thought to be "savior" from this sudden insanity. He answered and immediately there was a brief moment of peace. I felt safe from the harm that had invaded "our" intimate space.

In my attempt to tell him what happened, I burst out into tears, through my sobs I spoke, "He just showed up. And I didn’t want to be rude. So he sorta kinda stayed but.. it wasn’t.... Umm. like that!" "It was harmless. He talked like a normal person. But what was so strange about him is that he knew everything about me! He even knew I was dating you!" "I tried .. I..... I mean I tried to get away from him.... But... But!"

Mr. Boyfriend’s voice wasn’t in the least bit alarmed. Rather it had the sound of commonality like any old day. "Stop playing, Veca.. You know this was one of your played out fantasies. What did you have on?" Shaking the last hope of help, I closed my eyes and inside I buried myself.

You see–– I had died 20 minutes earlier, when a man I knew raped me! He killed the innocence of just being a woman. I was paralyzed in the thought of the moment, as I laid dying under the unimaginable force of his raging lust. Squirming and squirming trying to break free from a hold that was beyond human strength, I was under his arrest.

I remember asking God to help me, as I heard him say, "When I saw you, I knew I had to have you!" Over and over again he repeated, "Your hair. Your eyes. You are so beautiful." To me I was no longer beautiful, everything beautiful was broken as he found pleasure in hurting me.

"JESUS," I screamed. In a miracle movement, my body levitated from underneath his, as he was engaged in a release. Desperately, I ran and hid myself underneath my dining room table as my attacker "walked" out the door. It was then that I actually died.

In the chair, thoughts raced through my mind, I felt RAGE and utter DISGRACE and Mr. Boyfriend, the love of my life, my supposedly "Night In Shining Armour" didn't come to my rescue but instead left me in this cold dungeon, ashamed, afraid, and all alone...

Today as you read my story, imagine yourself. Yet even in the midst of devastation, God's STRENGTH was made PERFECT in my weakness. Yes, God’s strength covered me and repaired me. This is the healing that so many people do not receive, after experiencing rape.

For every rape, abuse, abandonment, or for whatever hurts you may have experienced in your life,"Silence Is Not Golden," you must have the courage to tell your story in order to take back the power and control that was unwillingly given. This heals you and others who hear your words of victory.

Through Christ, you can receive total restoration, he is the only true and living Savior who cares for you, will carry your burdens, heal your hurts, and give you everlasting peace; making you whole again just like he did for me.

By: Evangelist Vee-Veca Torrence, Real Ministry

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 28 November 2006 2:00 PM EST
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Wednesday, 22 November 2006

Turn off the TV this holiday season, gather together family and friends and bring out the cards and your favorite board games.

Toss in large amounts of delicious snacks, drinks, and laughter to make Game Night a night, everybody will look forward to repeating throughout the new year!

For the kids, recruit a willing tween, teen, or parent to oversee games like Milton Bradley's Candy Land, Monopoly Jr. or Operation. Make sure to give the kids treats that will not have the play pieces Candy Land "icky and sticky."

For the grown ups, Milton Bradley's thinking games like Scattergories, Scrabble, or TDC's Dirty Mind are a sure hit!

For the old school players, bring out the cards for a game of Poker, Spades, or Bidwhist! HIT ME NOW!

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 December 2006 1:16 PM EST
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Tuesday, 21 November 2006
Money Matters!
Most of us have heard the phrase, "giving is not a loss but a gain" and the scripture, "give, and it shall be given unto you.." However, we must be careful not to confuse the PROMISE that comes with giving with the PURPOSE of giving.

The PROMISE in giving is to give and you will recieve more so that you can fulfill the PURPOSE of giving, which is to be a blessing to others.

Giving should never be used as a means of attaining or giving of material items which can leave you broke, busted and in debt going into the new year. The true PURPOSE of giving is a medium through which you become a blessing to other people in so many other ways.

This season, give of yourself, your time, talents, creativity, and your wisdom; create and not buy a gift that is as the credit card company puts it..."Priceless!"

William V. Thompson, "Principles, Promises & Power"

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 28 November 2006 8:16 PM EST
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Monday, 20 November 2006

But with Angel Steward, her smile gives her away every time.

This successful up and coming model with the sparkling trademark smile has given flight to her dreams.

Angel, a tenacious single mother whose fierce determination and raw talent has already knocked down many high profile doors in the fashion and entertainment industry.

Her face is no stranger to print media, having graced the pages of several print ads and magazines such as

Sophisticates Black Hair Care and Styles and Universal Salons.

Her classy style and professionalism has landed her a lead role in the hip hop rappers, Alize's upcoming autobiographical film.

In a recent interview with Young Innovators Magazine, Angel states, "In this industry, you have to be assertive and know what you want out of it. There will be days of discouragements and disappointments but you must maintain your focus or you will be taken advantage of. Surround yourself with a stable base of family and friends that will be your source of support and keep you grounded throughout your career."

One of Ms. Steward's largest event to date has been the Eduserc's 10th annual awards ceremony in Baltimore Md, where she was Eduserc's red carpet reporter.

When asked about the wonderment of her success, her comment is clear, "I am grounded, raising my son Isaiah has matured me into the woman I am. In the aftermath of the lights, cameras, and the glamour, it all comes down to me loving, taking care, and wanting the best for my son. I stay focused, goal oriented, and determined to live out my dreams with my inspiration by my side, Isaiah."

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 December 2006 1:15 PM EST
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Sunday, 19 November 2006
Beauty 101

MMM...Treat your skin this holiday season to some much needed TLC.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize... From California to Canada, drench your skin with a rich moisturizer to replace elasticity.

Night time is the right time for heavier creams. Let the creamy emollients soak into your skin while your body is at rest.

Water, Water, and more Water! Instead of reaching for that next cup of punch or holiday cheer, pick up a glass of water instead.

Water purifies our body and helps with weight loss and skin clarity! Add a slice of lemon, lime, cucumber, or sprig of mint for a delicious added flavor.

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 28 November 2006 3:17 PM EST
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Saturday, 18 November 2006
What's Hot!

Drape yourself in friends & family this holiday and don't forget to pick up a few of these fragrances to make the hugging a bit more sweeter!

Men: Carlos Santana

Women: My Desire Garden Collection Victoria Secret

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 28 November 2006 8:18 PM EST
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Friday, 17 November 2006
Health Watch

Most sexually active teenage know relatively little about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) until it is too late!

"For the most part kids learn about sexually transmitted diseases when they are getting diagnosed with them," said Julie Downs, lead author of the study and a member of the Department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon.

The results came from a survey of 300 adolescent girls in the Pittsburgh area. The researchers gave the a test to gauge their knowledge of eight STDs: HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, genital warts, hepatitis B, trichomoniasis and syphilis. Teens who reported having been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease knew more about that particular disease than other girls, but did not know more about the other diseases. On average, with the exception of HIV/AIDS, the teens did not know many basic facts about STDs.

While it is important for teens to learn about HIV/AIDS, they are far more likely to contract other STDs, according to Downs. "Our schools have decided to focus on AIDS, and that has come at a cost. Teens just aren't being taught about these other diseases, and so they may come away with a false sense of confidence," she said.

The study's findings are troubling because teenagers who know little about STDs are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior and to delay the treatment of STDs. And the consequences are severe. Genital herpes, for example, cannot be cured. Genital warts can render a woman more susceptible to cervical cancer, and chlamydia can lead to infertility.

A 2004 study, involving the same group of teens, found that those who viewed an interactive sex education DVD created by Carnegie Mellon researchers were more likely to become "abstinent" than girls who did not see the DVD.

The 2006 study was co-authored by Wandi Bruine de Bruin and Baruch Fischhoff of the Department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon, and Pamela J. Murray, director of adolescent medicine at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
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Thursday, 16 November 2006
You'll Love It!

Book: "What I Know For Sure!"
Nationally known commentator and activist, Tavis Smiley's autobiography

Video: "Spanglish"
Quirky comedy about the life of an dysfunctional American family, their smart and sassy Spanish housekeeper and her daughter.

Music: "Sweet Dreams" Eric Marienthal
Smooth Jazz for those cold winter night.

Posted by sc3/j_heritage at 12:01 AM EST
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