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» One-Sided

Brandon's Writing
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» Fire Into The Sky
» Darkness Of The Day
» Crown Of Fire And Blood

» Credits
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» Armageddon
» Bible Codes
» Bible Prophecy

October 27th, 2003


The site is going to be down temporarily for a complete site redesign. Expect an entire new layout (the changes you see now are just temporary and will not stay), and a more professional appearance to the site, hopefully to draw more people in. I appoligize for any problems this may cause any of you, but do not fear, as soon as the redesign is done, it will be uploaded along with any updates I have missed.

Update: The site may not be up again today due to the fact that I was taken to the Emergency Room because my index finger was sliced open.

October 26th, 2003


I noticed quite a spike on the statistics for visits yesterday, thank you everyone. I hope to see this stay as a trend, for if not, I may have to re-design or put more interesting things on the site. "One-Sided" has been put up today. I have decided as of today to begin taking a journal and write down everything that happened and went through my mind that day. I believe the more important piece, is that I am going to carry it with me on a daily basis, as a reminder, as to what, I don't know. I feel maybe I will watch myself more carefully if I think about all the things I have with me. I havn't decided whether or not I will be placing entries onto the site, but as of now that answer is no. That is all the update for today, maybe another poem will be written before the day is over, we shall see.

Song: "Why I'm Here" by Oleander.