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(Sorry, Mozilla Firefox often appears as Netscape,No idea why...)

More Informations about my computer.

Hmm, Informations about me :

Email :

AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) : JMC17 Freel0ser (if you have any problems with it just copy/paste it)

I am also very often on,
in the channel : Op JMC17-Bodyguard
If i am not in the channel, but you want to tell me something,
and have a little bit of knowledge about Bots,
(third-party program, a robot program)
then you should be able to mail me without any access on my bot.(i re-shaped it)

If you are too shy or cant wait for a Regular E-mail, and have no knowledge about bots.
Simply write, If JMC17-Bodyguard is in the current channel.

?trigger (it will show you the current trigger to activate one of my commands)
#mail JMC17 (space then the message you wants me to read)
If JMC17-Bodyguard (my bot) responce something like :
<JMC17-Bodyguard> : Mail has been sent.
then i'll receive the message you sent me as soon as i come back in my channel.

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