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Sometime in 1965, someone very dear to me,
began their formal education in the State of Florida.
As there is so much to see, I wanted to record some
of it for future generations


We begin our tour in Talahassee, the State Capital.

The 20 story tower is Florida's functional Capitol.

The smaller domed structure, is the Historic Capitol.

Near the Capitol buildings, we found the
beautiful MaClay Gardens.

The Walled Garden.

A garden path lined with Azaeleas, Dogwood,
Redbuds and Oriental Magnolias.

And a pond garden!

A canopy road!

Enjoy a leisurely drive on one of
Tallahassee's famous canopy roads.

Just south of Tallahassee
We found this!

Wakulla Springs.

The worlds largest and deepest, known, spring.

On the Gulf coast, a few miles from the Capitol
we found this!

A scenic stopover for migrating ducks and Tourist!

Before we travel on, I want to present
Florida's State Flag.

Their Motto
In God We Trust!

Now click on the license plate
to see Jacksonville.