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The Chronicles of Jon Schultz










all sections are up!

03.20.03 8:18 PM EST .:. Boom boom you got the spinning of the room



Anyways, last friday was unlike any other friday I have experienced in my lifetime. Me and a couple friends decided it was time to take a crazy trip into mushroom land. I have done this one time before but that time was nothing like this time. This time I tripped real hard. My trip included me being mocked by two animate dolls that had popped out of a painting, my dining room table turning into a big monster with vines growing out of it, me seeing two naked girls, along with many other crazy ass visuals and the most intense part of the trip was all the shit going on in my head. Going through it was hell but looking back on it, it was fun as hell.

I leave you with this picture of me fucking up a 360 flip over some stairs at Kettering, look how fucking high I am, too bad I fucked it up! I suck.

wee look at me

Song of the moment: Styles of Beyond - Underground Sound


03.03.03 6:26 PM EST .:. Whoa dude look at the date, like weird dude

Ok, I just got back from the newly founded Flushing fight club, and I must say that I was very pleased. Except for the fact that I reek like weed now, damn potheads. Anyways, from what I saw, heres some of the match-ups.

Fight 1 - Dumpy Kid #1 vs. Even Dumpier Kid

This fight probably lasted 2 minutes max. 2 minutes of the worst fighting I have ever seen in my life. I do not approve. The fight consisted of Dumpy Kid #1 throwing punches on Even Dumpier Kid while Even Dumpier Kid stood there with a confused look on his face. After Dumpy Kid #1 lands about 5 punches, which could have been dodged by my mom, the fight was over. Thank god.

Fight 2 - Eric Todoro vs. Jamie Floria

Now this fight was much better. It lasted about 4 or 5 rounds and was pretty even throughout the match. It ended with Floria railing Todoro in the face and Todoro hit the pavement. That was fun.

Fight 3 - Nick Hill vs. Jeff Wilson

By far the highlight of the event. Hill knocked the fuck out of Wilson with one massive first blow. Wilson went flying to the ground, kinda like that water bong. Ding Ding fights over.

Fight 4 - Two very pissed off girls

When two girls fight you know its going to be entertaining, and this was no exception. Despite the demand for nakedness, no clothes were shed.

After the girls fought I left in fear of getting a parking ticket. To all the fighters, dumpy or not, I commend you. If I spelled your name wrong, tough shit bitch!


03.02.03 8:59 PM EST .:. Tell me that you mom is better than mine

Wow I'm really getting bored with this site fast. Actually I just haven't got the chance to do any filming lately cause my brother keeps taking his DV camera with him wherever he goes, but we're gonna be going to Mt. Holly tomorrow and hopefully we'll get some sick footage, yay for run-on sentences.

I must say that this weekend has been a very eventful one! As most of you know I got pretty shitty at Dan's lil party. In fact that was the shittiest i've been in over 2 years! I'd just like to say thank you to all of my good friends who took care of me that night, making sure I wasn't dead and all. And to whoever pissed on top of Dan's toilet seat, we will find you, and kill you.

Everyone go and download 50 Cent feat. Eminem - Patiently Waiting while you patiently wait for my next update, which will hopefully have more of a purpose than this one. I'll leave you with this old AIM chat log I have of a conversation between me and greshock.

Backside Retard: my profile is bettar than yours
GRRRRReshock: yeah well you are just better than me all together now arent you
Backside Retard: BASICALLY
GRRRRReshock: tell me that you mom is better than mine
GRRRRReshock: yreah that bsaics but i am the complex
GRRRRReshock: hahahahahaha
GRRRRReshock: funichaj
Backside Retard: did your homospeak to english translator just break?
GRRRRReshock: fuck you
GRRRRReshock signed off at 11:04:29 PM.


02.19.03 4:42 PM EST .:. Like a dream I flow without no stoppin

Whaaaaaat up homies and homettes, my website is now two days old! Fuckin amazing! Yea well I don't really have anything to say except that you should sign my piece of shit guest book and tell me what you think of my site so far. I'll look for a better guest book host later but for now we'll have to deal with the current repulsiveness of it.

The links section is also up, links are fun. If you want me to link to your site let me know on AIM or something. Chances are that I will probably link you, unless you have lots of animal sex on your website like Sarah Dixon.


02.18.03 5:39 PM EST .:. The Dawn of an Era

Yah, this will be my website. It is probably going to take me some time to get this thing online and on a good server, granted I can find one. The main purpose of my site will be to display mine and my friends' mad skrillz on the skateboard and on the snowboard of course.

Also you should check out my bio, you may learn something about me that you didn't know! Yes I know it is very exciting.