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to the isles of Palm
Falaco Island

-=>The Falaco Report<=-
May 16, 2003 - President Eric:
This is the beginning of a new era for Falaco Island. The technology overdrive in the
"Fist Beta" program has gave us the capibilitys of opening this website. In other
words, the world wide web has given us permission to post our data here because of
a computer error in the Falaco Internet SubSystens sent out an undesired request of
asking World Web Services to post here.

May 15, 2003 - General_Rights:
Heredy, Heredy, tis' the dawn of a new site of ye olde Falaco. If thou wishs to be
on thy's site, please email ye President at his email,, it thy

May 15, 2003 - bluebmws:
I KNOW 1337, ph34r me!!!! Anywayz, idz likez to sayz, ahem, I'd like to say that I
have joined Falaco government and want to say, "PH33R M3!!!!"

May 14, 2003 - President Eric:
I present to you the new Falaco Islands website.



-=>About Falaco<=-
Falaco Island was discovered by Sir William Duffy Falaco on May 27, 1503 for the queen of england.

-=>My Visit to Falaco<=-

I remember that fateful day, me, my kitchen, a box of cornpops. It was morning, I just woke up, I
started my first phrase with "Me so Hungy" as I usually say. A decision to change all, I loved cornpops,
but they were expired and the Rice Crispes were brand spankn' new. But, A day without cornpops, is like
a day without a skateboard or my music. As I was about to throw the cornpops in the trash, I could not
resist there taste. So, there it happened, it poured out into the bowl. As I was half done eating, I almost
chocked on somthing what seemed to be a piece of paper wrapped in plastic. As I tore it opened, there
it was : FREE TRIP TO FALACO ISLAND.The next morning I was packed and ready to go.
Here I am in a AIR FALACO JET, air-sick, confused, and I thought I was dead. Then by-the-time I knew
it I arrived.
Here are some postcards, enjoy! - Mr. Kyle

- Here is the Castle Area, this is were the most annoying thing happened to me, first I was insulted by a man
with dandrift, then I almost hit a bicycle rider, THEN I had to pay 12 Dollers because one of them sqweegy guys
cleaned my car when I refused for it! (P.S. There bragging on there postcard!!!!)

- Okay, okay, before you get any ideas, that UFO is Fake, I mean, I say then use a computer to post it on, I mean
seriously, do they expect people to believe this!?!? Why would they make a post card on this dump anyway?

- This, is Desvile, an area in Falaco City wich is awsome, I mean, you have not, I mean HAVE NOT had a hotdog
until you ate one of them hotdogs they make in that tower there. Also, there was a bunch of old people poking me
by that catheadral dealy, I was suspecting they wanted charity money, or food.

-=>Join the team!<=-
If you'd like to join the team, please notify the webmaster (President Eric) at: