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Leland Stanford University.




Circa 1891.

Leland Stanford University.

At College.

His sophomore year.

When Herbert was seventeen, he enrolled as a
freshman in Mining Engineering at
Stanford University in Palo Alto, California,
which had just opened in 1891. To earn money Bert
worked at the University office. He also worked
as an office assistant for his Geology professor
Dr John Branner, graduating in 1895.

Stanford as it looks today!

This beautiful University is 112 yrs. old!

It was at Stanford that Herbert Hoover met
his future wife, Lou Henry.

Although Lou had studied to be a teacher, she
changed her mind after attending a lecture by a
famous Geologist, Professor J. C. Branner.
What the professor had to say struck a cord deep
inside Lou. After his speech, Lou asked about the
study of geology for women. With the professor's
encouragement Lou enrolled in the Department of
Geology at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Cal.
Here she meet Herbert Hoover, a senior assistant
to Dr. Branner. They bacame good friends and
found they had much in common.
They were both of the Quaker faith.
They had been born in Iowa in the same year.
They had both moved west at the same time,
and they both loved the outdoors!

Lou's geology class was all boys except for her.
Once the students went on a field trip. they came
to a fence and Bert took her hand to help her over.
instead, Lou hiked up her skirts and jumped over!
After this, their interest in rocks and each other
grew. Lou finished her degree in 1898, while Bert
had been sent to western Australia by the British
mining company, Bewick, Moreing and Company.


The young Mining Engineer.

After graduation from Stanford Lou returned home
to her family, in Monterey. Soon after she
received a marriage proposal from Bert.
He was coming from Australia to marry her.
On Feb. 11, 1899 they were married and sailed
immediately for China. Bert had been hired as
Chief Engineer for the
Chinese Engineering and Mining Company.


The Charles and Florencs Henry family.


Ready for skating!

Lou Henry was born in Waterloo, Iowa,
March 29, 1874. Her father, Charles Henry had
wanted a boy, but after Lou was born he decided
that girls could do anything that boys could do.
He took Lou fishing and canoeing on the
Red Cedar River near Waterloo. On camping trips
he taught her all about the outdoors. At the same
time, her mother Florence taught her how to sew
and do household chores.

In 1887, Charles Henry moved his family to
Whittier, California where he opened a bank.
The new settlement, mostly Quakers, was less than
a year old, with a population of about 100 people.

In school, Lou was very outgoing, and a good
organizer. She loved to read and became president
of a girls Literary Club.
Lou graduated from San Jose Normal School in 1894.


Back to the Hoovers.

Hoover's career made him a young millionaire,
and moved his family around the world.

Lou with her boys.

Herbert Jr. and Allan.

Lou and her boys circled the globe several times
before settling down, in America!

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