All you need is a computer. Dont even need the internet, just a computer.

Now at the computer type ’ultimate hack mode’ anywhere, like in internet explorer. this turns windows on to the secret hacking mode they dont want you to know about.

nothing probably happened but you just didn’t notice.

now go to any website. if you see a number like that is a virus number. People use those numbers called virus numbers to send virusses. or to steal the memory, called RAM.

on the website right click and ’view source’. This is all of the hacking stuff that goes on behind the website that you dont see. They dont want you to know this stuff, but ’ultimate hack mode’ turned it on.

it’s probably in notepad or something like it at this point showing all of the HTML. that stands for hacker talk mega transer. Becuz it’s where all of the hacking talk goes on. So go to file / save as / and then save it as hacked.html on your desktop. You have succesfully deleted this website off of the internet and now you have all of it on your computer. Congratulations you hacker.

Now that you have the website on your computer, you can do anything to them. go to start menu / run / and type ’command’ this opens up a hacker talk mega transfer node for you to communicate with the super servers themselves. type ’loot (whatever you named the hacked website as)hacked.html so whatever you named it as. if you named it jon.html ’loot jon.html’ it’ll say it didn't work, but actually it downloaded their CPU, RAM, IDE, DSL and USB. the CPU is the central password uploader, ram is the memory that can be sucked out of a computer, IDE is the inter-downloada energy, DSL is Disaster Scrambler Link and USB is the ultra secret background. Now you know everything about hacking.

They are probably at their desks saying ’Oh no!! the hackers took my megahurts!!’ If they open up their computers everything will be gone and inside of yours. congratulations! You can steal microsofts site and call them and say "HAHA! I STOLE YOUR MEGAHURTS YOU DUMB FUCKS!" But if you have gigahurts then you have to type in "ultra secure mode" so apple wont steal your gigahurts. Then you can steal their site and take their applehurts.

My friend and I have been doing this for ages and so far nobody has arrested us. our computers are known as ’the 2’. all hackers know ’the 2’ as the most powerful and most secretive computers anywhere in the solar system. I dont normally say this but mine has 2000MHz. that’s how many times I’ve stole sites. it also has ’onboard video and sound’ for fastest and best results, as well as a ’50,000,000,000 byte harddrive’ that is a super lot. that’s known as 50 gigabytes to hackers.

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