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Welcome to my website! This, of course, is a personal website, designed and coded by yours truly usin' only a notepad and some cool lookin pics.

So go ahead, I urge you to explore this site, take anything you wish, whether it be source, inspiration, or files. The internet is meant to be open source, so its all yours!
Major whoa! turns out this project in fact, wasn't due... oh well. maybe I'll go do that slideshow in the downloads section now...
This entire project is due today. Hopefully this things up to snuff... I'll try and update every section today.
Allright! This puppy's due tommorow.. and I just completed the outline for my site.
Now is time for the content adding!
Yay! I had my birthday last weekend, on the 15th. Guess what I got!
A stuffed frog!
For my 16th birthday...
*Whew* That was a long hiatus between updates... Work continues on the site. NOT MUCH TO SEE! GO AWAY!
Yeah. Finally finished my logo up top, thanks to for the idea! That's all for now.
Woo-hoo! I've not been workin recently.. blame it on my Pikashoes! Seriously, check these things out!
Second day of beta testing, and I'm STILL writing to myself... I should get this thing online!
News spot! First post.. which, incoincidentally, nobody will read today, for this site won't go online for a while.